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Everything posted by Calax

  1. The onus is also on the developer to make the game accessible at any point that somebody should decide that they need a break. As in they're able to pick it back up, and pull something up that gives a quick recap of wtf is going on. Having lulls in the story is a good thing, it provides the player a moment to breathe. The issue here is that that ME2's story/gameplay design left it so that the main story was very minimal in comparison to the various sidequests. You had 5 "story" missions (intro, previously stolen colony, Colony being stolen, derilect, and finale) but 8 side missions that were each as big as a story mission. This may just be me but I'd think that the story should take up more time and gameplay than the "gathering your friends" segment of the game.
  2. Yes. Ezio just... feels almost to perfect. >.>
  3. Not gonna lie, from what I've seen the community on this server sorta-kinda sucks. Right now there's a water invasion in the newbie zone which means that basically the place is coated with enemies of different levels than they should be. And it seems like there's NO groups really trying to clean up the army of enemies. This place being the server, and the time being 3pm server time.
  4. I mentioned they'd basically taken everything from wow and built upon it. And no you don't need steam if you buy the in-store verison.
  5. I was messing around and ended up making a Necro/Lock/Chloro (of all things) mage... Just for Tale.
  6. Monte, I think the big thing that people love about the books is that they're political thrillers with magic, rather than "I wanna rip off tolkien!" with some minor politics thrown in to be "different". The first book is fun the first time and fairly well paced. But the books aren't really for everyone. I probably won't be picking up the latest because, well, his pacing sucks after that first book. Also doesn't help that I'm interested in battles etc and his "fight" scenes are basically handled offscreen with after-the-fact descriptions rather than actually having to write out the scene.
  7. Isn't the incest thing one of the reasons the Dragon Kings got overthrown and why Dany is now on the other continent?
  8. If you want us to have a warlock, then make one!
  9. I'm a Cleric by the name of Cardath... I'm still exploring all the classes however
  10. Today's Penny Arcade has to do with Game of Thrones.
  11. Yep. Got a cleric to mess around with all set up (Cardath).
  12. It's only really necessary in raiding that you use something like Ventrilo.
  13. I'm in the Central states right now.
  14. I'm mainly on several servers simply because I've got friends who popped up on each different one Haven't found communities on any of em.
  15. Yeah. It seems like they took what has worked from WoW (the control scheme, stories through zones, basic class and stat mechanics) and then dropped what hadn't, and then refined that into this with an updated graphics engine. The way I put it to a friend was that this would be about the game that Blizz would LIKE warcraft to be, but don't have time to make the necessary changes to update the art/quests/mechanics and keep up with the demands of the players. Also the rifts and invasions are actually really fun. Instead of having to go "OH crap! Psst you wanna help me out?" you just hit a button and are placed within a raid or group that's dealing with the rift(s). I've seen a lot of people being helpful which is nice after the calcified WoW community that expects you to know everything off the bat.
  16. Yeah it does.
  17. My highest is a lvl 20 on Faeblight (an RP server). I'm starting to move to Arcanis.
  18. Jumped into Rift. It's quite enjoyable and feels like the devs decided that since WoW was old and static they'd just go ahead and make a WoW 2 learning from everything WoW has done thus far and improving on it.
  19. I love it how you guys still try to package this as being somehow sinister. FFS, this is how the software business should work, find interesting independent project, fund it, proft. Next you guys'll be praising Bobby Kotick as a visionary to me. I'm not saying it's something sinister. Sure I used slightly different language than would be the norm, but it's not like they were trying to hide the fact they simply said "Oh hey, these guys are doing something cool! QUICK HIRE THEM!" And it is a good thing that this sort of thing happens. It's not like we're back in the 90's and 80's where a game studio was three guys in a garage hammering out a game in 2 days.
  20. Worked, spent the last hour and 10 minutes there with just me and one other person (out of FIVE) who knew how to do anything beyond front counter. Ment that one of us was always taking orders while the other micromanaged every food item and customers' order as best they could (needless to say at least two people got lost because of a distinct lack of communication from the three who had very little clue as to what to do). Oh, And we ran out of Fish so that had people at our throats.
  21. Well, why didn't other devs saw those same guys doing cool **** and buying them up first? Digipen has their campus in Redmond, while Valves main office is a stones toss away in Bellevue. Valve guys probably went to the digipen expo and liked Narbacular drop so much they hired the guys to do Portal. Even they admit that that was how they found the guys and hired them.
  22. Another Wii device has been confirmed for release next year by nintendo.
  23. Bio ret-conned that so that the "true" sith are just sort of pure idealistic sith who've lived on the fringes and built up their empire, while the stuff from the Great Hyperspace war and the Sith War (as Massassi) was just a splinter group of THAT. In the same vein that Mandalorians got hit with a fairly hefty retcon for similar reasons.
  24. there are a few, at least in multiplayer.
  25. One of the final levels in particular having to do with Goo...
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