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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Ok. I guess we could just get him a brush for his hair, and maybe a nice button hole flower. He'd look so adorable they'd be bound to come and take him back to their country, to add a splash of colour to their terrified existences.
  2. You got to love all these people who bang on about communism but steadfastly refuse to go to the paradise communist countries. Excepting of course usually they don't try and pretend the actual communist countries are paradises. This troll is a new level.
  3. District 9! I hate you bastards because you can watch it now, and we have to wait, caps in hand like medieval peasants to get it after you are done. What IS the rationale behind staged releases, any more? Surely the costs of piracy alone make the approach pointless?
  4. I know we're hardly strangers to bad taste, but I do think it's going rather far to claim that North Korea is a happy worker's paradise. Thousands, possibly tens or even hundreds of thousands of human beings have been sacrificed to the towering ego of a flatulent midget. If any flatulent midgets are going to get sacrificed to around here that midget should be me.
  5. Mainly recovering from hangover today. Not exactly cheered up by reading the profiles of these criminals. Made me remember that thread we had about the need to intervene in problem families. Such intervention plans would certainly have prevented the tragedy in this case. The mother says that when she gets out in three years she wants to party and travel. She will receive tax-payer funded protection and housing in perpetuity.
  6. We really desperately need aliens to come down and threaten to beat us up. That is the best way to motivate people.
  7. I just finished KOTOR2 the Sith Lords. Worth every penny.
  8. I'm still waiting for the point where a war or survival horror game is so realistic it causes post traumatic stress disorder.
  9. What would happen if we hijacked the moon as the basis for this colony?
  10. If we keep piling up cash like this then we may be able to pay the North Korean government to come get him.
  11. I think I speak for many of us when I cordially invite you to move to North Korea. In fact if I believed you'd do it I'd actually chip in 100 pounds for the giggles alone.
  12. I'm in.
  13. Crikey. Not good to hear. Hope things are better today.
  14. I wonder what that would be like if you left out the tomatoes and roasted some almonds and asparagus in the garlic oil?
  15. I found out that Uwe Boll has been touring the Uk showing his new film. My lousy Mom stopped me getting in a fight of newsworthy proportions. Hell, if I'd known I'd have brought an army of midgets with egg-whisks to back me up. It would have been epic.
  16. Eels - Fresh Blood slow, lounge feeling, and sleazy with electronica. I really like this album.
  17. I have decided to become a mankind supremacist. When we rise, those grey bastards had better get ready for some payback. Galaxies will collide to get out of our way.
  18. Then he should run for gubernator.
  19. Did some light weights to marvel at how badly you can deteriorate in two weeks of no exercise. then set about washing the house a bit. I always forget how satisfying it is to give the place a good scrub.
  20. I appear to be running at 0.5 past lightspeed. Weird.
  21. Piggy pox. Stop infecting your damn colleagues.
  22. Don't apologise. Use it as a platform to run for senate.
  23. Thai smooth beancurd red curry. Leave out the fish sauce.
  24. I concur.
  25. Took me a minute to work out where the parmesan came in. Any cheese based batter turns baked chicken into something tasting deep fried, which is good. I can't think of any new meatless recipes. I posit they're not worth worrying about.
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