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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Made me laugh: the Oxford College of London.
  2. Hoagy shiznitt. Sorry to break this to you, old man. First example I checked: General Dynamics Tip of the hat to Krez and Calax for jumping in.
  3. They should totally have prepped that. I have tremendous respect for the poor sods. Locked up in a lunchbox for so long, and they can't even say they went anywhere. In some ways a bigger sacrifice than those who actually go into space. And essential for future missions, so I understand. They had to study how they'd react to one another, manage their diet, and get them to perform tests etc.
  4. Mysterious wee bugger. Get yonsel' an avatar.

  5. I've been posting for a while on the dangers of machines assuming military powers in political life. It sounds as if we're addressing the dangers of machines assuming economic power. In both cases what is undoubtedly a tactical win translates into big negative consequences. Yet with the advantages so obvious what nation or culture will turn aside from them? Mor eimportantly could any nation or culture turn their rise to their advantage? If so, how? On topic: A neat article on why Italy may not be in trouble. It must be wrong, because it makes sense to me. Probably too simplistic.
  6. I was thinking on most similar lines today. Albeit less articulate ones. The thing is that with modern manufacturing a single factory could probably turn out enough cars (let's say) to equip everyone on the planet in a matter of a couple of years, if al the valves were turned up high. Hell, wasn't it General Motors who first showed what manufacturing could do during WW2? The question then becomes, I guess, one of demand and the economics of shipping, and protectionism. I will refer members to the illustrious pages of the weekly comic 2000AD. In it you have a vast mega city whose residents are almost entirely on 'welfare', and all industry and service jobs are run by robots. I'm talking as far back as the early eighties. ~~ So... how will this impasse be resolved?
  7. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/space/8...k-on-Earth.html What kind of evil mother ****er has the press conference indoors? Let the buggers at least go outside!
  8. What about a little bit of gunpowder? I thought GD might try this recipe. From The Old Foodie.
  9. Ever since I read the Harry Harrison story about the special agent who employs a herd of pigs I've wanted a pig as a pet. If I ever retire to the country I'm totally owning pigs.
  10. Sometimes I really wonder where you obtain the alien logic you use to reach some of your conclusions. Systems theory. But don't let that worry you. It's only used to run every major technology and manufacturing firm in the world. FFS I thought you were studying for an MBA?
  11. Got to say, Greylord's reviews sound honest, and sensible. ...And have put me right off.
  12. Personally I can't understand why this bothered so many players. I mean "friend activities" are optional. You could say no, hung up right away or refuse to answer Absolutely. Once I worked that out, I relaxed and found the friends awesome.
  13. *shrug* I was being nice.
  14. "Hint: Move along the corridor"
  15. A pig in your living room is more startling than a cobra in the forest. Doesn't make it more serious a threat. You obviously never had a pig on your living room. You've obviously never seen my living room.
  16. To develop my earlier point, all we have to do is to enact a Greek collapse where the individual subsystem failures happen in time steps outside the decision loops of our 'friendly' financial organs. They see it coming and act accordingly. In other words, we still have th avalanche, but it happens slowly enough that we dodge the individual boulders.
  17. A pig in your living room is more startling than a cobra in the forest. Doesn't make it more serious a threat.
  18. To be brutally honest _I_ don't think you're serious. And if I don't neither Obsidian nor Bethesda are going to. If they want to do MP then they can and will pay for a proven talent to do it. If you really are serious you should go to a smaller indie developer and prove your chops there. If you're not serious then stop spamming the board. Some folks genuinely do come here to get noticed, and you're making life harder for them.
  19. Funnily enough all I smell is a man who hasn't mastered the arcane art of getting people to do things because they are fun and challenging. It's perfectly possible. _You_ simply can't do it. Which begs the question why you're so proud of that fact. Although it does explain why you are so hostile to the suggestion that it's easy.
  20. Unfortunately for you, my dried husk of a human, I am a former sports coach and teacher. I _know_ I could do that and have them scrambling up and down trees or chasing squirrels in short order. Probably not immediately, but it's certainly feasible. I any case, my hitlerjugend forming capabilities aside, the format works right now. People do commit time and energy to challenges. They do exhibit pride in them. in Red Orchestra my clan took enormous satisfaction in being able to prove they had shot x tank commanders from their cupolas. Others felt similarly about kills with the PTRD, and so on.
  21. I'd be very careful about agreeing with WoD. He'd cheerfully let a man get hit by lightning, even if he lived in the same tree. It's fascinating to me but so far as I can establish he simply refuses to accept the existence of second order effects. I've given up worrying about him. ~~~ However, Bel Canto, I accept your point about perhaps seeing our way through a lot of pain as something we could do with open eyes. My objection to this is, as I am musing over my newspapers, is that the choice need not be binary: crash or burn money. A crash over an extended duration is a braking manoeuvre. Maybe we should be looking to let Greece collapse, but in a mediated fashion. Do this slowly enough, and maybe we can all survive.
  22. I saw it in a dusty cellar, in house from the French colonial area - in downtown Pondicherry, which really helped set the mood. But it really is a remarkable movie. So no, you're not a snob. To me Pondicherry always sounds like a small town in Wales.
  23. Ugh. Everything is so interconnected, I wonder if failure cascades aren't inevitable. Trouble is I don't see how you'd stop it from happening.
  24. Excellent. 'Aircan' it is. I had thought of 'Skyweasel', but yours is better.
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