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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Well, from what little I played, it seems like instead of "prepping for the suicide mission" you're "prepping for the last fight". I only played 2 hrs or so, but one of hte major themes/styles is that you're getting EVERYONE you can to be on war footing for you. This includes getting "War Assets" like a video Journalist (btw, the "super punch out" journalist returns).
  2. Origin Hath Unlocked thine ME3
  3. The things I do in my random off time.
  4. They were an absolute monarchy before, and the people LIKED it that way
  5. No but they recently went to a constitutional monarchy, AGAINST THE DESIRES OF THE PUBLIC.
  6. Assassins Creed 3 will be set in the 'merican revolution.
  7. Man, I could be quoting Stalin or Hitler for all we know. Ever heard of Bhutan?
  8. An RPG set in a not-so-fantasy kingdom (George RR Martin style, with les magic) where the PC is a minor member of a royal family and ends up embroiled in politics to the point where s/he is one of the last remaining members of the Royals and must retake the throne.
  9. Depends on the area. I'm sure some of the inner city schools have weapons/substance violations as a main reason, but as you get more sub-urban you have to try harder and harder. I think stabbing somebody on campus would count... but just getting in a fight is a simple suspension.
  10. Basically, it and Just Cause 2 are twins.... with Just Cause 2 being slightly more serious (very slightly) and more "one man army" while Saints Row is just kinda poking fun at the whole "worship the gangsters" stuff.
  11. "We're sorry but this site is not accessible from the UK as it is part of our international service and is not funded by the licence fee." What the hell? Try .co.uk? For those wondering, my cousin is Tom who had to get his shoes on.
  12. So... basically he was sent to a boarding school for screw ups and was trying to say it was because he was an atheist only? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that the guy is using that experaince mixed with things he's heard to provide a "real" experiance. One of the issues is that there's no way to verify what was going on, and then in the comments another guy started digging into the "technicals" of it, and honeslty, it does sound like he's mixing a boarding school, with prison info. The one in the Comments (Academy at Ivy Ridge) has had warning signs flaring for a while it seems (been in constanty legal issuse for a decade), but *shrugs*. I mean it's not like they're the Aussie Church of Scientology that has their lesser liked members breaking concrete for 16 hours a day with a single 8 hr sleep period where they cant talk.
  13. Apparently my cousin got into a BBC news piece http://www.bbc.com/travel/blog/20120208-the-bureau-of-unknown-destinations
  14. I am giggling at the sense of resignation that the republicans are showing as in reference to romney being the nominee
  15. I think that Colbert did that on tv really recently as part of his comedy feud with Jimmy Fallon. I think they made the point that the Himalayan glaciers aren't retreating because they're so high up that it's not as effected by climate change (because -40 below and -10 below will still freeze any piece of ice). But other glaciers (Iceland, greenland, antartic and siberian) are all showing significant retreats.
  16. It would work... but it'd probably be something like TOR, except the combat was more like Battlefield or standard ME (no melee and squad based)
  17. two things 1) Der, you're drafted to help me mess around in the ME3 multiplayer 2)
  18. You know, the evil clouds are hanging over you too.
  19. Because if you want your economy to recover, you need money to move and the rich won't ever have the amount of money moving that the "pelbs" would under any circumstances.
  20. Well, one of the issues is that we are trying to do a lot more, with significantly less money compared to other administrations. The deficit would be gone within 10 years if we let the Bush Tax Cuts drop. It's just that right now a POWERFUL part of the republican base (Tea Party) is demanding that we do everything to cut spending AND taxes.
  21. Just went about and canceled my account, still have 49 days on my subscription... but I have no idea how much I'd actually play it given that there isn't really a community I'd been a part of.
  22. Well... 90% of the time solving the problem would be to do what Obama is trying to do (pump more money into the system, raise taxes, give health care to those who don't have it.... you know so we have a pool of workers), and thus the Republicans find themselves ideologically forced to NOT solve the problems and instead rely on 'you so stupid' to get them through.
  23. Eh, I don't think so... it's just that they're so disconnected from what the majority might want (well, the leadership is anyway) that they assume that any of their candidates has a chance to beat Obama. After all, several of their party leaders have said "We want him to be a one term president" a couple of times.
  24. I'm pretty sure there is one overall.
  25. I am currently waiting for the inevitable 'it was da games!' cries after a school shooting today
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