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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Today I embarked on an exciting romantic fling with another forumite. This is great because it's so nice to meet a woman who isn't SOME SORT OF SPAM BOT WHO MANAGES TO ABUSE THE PM SYSTEM. I know this because surely if that were true then Gorth and Tigranes would have spotted the fact.
  2. Am replaying FO3 now. Or I should say trying to. Mean time to crash to desktop is 3.53 minutes. *bitter angry laughing*
  3. The Lord's Resistance Army.
  4. Clearly it was just so the devil could do that line about "I want you to get inside my three times a day, and take me to heaven and back."
  5. I got scared by The Exorcist. It wasn't the head spinning, but the mother being terrified for her daughter that freaked me out. You know, fearing a brain cancer or something which is what we all might fear, and then it goes SHAZAAAM! actually, it's Satan...
  6. I have to say it's starting to get less like hero worship and more like a bunch of women in their thirties gossiping at a juice bar...
  7. As some of you may have noticed, I'm replaying the original Fallout 3 on my win 7 rig to 'bridge the gap' after being fired up from New vegas. I might as well have stuck a hairbrush up my a**. Since I'm now in a mood where if I actually met the man who let all the bugs get past him, I'd flip him inside out using a pair of football boots, and give him to the local urchins to spit on.
  8. excellent. It's great that you guys are still being allowed to work on the game. I'd like to see someone trying to stop them. You'd need a high backed chair and a sock full of onions.
  9. No offence, Rosbif, but you need to get your feet back on the floor. I'm in favour of stomping the mega banks because I accept the concept of regulation as an inherent wquality of all benevolent systems. But if you reckon you can replace a greed/pride driven system and keep the humans then you're stone mental. To use an analogy, I want to surf the wave in a healthy fashion. You want to destroy the wave and replace it with a souffle. EDIT: On reflection this is a terrible analogy, but a great image.
  10. I'm no revolutionary. But I don't think it's in any way revolutionary to suggest that it's time we did unto the bankers what our ancestors did unto the Templars, for more or less the same reasons. Bit of the old fire and sword.
  11. I don't care how great you are, and I don't care what you're worth. When it all ends up, you got to go back to mother earth.
  12. And the award for most insecure post of the the year goes to..... ROFL. Too true. Surely if there's one thing we should have grown up enough to know by now it's that you're either gay or straight and fretting about which merely suggests you're the opposite of what you say you are. EDIT: Unless you're bi, obviously. The opposite of which is I suppose being not at all sexy.
  13. You're all heart, Wals. If I had to point out one single influence on how I supported and coped with my mother's cancer it would be the film Zulu. And, her death notwithstanding I wouldn't do it differently in the smallest detail. Nor, so she told me would she have me do so.
  14. Sorry, but how the feth can the World be in debt? Who do we owe the money to? Mars?
  15. It depends on how you angle the attack on the little "knives" on the chain. If you hone them too much forward, the chain will bite into anything and the chainsaw becomes very difficult to control (and dangerous). Too much backward and it will bounce off things, even the trees you are supposed to cut (makes work much harder). But if you hone them right, the chainsaw is neutral and easy to control. I learned this one painful, mosquito-filled summer in a northern forest. Didn't know that. Thanks. I'm staying away from chainsaws and automatic pistols. Both of which I regard as 'labour saving devices' which are more dangerous than any amount of labour they save.
  16. Just had a thought regarding chainblades: the priary characteristic of chainsaws is that they prefer to bounce off things than bite into them. This would surely mean that it would be far better to have chainblades on your armour than as an active weapon. That is as a means for fending off beasties.
  17. Although I agree that Alien was supposed to emphasise face rape, I think that only a decadent fethnut would consider being raped more primally disconcerting than being eaten alive. Which surely is a far more primal urge so far as fear is concerned.
  18. It's been said here before, but I'll say it again. 1) People beat cancer every single day. 2) If you don't beat it then aim to lose with dignity and courage. 3) Don't get all soppy.
  19. LOL, that wouldn't have worked for me because I have a large reinforcing bar which I took to using as a joke about zombies and am now used to. So the first I'd have known about it was when the axes started breaking down the door, which would of course have just meant I'd be worried about post-apocalyptic biker nazis. But FIVE DAYS? I think the longest I've gone 'bunker happy' was four, and that was when my mum was sick.
  20. I bet he's regretting spending his entire life trying to sell people crap they don't need now. Unusually bitter today...
  21. VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!! Ubisoft DRM means that silent hunter III will not work on Windows 7. *murderous grin* So I have to try and get a refund from Steam. That's final. I'm not buying any more Ubisoft games ever. And whether I get in trouble for syaing this or not: I'm no longer looking down on anyone who pirates their games. ****ing arseholes.
  22. It's called 'preparation' for a reason.
  23. Still enjoying New Vegas. And by enjoying I mean LOVING. BTW, think I've found a perfect examplar of Obsidian's edge over Bethesda, although it's quite low key. Just have a chat to Sergeant Bitter Root. No quest, no cheesy kit, just an arresting personal story which may or may not combine with other stories later to paint a picture of life and history in the mojave.
  24. I have to agree. I don't know what fething build you are using or difficulty, but cazadores are gokking terrifying. Although in large part that's due to the way they sting and insta-doom companions due to a bug in the system. And the incredible speed. I'll take two deathclaws over one cazadore any time. Having said that, I was wondering if explosives were the way forward. Cazadores are a tough body with fragile wings and antenna right? Bada bing, bada BOOM, as they say.
  25. Developers put in social content because it's a nearly free way of providing 'content'.
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