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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I'm not sure Mubarak is delusional. I'm not convinced this 'insignificant rebellion' is willing/able to close the last ten yards and actually kick him out. I don't think he is sure they are either. Ergo he doesn't need to kill scads of them, just keep them from hitting an explosive level of activity and make his own exit in his own time.
  2. That's a rather overly dignified definition in my opinion. But your basic point floats just fine. That's because I feel like my head is in a vise and formulating good opinions on international law is beyond me right now. Besides, I'd have to charge y'all. Thankfully you're saying this on an internet forum, not as I sit in a jail cell.
  3. Best video mashup idea EVER. Someone get on it.
  4. There's a thought. We could meld all these basically rubish celebrities into one 40 foot tall relatively interesting celebrity. In the presidential debate it could respond by lowering its eyebrows progressively until finally upending the podium and long bombing its opponent into a distant tree.
  5. Fascists ****ing LOVE guns. And fighting. I don't see how owning a gun and chllenging them to a fight is going to deter them.
  6. Sounds like a possible Inspector Hound type setup? Irony, dear boy. Irony.
  7. You should be one of those crime scene guys. All sciency but armed and smacking heads, and pronouncing guilt. What are they called again? Oh yes, judges.
  8. You want Lucifer, try Satan from the Judge Anderson storyline 'Shamballa' Not perhaps teh deepest character, but one of the most memorable representations I've ever seen. ~~ As an aside, perhaps it would be beneficial to open the floor to ALL media villains. Perhaps get some feel for how the contest ought to be judged.
  9. Dear god. Surely you've not been that bad?
  10. You bloody fascists! Seriously, have you ever spent any time talking to homeless people? I'm not saying they love the crap they're in, but many of them basically adjust tehir world view. It's one reason it's hard to get off the street (so I'm told). I don't see it myself, but WTF? You can't just kill people because their lives are crappy. Now, PJ Harvey, on the other hand... her life is incredibly pampered but she won't stop banging on about how upset she is. I think the kindest thing would be to kill her. Because e can't simply expend the resources to make her life better, as we could with other unfortunates.
  11. I had that for a while. Trick for me was thikning of ludicrously nice simple things before going to sleep. Kittens, navel fluff etc.
  12. PJ Harvey makes her new album all about the horrors of war. I laughed immediately and very loudly when I saw this. And resolved to write a play all about the horrors of having being a self obsessed starlet with delusions of grandeur.
  13. A French Canadian film called Sonatine. It made me excited and absolutely terrified and despairing all at once.
  14. Brush into then along behind the gum line. Would have saved me a lot of money if someone had made that very clear to me when I was a kid.
  15. What was that villain in Spawn which extracted all the tears out of people? Sorry, but Magneto? "Oooooh look at me, I'm super powerful, and I sometimes can't decide if I'm good or bad." **** off. Doesn't scare me in the least. Real villainy is twisted and darkl it makes you understand them, then reject them as altogether alien. Not just a super hero with a more assertive pension plan. Judge Death is a good one, but not a patch on Garth Ennis' bad guys.
  16. That is indeed a gantastic comment. From the same site, I do love this commercial: http://www.midwestsportsfans.com/2010/10/t...al-of-all-time/
  17. OK, so I managed to lose a hand of caravan now. BUt what am I supposed to be achieving, and how come I can go over 22, or (and this blows my tiny mind) put several face cards down and still end up with a single digit value?
  18. I hear you, Archer. And I've got to say again, that whatever corporate culture says on this point, gamers demand answers. Come on, lads. Switch the **** on. Tell us what's going on. Keep us updated. Let us know you care, because I can't believe that you don't.
  19. While I was posting in the games section I had to look up the Saint of Killers, from the Preacher series. In doing so I came across this filthy streak of mucus, in which IGN try to claim that Magneto is a better villain than either the aforementioned Saint, Grandma, Starr, or indeed the nutter one eyed guy from the Walking Dead series. Please tell me I'm not the only person to see the phoney 2D hooha surrounding these cartoon cutout villains. EDIT: Thought it might be nice to have a non politics thread.
  20. There's a certain sick glee in playing as Legion in New Vegas. Unlike doing things vanilla you trail around slaughtering.. and I mean slaughtering... all and sundry. Rather than moving up in an escalating fashion against things like deathclaws. I just hit a Brotherhood position like the Saint of Killers, with blazing .45s. Paladins falling left and right with one shots, to the sound of . EDIT: Saint of Killers, for anyone too weakass to have read Preacher.
  21. Trashy? TRASHY!? Your face is trashy! Get a clue old boy. Even Pacino admits it's cornball. Take it up with HIM, convict ...erm... boy.
  22. That's a rather overly dignified definition in my opinion. But your basic point floats just fine.
  23. The mental picture oh oh....can the regened velociraptors be covered in feathers, have nose rings, and be genetically altered to have red lipstick lips OK, I don't know what scares me more now: the velociraptors, or you.
  24. Phew. In which case I must get a silly haircut, an iphone and an epic sense of entitlement. *Big old man belly laugh at this*
  25. It depends, if you mean a comfortable transition by morphia, in a safe and supportive environment... I'd say no. If you are suggesting they be chased screaming down the streets of a small old world Spanish town by regened velociraptors, or flung from a trebuchet into the Hudson river while holding sparklers, then I say yes.
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