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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/8263651.stm This is quite an interesting short piece on a cargo ship, and a less interesting example of how deranged green technology and the entire debate is. In particular I would draw your attention to the - and if only I were making this up - _kite_ they are flying from the deck of the ship to generate extra power and save fuel. This isn't just a big cargo ship, it's the biggest in the world! A kite? I understand that you might get lift from it, but the total effect on a vessel of that size? And it's not just this one example. We've seen wave platforms which sink inevitably because they're too fragile for the sea. We've seen windfarms which no-one wants near them because they mess up the skyline. We've seen incandescent bulbs replaced with energy efficient bulbs which are grossly toxic to dispose of. Combining this with recent comments about eating less meat, not being allowed household pets etc etc, and I'm losing any sympathy or patience with the green movement. I am prepared to accept that we need to cut back on emissions, but the mechanisms they are putting forward are either too weak, too intrusive, or unworkable due to human nature. In the main we are encouraged to abstain (less sex/babies, less food less travel, less TV), and if there's one thing you can't get humans to do en masse it's abstain. We want stuff, and by and large if we want a bit of it we want a lot of it, and only harsh measures will force us to refrain. Which further compounds my reserve as it seems many greenies are delighted at the notion of world bureaucracies monitoring everything we do and use.
  2. Please for the love of God don't try and understand Sand's theories. He simply refuses the concept of second order dynamics, let alone third order dynamics. Therefore explaining that if you tax something in one place people will buy it elsewhere is fundamentally 'impossible'.
  3. Hold on. Surely if gravity bends light, and Im pretty sure it does, then one could have gone a really bendy route, while the other zipped between competing fields by pure luck.
  4. The only thing more pathetic than a fat nerd dancing is a nazi nerd of any description.
  5. The problem is that the honourable forum member (who I usually call Sand) refuses point blank to have more than one policy on everything at once. Hence his attitude to an individual case of murder is the same as his attitude on teh entire concept. This is as crazy as my having the same view of lions whether one is in my bathroom or not.
  6. I'd like to point out that thousands of English bastards died on the field of battle so we don't have to put up with being told what day it is by bloody druids. Filthy hippies.
  7. I see what you mean, but I'm too broad for that style. My old coat was cavalry cut, though. Even if it means you can't raise your arms, like McCain.
  8. My flu has got worse again! Bloody norah... Anyway, greatly cheered today as I have just heard that two people I recommended for jobs have got them. It's such a simple, but immensely pleasurable thing, helping people out.
  9. You mean WE'VE evolved?
  10. I'm going to be the prophet of doom and suggest this is down to malware on the PC.
  11. *furious note-taking* Wait. What the hell is an SSD?
  12. Yup. It's not for fun.
  13. I can leave the coat, but I've actually worn an all red suit like that.
  14. That's what we were told, certainly. The RSM told us he's done it twice in his career and both times it only started working after the ribs broke!
  15. Sorry about not actually pasting the link. My current drive is 300gb, which was three times my previous one and therefore I assumed was inexhaustible, but of course media came along... then there's the games. I was thinking one of those green jobbies, with 1.5tb. I figure once I fill that up technology will have moved on anyway. http://www.novatech.co.uk/novatech/prods/C...l/WD15EADS.html
  16. Or you pull a guy out of a burning car which then aggravates a spinal injury from the crash and the result makes him paraplegic. That person in turn sues you. Hurrah for litigation culture! This certainly can apply in the UK. For example, our military first aid training is not 'safe' to use with civilians. *thinks* And I'm not just talking about securing the area around the victim with fire first. My own view is that I'll help and if the stupid ****-holster wants to sue he can fething well try.
  17. Thanks for this one. It's a sensible choice. I'll se if I can find something similar locally. I particularly like the overlapping material, and the pockets.
  18. Fixed.
  19. I guess the thing to do there is to ask yourself if you'd still feel the same way if it was some random vagrant that was killed. You're asking how would I feel if they'd kidnapped and ransomed a vagrant?
  20. That's interesting. If your hands are behind your back may I ask how you are conducting your inspections? I'm leaving the answer of this question to your imagination. I presume this means you've learned to touchtype? I thought this forum was rated 12.... Don't worry, Onan the Courageous here is definitely not older than 12.
  21. Rostere made me think. It seems to me that we are altogether too hung up on the concept of justice in the justice system <sic>. What we really want is bad things not to happen. The problem is that there are myriad ways in which a bad thing may occur. In order to effectively pre-empt it and mitigate it what is required are not broad blanket prohibitions and punishments but functional and organisationally agile troubleshooters who could be trusted to punch the bejaysus out of anything which looked like it was contributing towards the badness. Whether that happened to be a rogue meme, an enraged pterodactyl, or a poorly supervised toddler with a fork.
  22. Long leather coats grow steadily lamer the older you get. That's very true. Until you hit about 70 when they get steadily scarier.
  23. OK, now I'M confused. ATI have the best card right now, and if I get one I can laugh madly, but early next year NVIDIA are bringing out some deviant new type of card which will make all ATIs cry and fall over? If I did get an ATI card, say this 5870 you've been talking about, what are the minimum fine print details I should aim for, like RAM camfers and whoojamaflips?
  24. I use the RW a lot to pass information to clients. It's secure but friendly. A lot of big companies won't let you use USB any more. I'm using an external Samsung now, taken from my laptop kit, but between this and my hardrive issue I'm not sure if I shouldn't just buy a whole new PC.
  25. It seems that after several years I have actually RUN OUT OF SPACE ON MY HARDDRIVE. I noticed all kinds of weirdness, and eventually had a look at the spare capacity and found I had just over a gig spare. Even a thunder-head like me knows this is bad. I've managed to delete older games, and some media files and freed up 12 gigs, but even so this is pretty dire. Two questions: 1) Is this a decent hard drive? 2) How will I go about transferring everything? The fine details I shall leave to my bribed techie friends, but I need to know the overall campaign plan.
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