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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Ah. Nuggets. Vote i be a halfling fighter when a slot opens up. Short swords, please.
  2. Wow, that thread, and its replies, are terrifying. People sure come up with some crazy stuff. I find it oddly comforting to think there are nutters like that out there. I makes the accuracy of my own observations look more impressive than they do when only measured against reasonable people.
  3. You can't block his sig, you fool. If you do then there's nothing whatever about him that has anything to do with games, Obsidian, or anything other than communist spam posting.
  4. Oh yes, I'd actually forgotten you were a 9/11 truther. I really should have a wall chart or something. Cometo think of it, can someone make a Obsidian Forums wallchart?
  5. You'd think that after three days of drinking and only a few hours sleep I'd feel terrible. But I feel fantastic. I can only assume the existence of a microscopic organism that performs this function, called shrykachlorians.
  6. To the pub, Rizla! to the pub!
  7. Never let it be said that I am afraid of being wrong (although it's still only one view) From BBC today: EDIT: Thanks for the link about the US support on Wiki. It's not a daft case, but I believe it can be substantially attacked. Just not on a Friday night when I'm overdue down the pub.
  8. Watch out, some conservatives might show up and start asking for their birth certificate! On this end, I woke up, and instead of going to work, I just sat on the sofa and played Mass Effect (1). I'm mildly worried, but not enough to actually do something about it. (p.s. anniversary of first date with ex. Remember absolutely every detail. Groan.) You know the solution. Consume 1 lb or more of cheap sausages at a single sitting, while thinking about her. Never fails.
  9. Aha good man.
  10. No, but the infra (training camps, operations manual) was built with Operation Cyclone.* Kind of like Saddam's forces were built with the U.S. aid during the Iraq-Iran war. The big difference being that the US didn't arm Saddam. Russia, China and France armed Saddam. A point I've belaboured numerous times. But which I think is relevant to this discussion because it illustrates exactly how responsibly members of our democracy treat their opinions.
  11. Don't blame me, I didn't do it. I personally think it's a mistake to confuse the Talibs with the mujahideen. Just for staretrs, many of the Talibs today weren't even alive when the Soviets left.
  12. **** THQ. I've never liked them, for the prosaic reason that I've never even had a civil, let alone competent, interaction with their customer services.
  13. I can't eblieve you blamed ME for that failed flamestrike. I totally rock!
  14. will you marry me? :lol:
  15. Walsingham


    Is that the one with the nutter captain?
  16. I feel actually contrite for once. Sorry for jumping to too many conclusion, Zor. I'm with you on holding us to higher standards, but the problem I can see is that we forget that we are not the bad guys., and we pack up and leave the five million Afghans to the Taliban out of a sense of shame. Further, I don't believe leaks are the way to hold us to that higher standard in any meaningful sense. In extremis a leak might provoke a knee-jerk firing or policy statement, but to really keep high standards we need to make a solid sustained effort. We need regular and effective monitoring of the Armed Forces by responsible and empowered bodies, like our MPs. We need a better understanding of what makes our servicemen violate the official standards they are normally bound by, and work to eliminate those factors. I follow your final point about the Taliban being really well informed. However, I suggest you are falling into the trap of assuming insurgents are boogie men*. To the best of my knowledge they really aren't. Just consider their IED placement. Huge numbers of IEDs are found and disposed of, or hit random targets. Moreover, consider the cellular structure of an insurgency. It's not as if they've got a big HQ staff collecting and collating ionformation between units. Whereas this list is solid gold plated intel all in a nice package. Although of course reality I'm basing my assessment primarily on the news and views of friends who've been and are in Afghan. Mates who have a lot of respect for the poor sods on the escaped data, and probably know some of them (although I haven't asked). *[i just spotted the spelling error, but it's a funny image]
  17. I admire your mental vigour. I keep meaning to dust off my maths. I'm not going to now. I'm just saying...
  18. I massivley overslept today and narrowly avoided causing all kinds of difficulty. Am now writing a risk management plan for PhD and wondering if me being a cretin is a risk/
  19. It's not the old age that's making me go blind.
  20. I'm not sure if that last dig was at me, since I don't work in PR, I'm not in Washington, and I hate latte. I only suspect it was pointed at me because you called me a cretin. I'm also not sure if you understood my point about the information being freely known in Afghanistan. My point was that any journalist in country would know about the civilian casualties. Something you can tell for yourself by looking at any big newsfeed and checking to see how many stories about astray missiles, convoys getting hit etc you see. The real story regarding civilian casualties is that insurgents cause the vast majority. Nearly 75%, according to the UN, and rising. Where the **** is that story? In any case, I'd love to hear your actual rejoinder on the direct victims of this leak - the persons and families who are fighting the Taliban in Afghan.
  21. Whoah whoah whoah... I may be an imbecile but I am NOT a ginger.
  22. I know I have a weird sense of humour, but two links today on the M.Star attack got me laughing out loud. 1. Terrorists claiming attack use wrong picture in boasting video. (shown is the Sirius Star) 2. Conspiracy theory is that a Russian UFO -a-like crashed into the vessel.
  23. The real Dougie MacArthur.
  24. Is it really that daft?
  25. Just came back to the thread. Awesome stuff. Go me! "I say, you chaps over there with the whatnots. Bugger off, will you?"
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