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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. What's this game? Two Worlds? I have to say that unlike a lot of other games it actually LOOKs epic. I particularly like the armour. I didn't find a single piece of armour in Oblivion which wasn't so embarassing I'd have been more frightened of NOT being in a cave than out in the street. The Land that Legend Forgot doesn't have to be also forgotten by taste.
  2. I am having the most frustrating morning due to music. I woke to find my phone alarm going off and this great track playing. I was actually quite enjoying it despite it not being familiar. Started out as dub reggae with brass band New Orleans jazz feel then moved effortlessly into a much more modern rythmic style and sung vocals. Then I remembered I don't have the radio aerial for my phone. I WAS DREAMING! So I desperately tried to simultaneously wake up and yet stay asleep enough to retain some of the tune and lyrics. In teh end all I could remember was the chorus and ending rhythm. Of course I can't write music, so I was forced to sing it into my dictaphone. I'm now wondering how the hell I can reassemble the rest of the tune and make millions. I've been listening to any tune with similar lyrics (there aren't any with identical lyrics) and you wouldn't believe how many songs there are with the title "What you want". Including, ironically, one from an album entitled "You may already be dreaming". To give you a feel for the first part think spoken word rap overlaid on a mashup of yorkshire brass band and NO jazz. Then go towards Soul Assassin rhythms with motown vocal elabroations, returning to spoken word. Got it? Ok, now imagine it's actually good.
  3. No...he's a hockey player there's a difference Yes. Mad people aren't always violent with it. Bloody sportsmen. I knew a feller at my school who kncked a piece off his ****ing spine playing rugby, and despite him having exposed spinal column the very first thing he wanted to do after a year of painful recuperation was play rugby. Mad. That sounds disgustingly painful. I imagine so. I mean I've only got some sort of sprained back and it is oppressive. Christ alone (and this fellah) knows what exposed spine feels like. I would hope that it's so bad that as soon as it begins yuo just pass out.
  4. That friend love one really was sad. And creepy.
  5. I'm not kidding when I say I'm actually in the mood to read just such a post. Especially about Berlusconi.
  6. Bethesda looks around the office and sees big pinned up 'dialogue' scripts Dev says to other dev: "Hans... are we the baddies?"
  7. No...he's a hockey player there's a difference Yes. Mad people aren't always violent with it. Bloody sportsmen. I knew a feller at my school who kncked a piece off his ****ing spine playing rugby, and despite him having exposed spinal column the very first thing he wanted to do after a year of painful recuperation was play rugby. Mad.
  8. I quickly looked up the battle as you advised, and think it looks OK. I don't see how it's more insulting to anyone than the retreat to Dunkirk is to the Belgians and British! But nevertheless I can see what you mean. I just don't think we should be so damned prissy about simulations of mass slaughter.
  9. Spellforce 1 has some of the craziest awful intonation and pacing in its voice acting. Like its being spoken by a computer, but without the clarity of purpose.
  10. Not sure if it's any use to you, but I'm just finishing a film script with a co-author. Feel free to PM me.
  11. I assume you weren't at a ninja school then?
  12. I imagine it would be really REALLY tricky to do that ebcause of having to model what was under their feet, then transferring the impact up the body. But I get what you're driving at.
  13. But i prefer this one:
  14. there's nothing cool about hiring expensive hookers. Unless it was me doing it, obviously.
  15. You're playing with a broken leg?
  16. I've been listening to the Dresden Dolls as a recommendation after enjoying the Tiger Lillies gig. I wouldn't say they were the same, but you can see some parallels. You should give them a try, mate.
  17. He is, indeed, the only man left in Europe. Yeah, did you check out his gallery of women in that article? So being an elderly pervert with a ridiculous hairline is the criteria? Awesome.
  18. I've been playing the demo of the game RUSE by Ubisoft. My initial reactions: 1. The game is fun, and the introduction of proper deception is a masterstroke, exponentially increasing the skill you can employ in the game. 2. There are a lot of units 3. IT'S ANOTHER WW2 GAME! WTF, gaming industry? Korea, Yom Kippur 1973, Desert Storm, Chechnya, the Balkans... I wouldn't mind so much but historical accuracy is often mutilated just to balance the sides. The best example of this is the way Ubisoft have characterised the Italian airforce as airworthy as are some of its tankettes. I was surprised not to see Polish lancers in the slot for upgraded armour. WW2, and particularly early WW2 didn't HAVE balanced sides. The British 2 pdr gun was complete arse, but no-one wants to play the retreat to Dunkirk or us getting thrashed around the desert like the anthill mob. Having said that, this is just the beta demo, so hopefully things will improve rather than the more likely outcome which is that they will just get dumber.
  19. Spellforce 1 is good. And that answers the question how? The expansion Amyra campaign is on a higher difficulty curve than the OC, which is understandable since you are supposed to know what is going on. What is less forgiveable is the straightjacketing of your options. There are no apparent sidequests beyond the 'go somewhere obvious and kill something' variety. Combat places a heavy emphasis away from towers by the simple trick of not letting you build any. This in itself might not be so bad but there are several levels with infinite enemies. Oh, yes, and expect your avatar to die very very easily. So much so that the whole point of having him -i.e. leading from the front and having a good time - is obviated. Unless I'm just rubbish at this game.
  20. I liked Waterworld. Sometimes I feel like I am the only person in the world who did Yes, yes you are.
  21. Certainly. They are on my desk, waiting for you.
  22. Thanks for explaining. I think I'd agree with you. With regard to your point B you should consider reading 'Divided Kingdom' which looks at a future Britain divided by personality type into four zones. It's not terribly relevant to a discussion on communism, but it's still cool.
  23. He is, indeed, the only man left in Europe.
  24. Now you mention it I did originally, but yesterday I had my paws on a copy of Fortress magazine.
  25. Firstly I don't think it's ugly. Secondly NO GUNS MADE BEFORE 2000 you nutters. It's in the title. The AA 12 looks neat, but it's a beast. Whereas mine can be fitted witha shortie barrel and kept concealed or carried in a car.
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