I feel actually contrite for once. Sorry for jumping to too many conclusion, Zor.
I'm with you on holding us to higher standards, but the problem I can see is that we forget that we are not the bad guys., and we pack up and leave the five million Afghans to the Taliban out of a sense of shame. Further, I don't believe leaks are the way to hold us to that higher standard in any meaningful sense. In extremis a leak might provoke a knee-jerk firing or policy statement, but to really keep high standards we need to make a solid sustained effort. We need regular and effective monitoring of the Armed Forces by responsible and empowered bodies, like our MPs. We need a better understanding of what makes our servicemen violate the official standards they are normally bound by, and work to eliminate those factors.
I follow your final point about the Taliban being really well informed. However, I suggest you are falling into the trap of assuming insurgents are boogie men*. To the best of my knowledge they really aren't. Just consider their IED placement. Huge numbers of IEDs are found and disposed of, or hit random targets. Moreover, consider the cellular structure of an insurgency. It's not as if they've got a big HQ staff collecting and collating ionformation between units. Whereas this list is solid gold plated intel all in a nice package.
Although of course reality I'm basing my assessment primarily on the news and views of friends who've been and are in Afghan. Mates who have a lot of respect for the poor sods on the escaped data, and probably know some of them (although I haven't asked).
*[i just spotted the spelling error, but it's a funny image]