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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Article If i may condense the point made, it is that by being slow to respond CRAs exacerbate the boom and bust cycle. The pump bad credit risks, and chase those who are failing. This is interesting enough, to the terminally boring like myself. But I had a further thought. Everyday normal people are subject to almost identical CRAs, except being mass market they are even less accurate. I can say this, having worked for both banks and CRAs in the past. Now, surely if the faults outlined in the article are true then they are probably true for people. A graduate student will be rated as a less good risk than a 40 year old manager, but if anything the manager is far mroe likely to have hidden debts, be on the berge of a psychological breakdown, about to undergo divorec and loss of assets, be made redundant and long term unemployed etc etc. Thoughts?
  2. I never play as a wizard, so I'm going gnome illusionist.
  3. Are you kidding? In 2000, Al Qaeda attempted a boat borne suicide attack, but as they surged forth to glory the overburdened vessel slowly sank. Similarly, in the attack on the USS Cole, the attack was supposed to have been filmed, but the camera operator overslept. You can't tell me that's not funny.
  4. I think I follow you, Orogun. If I may extend your point, the problem only really becomes serious when a commercial entity conducts covert censorship. Apple have at least been very clear about their commercial offerring. We are free to choose someone else.
  5. Am I the only person who's inspired by Kill's dtermination?
  6. Fair and Balanced That's less funny.
  7. http://www.four-lions.co.uk/ Legendary comedy genius, Chris Morris, finally takes on terror. As he said in an interveiw on the radio recently: terrorists are naturally funny.
  8. I said far right, not right wing. There's a difference. Yes, there is a difference. But I suggest you are too close to Fox's position (I'm not suggesting you ARE Fox) to see how right wing they actually are. One of the paper's I read is the Daily Telegraph, which any Britisher would say was right wing. I read it because they (predictably) do the best defence news; and occasionally have cricket articles I can understand. But they regularly comment on the 'nuttiness' of Fox and the Republican right. What's the strapline "Free and fair news reporting"? Merely repeat those words to many people and they will bust into merry laughter.
  9. Insidious 1. You make a very good point about Vatican response. it does not appear from the link you've shown that the Vatican are that bothered officially. 2. I have to disagree, without citing anything, that the Vatican have not engaged in a deliberate policy of cover up. I seem to recall that the Irish government ran an enquiry which conluded that there had been deliberate obfuscation of offences, and that priests wwho were known to be offenders were transferred rather than handed over to civil authorities. I too am tired, and a bit drunk, and full of the joys of Karen Gillan, so we'll call it even.
  10. They're Swedes, what are they going to do? Be neutral and clean us to death VOLCANICALLY ACTIVE
  11. If by loot you mean assorted entrails then you're welcome to it.
  12. Isn't it funny how we're so hard on fanfic. But I realised yesterday that Paradise Lost is just Bible fanfic.
  13. I don't trust the shifty low rent bastards, but I have to admt that if I see a game with a rack of 95%s on the back I think 'oh well, can't be too bad'. Hands up those who don't?
  14. I think I'd leave my kids with Baldur's Gate. Granted, I'd have to get murdered as a spur to action, but they'd go on to supreme greatness (provided they play the expansion).
  15. Whereas I'm running up costs as I get fatter.
  16. I really liked Django. For the coffin.
  17. I can verify, if it were needed, what Monte says. I have seen a rather nice spike bayonet which was issued to home guard to fit on broom handles. Never mind the fascinating Noel Coward song to inspire . I think it's important to stress, before we go all dig for victory, that gun crime is rising in the UK. In my opinion the link betweeen gun crime and drug money is inescapable. The proceeds of drug crime are so high, and the loci of control so dispersed that organisers inevitably ramp up violence to stay on top. The trend can only worsen since State penalties do not reflect a fraction of the natural penalties for not being armed.
  18. Can we please not try taunting anyone into becoming volcanically active?
  19. Recruit Walsingham reporting as ordered, SAH!
  20. I think you make a good point about whether we think it's immoral. At least so far I go. Comparison point: Should we censor pigs in England?
  21. Evil megacorporations have more money. However, I'd like to point out that if we learned anything from the 1960s and 70s it's that Left wing women, while unshaven, are far more likely to do the Free Love fandango. *ahem* Anyway, back to the point. If you think Fox has only ONE right wing figure then it just reinforces how right wing we've been saying you are, WoD. The Zulus have a saying: If three men say you are sick, see a doctor. There's a quite a broad array of nations, ages, and experience on here who'd say Fox was pronouncedly Right wing. Not to mention all the folks in the article.
  22. I'd be up for a game. I'm bored out of my banana. Don't expect me to understand the rules tho.
  23. Bollocks to all that nonsense. You stick to your program, I'm sure you'll be seeing real world benefits to your health soon.
  24. It's fair enough to argue that all institutions have a tendency to try to cover up their failures. The Army tries to avoid things becoming public because it tarnishes the uniform. But 1. I don't know of the Army covering up child sex abuse. 2. For lesser crimes, such as GBH, the Army will lock you up in the Glasshouse (which is actual punishment rather than simple incarceration), dock you rank and pay or fire you, THEN you get handed over to the civil authorities to serve an additional normal tariff.
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