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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I call Sigmeund Freud!
  2. Actually got to bed 'on time', eschewing dinner entirely. Up today, ate fruit for breafast, and now the sun has come out, may go for a run.
  3. I don['t see how you can stop teh body ageing in the sense of entropic decay. I guess the point with telomeres is that you go on renewing yourself. However this raises the spectre of mutation over time. I suspect that people would still look 'older' as in a bit odd, just not aged in the classical sense. Just a theory.
  4. Having my definition of an early night. No booze, off to bed at 2300.
  5. I'm just watching the 1962 version of Carnival of Souls. On the surface it's Mystery Science Theatre fodder with clunky actors, strange dubbing, and cooky plot. Deeper it's actually pretty good, with some neatly executed Lynch-esque weirdness and imagery.
  6. That was a fantastic read, thanks! I used to think the story rather fanciful until I Read recently about the (admittedly old) story of Fred and Rosemary West. They kidnapped people and did bloody terrible things to them, then ate them. And that was in a regular town house.
  7. When I was a kid I was walking up on the cliffs near Sawney Bean's cave. Heard a loud and distinctive groaning siren noise that was far too loud to be made by a person, and no boats out at sea on the fine day. At first I was very calm, reasoning this was an interesting challenge to my deductive powers. But after five minutes I ran out of options. There seemed no possible source for the noise. I began to walk away slowly, and then sped up, finally breaking into a big cowardly run. Taught me how it must feel to be in a retreat which turns into a rout! Still don't know what the noise was, although years later I was told it could have been the safety alarm siren for the nuclear plant down the coast; which when you think about it far more scary than bogles.
  8. You can toggle the colours. It has blue, red, and (for no clear reason) purple.
  9. I used to have no luck whatever trying to run 3d games on a built-in chip. What is the game, anyway?
  10. Um... Meteors don't fall slowly, surely.
  11. I'm pretty sure you made every word of that up.
  12. You refused to specify a preference... that's what happens.
  13. You should read The Jigsaw Man.
  14. I take numbers' point about there being a difference between a plate and a light aircraft. However, China IS desperately trying to become a manufacturer of more complex goods, like cars. Investment in China isn't just about cost. It's got a lot to do with perceived stability, infrastructure, ease of investment etc etc. But what i'm beginning to think is that these positive points are outweighed by the practical issues surrounding corporate cuilture, risk management, product development and so on; not to mention the moral component.
  15. Sounds good. As my head acolyte you can have a large and faintly suggestive hat.
  16. I have this saitek keyboard: It's no great shakes for anything other than being mesmeric.
  17. Ace Garp, of Ace Trucking Company.
  18. Have I mentioned that we still have 2000AD in the UK? A venue for new talent that doesn't solely focus on hackneyed old characters?
  19. Is this as in 'Tragic the Garnering'?
  20. Oh, come on, we want to know what you think! I just think that it is possible to catch disfunctional kids long before they destroy another's life. Something, and I'm not sure what, ought to be done about them before that point.
  21. Lady, you have NO idea how many times... I love my guardian angel. She works her ass off.
  22. Yeah. Thumbs up, mate. Upset 240 passengers and eleven people on the ground's families. Why don't you just tapdance a little? Internet Humour Fail! Ah nuts. Going back to the point about court proceedings. I accept the point that one has a right to have one's own opinion irrespective of a court. I recall saying just this point over Michael Jackson. However, I also said that I accept the prima facie validity of the court's judgement. They spend days looking at evidence. If I'm feeling het up I'll spend an hour looking it over.
  23. I'm glad it has got you chaps thinking, and just this once I'm going to leave my own reaction at that.
  24. Interesting.
  25. Couple of things: 1) When we were kids we were staying with my dad, after the divorce and we came downstairs and one of his employees asked what out mom had been doing in the house that morning. She was nowhere near so we demurred. Turned out at the time he saw her she had been on the point of dying from meningitis. 2) I had a series a dream about bus crashes. About 12 in one dream. I wrote it down. A friend asked me to come travelling with hera couple of weeks later, but I refused because she wanted to go by bus. Her bus crashed into a canal and the man in the seat next to her drowned.
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