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Everything posted by julianw

  1. No. I think he has the hots for it actually. p.s. Don't worry, Draken. Eldar has never turned down a request yet.
  2. Crikey! The Obsidian Office is only 10 minutes away. Perhaps I should make a thank-you visit sometime...
  3. He's no dictator Lucius, he was democratically elected. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> By a corrupt system though.
  4. Over-reacting probably helps him in his cause. Obviously he's not trying to change facts (Holocaust existed and the state of Israel is not going anywhere) but to create controversy and more conflicts.
  5. Mothie is probably going to college very soon though. You will have to do the job over holidays.
  6. link <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Just read it. I still don't think he is denying the Holocaust; only denying its significance in history. I mean if he truly believes that Holocaust never existed, why does he call on the Europeans to give part of their land for compensation to the Jews?
  7. I couldn't find a direct quote but it seems that the new Iranian president never denied that six million Jews were murdered during W.W.II. He called it a crime committed by the Europeans and said that the Palestinians have no responsibility to have to pay for the those crimes done on the Jews. Correct me if I am wrong.
  8. My Sassy Girl - Best Korean Comedy Ever!
  9. Is it the one with Wesley Snipes? Decent action film though not enough suspense to count as a political thriller. (I knew the girl was trouble. Never take into service those who betrayed their own master or boss in this case.)
  10. I thought the movie was fairly accurate on the character of Saladin. He warred on Jerusalem for reasons very similar to those in the film: to stop the slaughtering of Muslim pilgrims. In fact, he did not even seek revenge since he sent messengers 5 times (all slaughtered by the Crusaders of course) to ask for peace (even after his sister is raped and murdered). The part they got it wrong is that Saladin simply marched into the city with little causalities and willingly offered free passage or stay for all Christians and Jews and not forced into it by some boy who probably never existed. In fact, it was years later that Saladin was forced to negotiate a truce with King Richard (a Crusader who was actually respected by the Muslims) so that Christian pilgrims from the West were allowed to visit Jerusalem
  11. I've been eating rice all my life and never knew that a rice field can be so pretty.
  12. Petay - Care to explain that picture?
  13. ^ I think what you actually need is a big confidence boost. If you spike up your hair and put on a slick shirt, you could probably get any girl you want.
  14. ^ I am pretty sure they are Japanese since my Japanese roommate pointed it out for me. Now I seem to remember that there are three different versions of written Japanese just like you said and one of them closely resembles Chinese, so it must be katakana or hirigana on the doors inside Serenity.
  15. Yep. A Jennifer Connelly lookalike on top of that. Eldar - So you teach at UCR?
  16. If things get worse, at least you know you are getting closer to the end and not the other way around.
  17. I love Manchester <{POST_SNAPBACK}> At least you didn't grow up in a city ranked second to last every year in the whole world for pollution. From what I gathered, Manchester feels kind of like San Francisco. Must be a nice place.
  18. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Funny. That's exactly the look on my roommates. I am blasting it.
  19. My best childhood friend is studying in Manchester. He tells me it's way better than our hometown (but that's not really saying much).
  20. Thanks for clearing that up. There's a lot of written Japanese as well, but you really can't expect the actors to master a whole new language just for a film now, can you?
  21. I have the exact opposite approach. Running down civilians repeatedly with a Hummer or a truck is why I play that game. Beating people with a bat and watch them scream until the floor is covered with blood is pretty cool, too. Getting away from the police afterwards is kind of a problem though.
  22. Just saw the film. What's up with all the lines in Chinese mandarin? Is that some inside thingie that you must watch the TV show to fully appreciate? Good movie, btw. I'd like to see a sequel made.
  23. You know. I think you only keep saying that to keep the stalkers away.
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