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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. OK, so I guess I buy all the Silent Hunter games after 3?
  2. I'm still bumping around to 1950s music. CURSE YOU, OBSIDIAN!
  3. Got a card from my dad saying he feels proud of me. Very peculiar feeling. Not sure if I've been wanting him to say that all these years, or if Hollywood has just drummed it into me that I SHOULD have been wanting it. Learning about marine engineering today. Also made mango, apple, blood orange, and carrot jam. Not sure how the latter is going to trun out, but I had all this fruit and veg about to go off, so in it goes.
  4. I think you can be fairly confident about getting that drink. BTW, if you blow people up in New Vegas, do the bits ever come down? I used about eight blocks of plastique to give a 'certain' bald dude a sudden case of death, and I'm very much afraid that he's gone into orbit.
  5. I'm moew than a little confused, Archie. When I realised that it doesn't matter if we die, but the continuing signal that is humanity as a whole I found that rather comforting!
  6. I thought that scene was pretty dark, frankly. At least what is implied.
  7. Isn't this a weak repeat of the rumour about Nancy Reagan?
  8. You sir, may stand in the corner and think about what you have just said.
  9. Valentines day thing here, with almost all of my friends, including females to the pub at my insistence. Went all awry. Hard to describe. Just total lack of oomph. Worst bit today. My best friend got dumped. I thought they were going to get married. Best bit. Some damn hippies were in the pub and invited us to sit in on their candle lit love poetry evening. I joined in in good faith, bt quickly decided it was far too pretty and nice. So I hit them with some old school classics full of pain and fighting and love and glory and so forth. Stunned their socks off. Chesterton would have been immensely proud. Then went back to my own group and proceeded to have far more hostile reaction from computer programmers. They claimed poetry was a bit like a weak kind of semaphore. And one should simply state in ideally mathematical terms what one meant. ...Which I suggested might explain why they were single. All told, quite good. Hope the relative quiet of the boards is not indicative of depression, but everyone being ensconced in the tender parts of a loved one.
  10. Hippy. Being accused of being a hippy always makes me chuckle like the Pillsbury dough boy.
  11. No. And you can put down that 'mercy' mallet.
  12. pBecause you only recently discovered you were gay LOL Awesome. Nothing like a big surprise to help avoid stagnating in middle age. Plus that takes all teh stress off about having kids! Huzzah!
  13. I'm a little overtired, but I just thought of something: how is the Americans giving the Russians details of our nuclear deployments etc different from Julian Assange doing it? Free the information and peace will follow!
  14. You celebrated by burning the city down?
  15. At least that explains the Frost shaped pideon coop... *looks deeply uncomfortable* Nathan Fillon.
  16. I haven't played any of these type of games since the very earliest days. I wondered if anyone had any recommendations, bearing in mind I'm a big fat nerd and want things to be accurate.
  17. I just wandered across the case of Anneliese Michel, after watching a link from that video. Very sad, as it seems a bunch of hysterical dingbats took a schizophrenic girl and starved her to death while/during attempts to exorcise demons from her.
  18. Hildegarde, I was alive and well back in the tiem of the Balkand period you describe. I don't know of any public or othyerwise commitment to Serbia/greater Serbia. I'd be grateful if you'd post some sort of evidence because prima facie I'd have suggested that we'd have been generically anti Serbian due to the historic Russian links. Assuming we had chosen aside at all, which to my mind rather overstates the competence of the then Foreign Office.
  19. You seriously think this is OK? You need to get out more, mate.
  20. If you want to be like that, we only have your word for any of the girls you post being anything other than random people who took photos of! Or your sister.
  21. Every self made business man I've ever met thinks they're better than any politician alive or dead. I think it's part and parcel of being self made. Step one: titanic ego. EDIT: Key point to this fallacy is that business are used to having one single simple goal - make money. They therefore think decision making is straightforward profit and loss. But politics - democratic politics - is about juggling multiple conflicting definitions of what you are supposed to be achieving. Which transforms a two dimensional problem space into an n dimensional one.
  22. Well, he is an old old man. So being resistant to reality is a given.
  23. Not necessarily. You could always adjust your notion of 'win'. A chaotic melee of flailing emotions could be fun in its way. Provided you aren't exaggerrating about her being stunning.
  24. Well, I already mentioned a comic book and a tv series villain, how about some crook/cop/mutual nemesis pairings? E.g. Moriarty/Holmes, William Chaloner/Sir Isaac Newton etc.? Bond/Blofeld FFS! BLOFELD?????? Blofeld is a one dimensional character who wasn't even original. I don't know where the archetype comes from. Possibly Moriarty. But certainly E.E. 'doc' Smith and other pulp writers in the 30s had Blofeld characters before Bond ever graced paper.
  25. They don't love them in the hands of their enemies, because they can't get away with assaulting them. I posted an article a while ago about Nicaraguan goverenment thugs beating up opposition. That can't happen in the US. Edit: Yes, they love fighting, but only if their victim is a lot weaker than them, like all bullies. You're confusing rhetoric and science here. Fascist bully boys may fear guns, but they fear their own heirarchy more. And their heirarchy feeds on and is legitimised by war and fighting. Or did you think fascist militias were some sort of elaborate bluff? Viz. the shooting of Horst Wessel didn't turn anyone off Nazism. They turned him into a goddamn poster child.
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