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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I haven't time or money to build one just now, so please y'all keep that in mind. As I say, tarna, the amber idea came from the amber room http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amber_Room It's such a warm colour, and I think warmth and elegance is surely the way to go stylistically fdrom the very hard sterile feel of most electronics 1980-2005. Almost back to the 1950s feel.
  2. I mis-read this as you going for an interview in Hollywood. Like in True Romance. I think you'd be cool in a movie. Although I can't think as what. Possibly a giant robot.
  3. To stop me giving it away for free. *sly* But no, I actually have no idea what the subscriptions are.
  4. Celine Dion This game was easy. Celine Dion was never mentioned as a customer complaint. I drank the moosehead lager (which was terrible, by the way) and moved on to 'moose milk', from an apparently alcoholic moose.
  5. I can now reveal one paid subscription will consist solely of me bombarding the recipient with boring articles about Iraq on a daily basis. Buy one for your Gran today!
  6. So... god, being compassionate and mercyful, would be perfectly alright with blowing innocent people to tiny bits? *makes Jon Stewart-ish face* I can't get enough of hearing Al Qaeda claim this is about Iraq or Afghanistan, when early propaganda said that our LACK of action on Iraq and Afghanistan were proof of our base infidel motives. Never mind the fact that Al Qaeda was blowing stuff up years before we went into either country. Moreover they will be blowing stuff up after we leave.
  7. *gives a deeply skeptical and slightly condescending look at Sando* What? That includes me as well. I think you'll find only those who execute sufficient repetitions of an addictive behaviour get addicted. Where the value of sufficiency is relative to the vulnrability of the subject due to factors such as background stress, mood, and overall coping strategies. I know it's less snappy, but it strikes me as superior.
  8. Too true. You never get enough time with any of the good people. In fact, the good people rarely get enough time full stop. Yes, Jon Bon Jovi, I'm looking at YOU.
  9. I used to work for a company that had a standing prize for any representative able to convincingly blame Canada for something going wrong. It was never claimed.
  10. I hope you will let me add my own condolences. Losing people you care for never gets easier.
  11. Very well, ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to draw this to a close. Requests to re-open are welcome by pm.
  12. Says the man upside down in the debating goal mouth, with logic bruises all up his shins... Shall I gracefully close this one, then?
  13. Your doctors only help people who are rich or well publicised. I don't see why your armed forces should be any different.
  14. Are you living in a rice cooker? What kind of temperature is that?
  15. I think two countries per generation should be enough. You younger chaps can have Burma and the Sudan. No draft required if the world at large would stop playing games and get on with the business of mopping up complete tinpot dictatorships. Yes, France, I'm looking at YOU.
  16. Nope. We've broken enough of their apparatus that they are forced down to the lowest denominator. It looks like these are ops being run by newbies. One thing that will be interesting is to what extent the terrorists have avoided mistakes made by peole on trial for 7/7 and 21/7. Because I was wondering to what extent details of police investigative methods should be made public at trial.
  17. I, too support Canada day. I've got two six packs of moosehead on the ready line for this afternoon's barbecue, eh.
  18. Nothing like recapturing old ground... Lying about the reasons for intervention in Iraq was suboptimal. However, the fact that we had to be lied to in order to act is shame on us, not shame on the liars.
  19. You seriously need to trim your foot hair.
  20. They had enough stones to set themselves on fire in the attempt. Given the erratic behaviour of both vehicles prior to 'detonation' my guess would be that they tried to let the fumes build, showing the understand how petrol explodes, but not how humans react to concentrated petrol fumes! This isn't Al Qaeda rejects. This is Al Qaeda scared by past police monitoring into not using traditional explosives/explosives making materials. Sand, I suppose it has ocurred to that firstly we do not have the death penalty in the UK, and in any event that death would serve no purpose. It would certainly not make them any less happy, and would deprive us of the opportunity to let them stew and work out they'd made a ghastly mistake.
  21. Taks, that was partly my point. If you imagine a sort of angel shaped arrangement then it would be a lot easier to get around. The wood case attracts me because I like wood. If any of you have ever seen a stradivarius you'll know what I mean. I also wonder whether there wold be any static issues with using amber for decoration, as I was listening to a documentary about the 'amber room' in the Summer Palace and it struck me as gorgeous.
  22. So let me get this straight... it's raining EVERYWHERE at once?
  23. Flaming car hits Glasgow airport. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/6257194.stm Although apparently not being treated as terrorism it looks damned suspicious to me.
  24. Easily. What Sand doesn't know is that while he was answering this question I tied his shoelaces to Iowa, thus ensuring it is far from easy to leave behind.
  25. Azarkon, I believe Goering was saying war is bad. Or at least he says there is no point for the people who have to fight it. Which is basically everybody. However, I think you and I agree that there are circumstances where war is worth fighting even for normal people. My question to you is - how is the common man to distinguish between a charismatic leader inciting him to war on good grounds and the same guy inciting him to war on bad grounds?
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