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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Lucius: You mean THAT Lucius?! Have at you, traitor!
  2. Yeees... because blindly stumbling automata do so well at fighting?
  3. This is one of those situations you can get into when you work for a bunch of fethwits. I'm proud to say that when I worked in customer service (for my sins) I had a boss who - although categorically insane - was willing to put up his hands and say we'd made a mistake. It was fun to say it because people never expected it.
  4. Presumably... *thinks* this means the PLO encourage D&D?
  5. The link will no longer take you to the first episode, as only a week is stored.
  6. Does anyone own or have access to an Emperor Titan?
  7. I remember the girls chasing me around the playground playing a fiendish game called 'kiss chase'. That's surely sexual harassment. :'( Seriuosly though, knowing small kids the poor guy was probably just copying something he saw an adult do somewhere. Not really his fault, surely? but someone ought to step up and admit responsibility.
  8. I think firstly that if they exclude rpg'ers then they will have an even bigger shortage of staff. Secondly that many rpg'ers make up precisely the kind of imaginative, but retentive chaps we need in the Forces. I wouldn't want everyone to be one, but certainly some.
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Walsingham Francis Walsingham. Unscrupulous defender of the oppressive reign of Elizabeth the First.
  10. We're getting onto another subject there. I'm simply saying that if you really have tried hard to stop a crime, and people keep doing it IN THEIR MILLIONS, thereby funding foreign and domestic enemies to teh tune of billions of dollars a year ... And someone gives you the notion of decriminalising the activity and in fact making it completely free... then it's a plan. EDIT: Just to prove my intellectual cojones I'd like to use a Waterworld analogy. The world begins to fill up with water. We can try at vast expense to shore up our borders, and that's not a bad idea. But if it turns out that the sea defences just aren't working maybe it's times to grow gills and live in that fabulous kingdom under the sea. It's not how grandad thought we'd be living, but it might be quite nice.
  11. I'll accept there's a paradox in being forced to defend freedom. But is that any more crazy than fighting for peace? Or living only to die?
  12. I'm trying to think of what I should sing. Any requests?
  13. Where would I host these devilish recordings so they can be accessed?
  14. Godsdammit. i thought our heroic hacking types were suposed to give us options, without expecting pay?
  15. Er... Nightandshade... you do realise that those sentiments expressed are simply those of a vigilante.
  16. I thought is was well known that a vast percentage of crime is committed by a very small percentage of people. Probably even more if we actually caught a lot of the pirates in pinstripe.
  17. I don't think they shoudl use it. Will anything else play Realplayer files?
  18. Guard dog, as a Brit I absolutely concur that the draft would be pointless and even disasterous for any conflict outside of World War 4. But that doesn't mean it won't happen. I also think you underestimate the operational advantages having ten times the number of guys gives you, even if they're half as effective. I am sure you are aware of the gun being the proverbial 'idiot stick'.
  19. Actually, I tell a lie. We don't hate the French, and they don't hate us. It would a superfluous emotion to bring into a perfect state of warlike mistrust and antipathy. Hate has nothing to do with us having wars with them after so long.
  20. Surely not. I mean to say, we English have been at war with France for practically our entire history. Hell, one of our wars lasted more than 100 years! There's nothing quite like a really good enemy.
  21. http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbc7/listenagain/monday/ I thought this might interest y'all, given our frequent discussions about morality, and Deus Ex (which makes many references) to this book by G.K. Chesterton. The link above takes you to the BBC 7 webpage, hosting the first installment of the tale, and will last another five days or so. It is free, but only works in Realplayer for reasons best known only to the Beeb. It is a pretty fanstastic, if strange story, and I highly recommend it.
  22. I did a little note-reviewing, and discovered that there seem to be two reasons why people use genocide. 1) Because they set out with a war aim of annihilating an enemy, more or less for the pure joy of it. *disparaging* 2) In the ancient world they set out with the aim of 'civilised' conquest and are driven to commit genocide as a counter-insurgency measure. i.e. if the conquered people persist in trying to hide fighters in the civil population then they eventually lose both. This second point is interesting, because one finds a rise in guerrilla tactics inversely proportionate to the perceived acceptability of committing genocide. Although it doesn't cut the other way so cleanly. Viz the third reich's attempts in WW2. I also note that Stalin commited what you might call 'culturcide' on the cossacks and some other peoples as a means of pre-emptive counter-insurgency. ~~ And I should probably reiterate that I'm not in favour of genocide.
  23. Wasn't Denmark conquered by Sweden at one point? I'd suggest that if our loyal Irish can attack us for past offences in the UK, you can blow up their goat. (Leonard Nimoy Voiceover: ...And so were sown the seeds of World War 4).
  24. I don't think everyone in prison for drug related offences would be 'straight' without the drugs offences. But I certainly think that a large percentage of them would be outside and pretty much crime free with the drug. And thinking about giving drugs away free is a soft option... in what way is heroin addiction soft? It is part of my argument that if the damn stuff was given away free and clean the people taking it might be left with no distractions to prevent them considering whether they wanted their entire life to amount to nothing more than a drugged haze. Which as I said earlier was the reason cited by both the recovered addicts I've met. I've never even heard about a heroin addict giving up the drug because law enforcement made it difficult to get, let alone met one.
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