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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Dagon, maybe the reason we think you're saying something else is because you don't make yourself clear and are only half sure of things.
  2. I have way to much to do and no idea how to do it, but am expected to do it alone and pay for all that stuff myself... And I'm on a bipolar downswing so here comes the emotional break...
  3. So basically you're saying that somebody will win four times but the chances of picking that winner are to high? Why does us picking somebody matter at all?
  4. That's not what I'm saying at all, I don't even know what that means, you're talking gibberish again. It means that you're saying that because there are other people in the contest they won't win. Which is BS because the odds calculated for that solitary person winning are the same odds for everyone which would mean that nobody would win ever. You only need to calculate the odds for ONE person winning 4 times, that's it.
  5. No... just the acura. My toyotas handle took a year. I don't understand how you did this..Why do you pull so hard on them? Because I pull up on them rather than out. It pulls on the handle in a way that more easily works the weaker parts down
  6. The nuclear fusion inside the star stops when the core is iron, because after this it is no longer energy effective: Binding energy curve First hydrogen is fused to helium, then helium to carbon, then carbon to oxygen, then oxygen to silicon, and silicon to iron. That is the moment where the star cannot longer withstand its gravitational collapse and becomes either a white dwarf, a neutron star or black hole depending on its mass. Not quite, it'll keep fusing but it'll loose energy due to the fusion. Otherwise we wouldn't find elements higher than iron on the table occurring naturally in the environment. That fusion is what drains the energy to leave behind the less energy filled neutron star.
  7. Odds don't change after the contest is won. I'm thinking more along the lines of the fact that the contest "continues"/carries over until somebody wins, but just keeps accruing more money. And in this case, the chances of somebody else winning don't really matter as each individual has the exact same chance of winning as the person trying to win their third or fourth contest. Basically you're saying "They won't win becuase of the 15,999,999,999/16,000,000,000 chance that somebody else will win" which is basically garbage.
  8. Not in the contest that said person is entering. That said, he kinda takes that into account in the fact that calculating the odds of one person winning requires calculating their odds against other members in the contest. And to be technical, the chances of SOMEBODY winning are 1.
  9. http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/sola...oon_991029.html That's one... My astro teacher said two but I could be screwing things up and mixing moons with the Magellanic clouds.
  10. I think the weight for a black hole is 100 or so solar masses. Basic life cycle of the star is going to be that it's burning, then it'll go supergiant (when our son poofs earth at minimum mercury and venus will be inside it's radius) as it starts reactions that loose it energy rather than create because it's got so little hydrogen and helium left. Basically it'll start creating elements above Iron on the periodic table. Once the core no longer has the energy to fuse things the star will eject most of the materials leaving behind a neutron star which will have high mass, but will be VERY small... A neutron star the size of Detroit would turn the earth into a 1/4 inch layer of dust on it's edge. And then the ejections leave enough hydrogen and helium in space that it forms a nebula/stellar nursery to create smaller, longer lived, stars. This sucker will eject a lot of material but the core will implode into a black hole. I'm unsure if the left over materials will create a nebula nearby, or just enter the black hole, but one awesome thing that you see with black holes are accretion disks where the hole is siphoning off the mass from a nearby star. Black hole + accretion disk (ironically taken from the only other state school in Iowa from the one I'm going to): Interestingly we've been able to determine that our sun is NOT the first star in this general vicinity of space due to the fact that we have iron and higher elements. I think we're 3rd generation or older star, but I'm not sure. Factoids! Earth has 3 moons, we just can't see two of em. Also the milky way is in the process of absorbing a pair of smaller galaxies that they recently found (the Magellanic clouds) on the OTHER side of the galaxy from us.
  11. Including yourself? From what I can tell from alans email, basically he calculated the chance of one person winning 4 lotteries in 100, ANY person. Why would "anyone in the world" matter over just a single person?
  12. Seriously Dagon? you're going to refute what a person who's job in life is to teach people math, said about a math problem? You gonna refute an astrophysicist about the stellar parallax of the Magellan clouds too?
  13. No... just the acura. My toyotas handle took a year.
  14. How many miles on it Calax? 110. It's replacing a 96 camery with 191k The question is, did the Camery have working door handles? yeah, then I broke one of those and had to replace it
  15. How many miles on it Calax? 110. It's replacing a 96 camery with 191k
  16. Bought me a car... it needs work to fix some things up... like the drivers side door handle that I broke because I always pull wayy to hard on it (I broke the other one too so...) it's the 98 integra, it'll be interesting learning a stick
  17. I once needed to roll a measly 9 on a total of 7 dice in a game of WH40K to deliver a serious blow to my mortal enemy (my little brother). It came up six 1's and a 2. I lost the game. And I lost a squad of terminators in one round in 2e 40k (3+ on 2d6) I got a few things wrong in my post... it was WH40K Epic (2nd edition) and it was 8 on 6 dice, no less frustrating though. Trying to guess distances to the enemy lines for my Pulsa Rokkit battery. Ended up nuking my own vanguard. Then my Weirdboyz blew up the neighbourhood and the madboyz panicked, starting to lob grenades all over the place. 2/3 of my army dead and the enemy hadn't really contributed to the killing yet. Sounds like a couple of my fights in Myth and Myth 2... stupid dwarves.
  18. Don't forget NUGAS
  19. SPAM MAIL! Silly scammers, the fbi doesn't use @tk.tc emails, and they probably have correct English (justificated... releasement? really?) Edit: And what delicious irony when I looked further back in my spam folder!
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qw5MT63_j7 I warn you, it's got NSFW language but nothing to explciti... It's batman porn where he's a she, and doesn't have a batmobile...
  21. Great job putting BS in my mouth. Have a candy. ... I didn't do that, it's just that your post brings up some annoyance in remembrance of my soon-to-be-ex coworkers who gripe that a game is going up 10 bucks in price. Along with the numerous members of the interwebz who think that we should never have the prices on games jump from their 90's levels.
  22. I never understand players sense of entitlement about "GAMES SHALL NOT INCREASE IN PRICE!" it's a business, they'll go up in price, acti is just the first to do it with pc games. *grumbles like a curmudgeon* I'm messing around in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 again. Playing it on my 22 inch hdmi 1080p monitor... I need to get headphones for this thing, the sound quality sucks.
  23. I'm doing quite fine big boy, but something tells me I need to spray you with ink Seriously Dagon, he was referring more to the fact that in your initial post you said that it was either cheating or god that made the person win. The technical arguments are being handled by more qualified folks and Wals is just saying that there are always going to be statistical anomalies. When you do probability it doesn't mean that because the chance is 1/15 that every 15th is gonna be a win. There are cases where it gets REALLY streaky which I'm sure you've seen in dice games. And yes, she can defy space time to get a double shot of herself like that >.>
  24. Relics RTS's and Blizz RTS are VERY different beasts.
  25. also, I don't exactly want to be on an icy road with a car coming at me while I'm on a 100CC Motorcycle.
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