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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. SG1 was mainly tolerable if you didn't take it too seriously. The actors were engaging, and the stories no worse in concept than any other weekly sci fi explorer show. Some were better, like the one where they discover space nazis, and have to decide whether to collaborate with them. But the biggest problem I had was not so much realism as personal annoyance. Hee the human race was on the verge of annihilation and enslavement by the Gouauould (no I'm not looking up the spelling), and the team let petty manners get in the way. They'd cheer4fuly refuse to steal some superweapon even though it could guarantee Earth's survival. W? T? F? I also think they should have had a British team attached to the command. Plenty of scope for inter-cultural comedy.
  2. Snob. Last achohol related drink I had was a hot shot, actually three of them. Before that I had drank bottle of mint flavoured vodka and four long drinks. For certain reasons I wanted to get totally wasted. Meh. 'certain' reasons? Do divulge, sir. I think you could call it "general unhappiness of my current situation". Nothing serious, but all self inflicted. I actually ended up drinking two days straight and spend almost 200
  3. Im not following you Wals. IMO, mental conditions should be taken into consideration when doing a background check on people to determine their eligibility to buy a gun. Are you saying it shouldnt? I apologise for being unclear. I am rather tired today.* I mean that if we took proper care of people who needed psychiatric care then many of these incidents wouldn't happen. Indeed I would allege that doing so woud prevent more incidents than full gun banning. Not to mention the human benefit of properly caring for loons. *Not that I'm clear otherwise.
  4. Snob. Last achohol related drink I had was a hot shot, actually three of them. Before that I had drank bottle of mint flavoured vodka and four long drinks. For certain reasons I wanted to get totally wasted. Meh. 'certain' reasons? Do divulge, sir.
  5. Slow day? I believe I was drunk. Yes. Yes, now I think on it, I'm fairly certain I was drunk. For starters my spelling is too correct.
  6. That's hardly fair. I mean if only mentalists are doing these shootings, why punish everyone who wants a gun? especially when the mentalists need help and control anyway.
  7. I finished my week's stint at the paper on a high note. I managd to generate three novel stories, and helped a bunch of people, which is always fun. I am going to have tow of my stories published next week, one of which will be in depth (largely down to my being able to ladle in a lot of military history.
  8. Riggwelter is damn fine beer. I've acquired two casks of Bath ale for another stag do I'm attending. For some reason I have a large foamy mug in hand right now.
  9. No offence, buddy, but I#ve seen three and they were all so bad I've given up on the series. Bloody Fox network, trying to do things on the even cheaper.
  10. Mind you, I also think you'd be an idiot to deny there's a link between wanting to shoot mass numbers of people and being as mad as a pocket full of sky. Reports in the UK indicate he'd not been taking his meds. WHY IS A KNOWN MENTALIST being allowed a shotgun?
  11. Why the hell can't they crack the encryption? It can't realistically be that hard. "When they came for the Jews I did nothing for I was not a Jew"... Yeah, right. Here's my version: "When they came for the people who liked looking at pictures of babies getting raped I said 'Hell yeah!' And threw jagged chunks of rock at the sick ****s. Because sometimes there are people who should be collected by large unpleasant men in the middle of the night."
  12. I would imagine that, being herbivores, veggies are more likely to get eaten by cannibals. But if you are high iron that could take care of it. Liver is high in iron. Unless you met a cannibal from my family. We all like liver. f-f-f-f-f-f
  13. Quite far.
  14. We had a huge discussion about this sort of thing, iirc. My view shifted slightly during discussion. i can't remember my previous position, but now I'm keen - gun control not being the whole answer - in fact gun control not being the primary answer - in most cases pastoral authorities know who is a banana boat - restricting the access of bedbug loonies to guns is the key thing - those same bedbug loonies also needs to be concert with better psychiatric care for all society.
  15. 'Them'? Given how many Muslim members we have I'd have thought 'us' was more accurate...
  16. Let the little terrorist cry over it. They think they're f***ing special when it comes to humor and religion? If someone mooned the Pope would every Catholic who got offended be a terrorist?
  17. I usually try and get slimmer arguments than Pop and Guard Dog, but I'm actually enjoying this one. I'd rate it 8/10 for style and 9/10 for substance. I have to agree with Pops stance more, even though I only very recently became aware of Ru Paul. Sure, GD's right in that merely having an endorsement is sometimes unavoidable and bizarre. But Ru seems to be suspiciously concordant with militia nutcases whom I have known very well. And regrettably (given my own fondness for inept gun-rubbing) militiamen are often xenophobic dimlows. On his anti-internationalism, I need hardly wonder out loud why Sand hasn't endorsed him as a candidate, since he also supports a "let's hide under the comforter with a nuke until the World forgets we're here" philosophy.
  18. I got an overdose of anti-vegetarianism from a bloke in my unit who launched into an epic rant over breakfast as we sawed through our eggs. Hilarious, but rather much of a muchness. Animals are for eating, though.
  19. *Walsingham begins klezmer dancing.*
  20. Now Annah was hawt.
  21. I don
  22. Spoken like a wombat, sir.
  23. Well, man-ish...
  24. Well yes, as I have said before, everyone slates organised religion. But the alternative is disorganised religion, which means any fool can come along, claim he is a priest and claim the 'faithful'.
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