I don't own a camera, so no pics, I'm afraid. I've checked and I've got an 80mm fan in back, and an 80mm fan in front. Plus several fans inside. I think dusting could be inorder though, and not with compressed air. I did a quick poll of locals and they reckon as long as you don't use nylon then static should not be very serious. Also, poking a vauum cleaner nozzle in is recommended.
I like the idea of liquid cooling, as the noise is actually starting to get to me, when playing particularly atmospheric stuff like Stalker. But it's not top of my list. I think it may actually be time to consider working up a rig from scratch, and leaving this one purely for work or as an entertainment hub/central server in the lounge. If I do get a new rig, I may have to go totally nuts on the casing, and see what I can find in the way of walnut, and shaded titanium.
*comes back to reality*
Cooling. Yes. I think water-cooled, ftw. Besides, I'm always curious to check out new technologies.