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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. *Nods, sadly but emphatically*
  2. I can't remember. Would you mind restating your point?
  3. I flatter myself that I'd not get into a relationship with anyone who I wouldn't stay with (at the time) if I suddenly had the choice of anyone else. I think the expression is 'serial monogamist'. Actually, talking about this makes me wonder if my overall loyalty is due to an insistence on not being domesticated. If I agree to being told what to do as part of relationships now, maybe that would erode my loyalty? Intriguing notion.
  4. Haven't time to check it just now, but it sounds like a great idea.
  5. You're probably right, Archie. BUt up until recently the most important thing for me was my independence. Of course since I got all tubby I can no-longer expect replacements to appear! So at least in theory I'd probably put up with a little domestication.
  6. Keep us posted, Azdo. Sounds interesting.
  7. Maybe it's additive. So you have magic magicians augmented with the abilities of the street magician and hypnotist. Surely just more powerful?
  8. I'm not sure I understand what you're saying, are you assimilating Sarko's intent with that of an armed mugger's? If so, I wholeheartedly agree, but I honestly don't think Bush was really trying to save anyone's life when he launched the war on Iraq.* Seriously, the humanitarian excuse has been resting in pieces since it was made the coalition's official position that Qaddafi has to go; the fact that allied air forces are basically paving the way for the rebels' advance in clear violation of the provisions of resolution 1973 doesn't help either. *He probably did, what with Saddam being the accomplished stalinist he was, but I think of that as accessory. On the contrary, the humanitarian intent of the UN resolution is nonsense WITHOUT regime change. That's my own analysis and those of articles I've been reading but I must apologise since I didn't bookmark them. By which I am talking in terms of common sense rather than legal prestidigitation - which I have solid and unshakeable contempt for.
  9. what a goth It's one of the best things about a public school education - the cast iron arrogance to do pretty much whatever you like and ignore social cliques.
  10. I've always preferred long distance relationships. You can be all passionate when together and not have to keep up magic tricks 24/7 when you need to work. But that doesn't make them unpainful, so commis.
  11. My physio didn't work out. I personally have decided to blame an international Jewish conspiracy. Lead by mkreku. I don't like people doing physical work for me. But I'm more than happy to have people help me do physical work, and even happier to have them do paperwork. Actually come to that I know exactly whose PA I'd nick. I just realised that there's a big estate near where I used to live which would make an excellent purchase if I had the big millions. Although now I think about it i would probably end up living in about two rooms like I always do. Sod it, I'll just buy me two palm trees and a hammock.
  12. I love that phrase "some researchers think" bloody pseudo scientific rumour mongering.
  13. I hate you etc etc.
  14. Cowboy Junkies - Sweet Jane (live)
  15. Unrelated to my previous comment, I was thinking what a shame it is that my grandad is dead. He could have been flown in, with a chally 2 and some other old desert rats. maybe not 100% effective, but he'd have enjoyed himself.
  16. In fairnes, GD, I think that it would be wiser to accept that the good guys and bad guys often change day by day. I mean, acoldly realistic assessment of Great Britain would paint us as a rather unreliable ally - and the reverse if you don't mind my saying so. yet we muddle along quite nicely more or less by pretending that we are best chums.
  17. Poor show. If my mum wasn't dead I'd feel bad not getting her some sort of James Darcy character. Granted she'd have made him weed the garden, but that would have been her choice.
  18. Rebels take Ras Lanuf If they can actually pull this off, and IF they don't turn out to be corrupted by Jihadi Fried Chicken then it's an intoxicating prospect, and I may have to apologise to the various airforces and navies.
  19. Being more serious I think my number 1 'purchase' would be to take on a personal trainer. If I had 190 million (as was won the other night) then I'd need full time security also. I actually know precisely the chap I'd hire, too. I don't think I'd move house, though. I'd buy the ones either side, though. Should help obviate trouble with the neighbours.
  20. Thanks Wals for introducing me to a good new song...well new to me anyway I love Weeds and didn't know she did a song for the show. Glad you enjoyed it. I heard it through Garrison Keillor's Prairie Home Companion on the BBC.
  21. Cats are tiny tiny satans. You and Raithe need to have a young priest and an old priest throw your cats out.
  22. That's why I got me the antlers. For the ladeeez.
  23. I'd suggest that the difference is intent. I have a friend who cuts strangers open almost every day. They are frequently hospitalised. She's a doctor. To use an expression I heard this morning, 'putting warheads on foreheads' can be for good or bad. It's not double standards, it's just not moral relativism. Although I expect I've made a logical error in there somewhere. EDIT: Di, making things worse is often the first step in making them better. Ever had chemo, or renovated a house?
  24. I'd get me some antlers.
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