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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. ROFL San loss 30/100 EDIT: for seeing what's under the kilts.
  2. I suggest we form a club dedicated to shooting household pets with vintage 75mm anti-tank guns. Who's up for it?
  3. Sounds like you could come drinking with us and enjoy it. I'll give yours a try some time. I just tried scotch and lime juice over crushed ice. It was, I'm sad to say, quite revolting.
  4. I was referring to them mischievious space monkeys. What stole the stars. Anyway, I think it looks cool.
  5. Space monkeys.
  6. Perhaps they lost because they are such big wusses?
  7. Mmmm... squid...
  8. taks, out of interest how many first class con men have you run into? I've run into a fair few. I'm not sure what I'm driving at tho.
  9. You have to also bear in mind that UK comedy is usually not written by committee like American stuff is. This makes it more able to express uniue genius, but also less able to run and run. It relies on the inspirationa nd experinece of only a few people.
  10. As far as I'm concerned, while I am usually a skeptic, if it brings folks to Lockh Ness to provide bucks to local industry then fair play.
  11. Squid? Squid are delicious!
  12. I just noticed I've been drinking Goos Island beer, not Goose Green beer. Oh well, we got a got discussion out of it.
  13. It's probably a ploy by the show staff to get more pay or more staff. Or buns.
  14. Things definitely get better after highschool. Are you nuts? You can get your own place, travel the world, bring home girls, play the souzaphone, take up one-man Shakespearean drama... You name it.
  15. Using the secret divisions we have hidden in the Wales? We've got about fifteen loggies and a regimental goat on standby as strategic reserve.
  16. Enoch, thanks for illsutrating how I might be wrong. However, what Sand is advocating is NO private defence counsel. For anyone. Who would pursue criminal law on that basis? Could government even afford it? I agree on the point that it woudl be nice to have juries unbiased by how a witness looks. However if I were standing in court I'd want to be able to convey my innocence by being seen.
  17. You realise of course that becoming a qualified lawyer takes a lot of time and effort. In order to get people to pursue that career and practice cirminal law tehy have to be induced to do so with money. You are either suggesting teh government spend hundreds of millions on lawyers at current pay rates, or that they draft people to become lawyers.
  18. If it's anything like a boar it could. Speaking of which, what kind of lunatic would hunt a dangerous animal with a fething pistol? If you're going to get that close I'be be up for somme kind of explosive tipped spear. At least that way it sounds cooler.
  19. The best day of your life is today. Every day. *snigger*
  20. Soundtrack for the film 'Blackhawk Down'. Really superb mix of tracks.
  21. Yes. Although I'm pleased to report that it was a highly inexpert stabbing.
  22. You've never heard of a 'go-go' bar? And they say kids these days are a less innocent generation! (btw, for zulu-speakers, go-go is not the same as gogo) Steve, I do think it is interesting since with the best will in the world, while the Falklands was an attack on sovereign territory it would be hard to desribe it as being of more strategic significance to the UK than Iraq. What some of you new to the conflict may not know is that the UK was in the process of slowly transferring sovereignty to Argentina when the junta decided to invade. Islanders were being encouraged to shop in Argentina and send their children there for schooling. We had also removed our naval presence. We were going to give it to them gratis.
  23. Thanks for grabbing those figures, Hiro. Interesting to note that those are more than double our casualties for Iraq and Afghanistan combined so far.
  24. You've clearly never been stabbed by a Thai person.
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