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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Face transplant win. I don't know about you, but I get a real kick out of seeing these successes.
  2. That's not funny. That shopkeeper had balls of brass. Didn't ****ing hesitate just lamped in.
  3. Any better suggestions? yeah. Actually help someone affected by the crisis. Either yourself, or someone made redundant, or trying to find work. Start a goddamn business. Work in a soup kitchen. Going on a little ****ing camping trip downtown is pointless unless you have some outcome in mind.
  4. "into it"? Into what? I'd say a suit is someone who enjoys wearing a suit. I'm not saying you can't get good suits. But how many people actualy wear good suits?
  5. Hate to burst your bubble, mate. But I know a fellow who was shot in the head and survived. Bullet hit his temple and slid round the bone came out the back. FACT. I've seen the holes. Further, the entire discipline of neuropsychology was founded on people being shot in the head and surviving.
  6. BREAK BREAK GD, I've been listening to the biography of the spy known as Mata Hari. Apparently her husbnad was involved in this massive campaign in the Dutch East Indies I'd never heard of. Sounds fascinating. Plenty of mercenaries too. Maybe mix in that war with shreds of your original story as part retrospective? That way you'd get the civil war chaps, exploit your understanding, and bring in a really exotic flavour at the same time.
  7. And a happy Thanksgiving to you chaps, also. You may turn up late to all your battles, but you turn up in spades.
  8. Jesus Christ! Sorry to hear that. Meningitis is... well... you know. Meningitis is a ****.Nearly lost my mum, and one of my exes to the ****ing stuff.
  9. Was speaking to a copper about this, and his view was "We only use the spray when we'd otherwise use the baton. And spray washes off. A broken wrist doesn't."
  10. Interesting, I was being told about a UK company looking at that today...
  11. Sorry, my verb thingies are all bunched up. Too much beer on an empty stomach. I _was_ in London today. Not going. Re marbles, suggest you just do as Lord Elgin did, and walk off with them. Come to think of it it just shows how blisteringly lazy the Greeks are that they didn't think of that. There must be some legal term probably written in greek which describes this process.
  12. It's your damn body. Feel free to do what you like. Me, I eat cheaply and live cheaply, and spend my consequently freed money on enjoying being alive. Or on my nearest and dearest. My main point was that really: 1. You ARE going to die, like it or not 2. Obsessing over plastic in your food chain may keep you alive 3.4 years longer, but it will also make you a collossal creepy bore. Although iirc you're still young enough that point 2 isn't so much of an issue yet. PS. Your PM box is full.
  13. And it's precisely that 'can do' attitude which will see you right in the long run. Keep it up, old boy.
  14. Off to London today. I had forgotten what a collossal stew of domestic eedjits and loud foreigners it is. Pondered when someone is being an a-hole and when they're just differentially encultured. No food until I got home at 9 PM. Had krombach beer for the first time. Very good. Now doing that thing where you know you should go to bed, but keep checking the internet in case the meaning of life has been posted, or there's a zombie incursion in progress.
  15. Someone ought to archive these threads onto clay tablets and take 'em up to a cave somewhere in the Himalayas.
  16. I am probably being biased. I like to explore new orlds when I read, even history. I just wonder if you could find echoes of these themes in unexplored territory. What happened to veterans of the war? Did any go abroad and become mercs?
  17. Sure, just take the side of my traitorous keyboard, that one didn't like it either You're threatening to drown me in a popular, but ultimately uninspiring wine? Meh. Could be worse. Gotta go somehow.
  18. Serves you right for drinking Sauvignon. Ghastly stuff.
  19. Sure no healthy system is afraid of a minority view at T1. But as T2, T3 etc. comes around ideas can grow. Then the 'legitimate' government is seen as the one selling out to foreigners, or coloureds, or communists. It's a grave mistake to presume that free ideas are good ideas. But in terms of censorship there's not many that should be banned. Incitement to murder, for example.
  20. Leave it. The banks need that money so they can loan it out to people to buy houses at bubble prices.
  21. It sounds harsh, even to me, GD. But hasn't that kind of ground been covered already? Wasn't there that film with Nicole Kidman did much the same thing? Speaking of which, regarding the above, MOST MISLEADING TRAILER EVER.
  22. I did not know that! Of course, thanks to budget cuts I now have to store food leftovers in my own armpit.
  23. More importantly, the former head of MI5 - Britain Secret Intelligence Service - has also spoken out against prohibition. I know there's a lot of opposed views on the board. But I really think at the point where someone like the former head of MI5 is saying it ain't working, then it's worth consideration.
  24. Really struggling with the short winter days. Never noticed it before. Feels like midnight at about 1700!
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