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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. If you think that's unprecedented, old boy...
  2. Serrano: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIv96reVlAE
  3. Then it might be moving to watch, change one's perspective, force a shift in ideas. Ew. Doesn't bear consideration. To me it doesn't matter if there responses are staged, the message is true and relevant Be careful, young one. That way The Guardian lies.
  4. @Bruce 1) I agree the murder of Lee Rigby was the most repellent bull**** I've seen in a long while. 2) Maltreating high profile suspects undermines the case and any bastard who did so to satisfy a personal urge deserves to get hit in the face with the full weight of the law. I think most prison officers would agree. 3) However, knowing that Adebolajo is a (very very) violent offender I find it easier to believe that he was hard to manage and got injured while attempting to do a prison officer an injury 4) Adebolajo's lawyers would use any and all injuries to try and get their client acquitted. 5) I reserve judgement pending more facts
  5. I think it's grossly premature to say it's over. The key requirement for the Jifascists is just a supply of willing simple-minded young men, leavened by the occasional engineer and finger-pointer. their supply of both relies far more on human nature than politics. Fascism of all varieties isn't going away. It's like herpes.
  6. Going a bit off topic, but replying to LC's post. She talks about using the spatula to support things. I have to say that for most objects these days I'm using tongs. But the springs are weak. I was think of hand-loading my own. Anyone ever try?
  7. Thanks, but once I realised it's an MMO, the real price isn't the cash cost.
  8. "purge it from my memories!" Come on Alan, that's a little theatrical. Was your Oblivion experience really that bad? I agree. I only finished the ****ing game because I did not want to have paid up front and in advance for not a single play through. As immersive as a hug from a stuffed bear. Kindly do not remind me of it again.
  9. Laughed so hard I sprayed oats everywhere. I was eating oatcakes for breakfast. It's not like I'm made of oats or... never mind.
  10. If I may pay the honourable member a rather dubious compliment: I have no doubt oby would find a way to be just as lunatic using only pictures.
  11. If you think you can reliably tell the French and English apart on skin colour then I suggest you take a flight to Paris and win a lot of money by betting on the fact in cafes. People will accept your bet because the - no doubt mistaken - popular opinion will be that your assertion is gibbering stupidity.
  12. Then it might be moving to watch, change one's perspective, force a shift in ideas. Ew. Doesn't bear consideration.
  13. Interesting analysis. If I can run with the ball, wouldn't that mean that your first archetypal relationship is the one many parents WANT from their kids. A builder's pride. So to speak. Have to ponder this further.
  14. Thought you loons might like this: http://www.vice.com/en_uk/the-vice-guide-to-travel/the-gun-markets-of-pakistan WARNING: The anchorman is a tw**.
  15. This is a freaking Bear Grylls spatula. You've got splines for... I don't know... combing wolves. Awesome.
  16. If you want to aspire to being a famine victim with hydroencephalitis and a distended neck, go right ahead.
  17. If the Taliban win, there will be no more shake weight.
  18. Towards the end it felt like someone telling you a story about one of their uncles going fishing. I'm sure Herbert found it interesting to tell. But I wanted some ****ing action, not just a sequence of events.
  19. In response to the general gun thread. Here is the spatula I want at the moment. Check out the stainless steel, and the holes. Gravy is going through those holes, but no onions. Hell yeah.
  20. The heat's affecting everybody over here, Raithe. The most niticeable things are - as you say - appetite and memory. EDIT: and spelling, apparently.
  21. I believe that the Royal Marines would observe that it's not a weapon if you can't ram into some poor bastard's groin.
  22. That mechanica project looks pretty cool. I just watched their video and read the page.
  23. I've got the creepy feeling I actually stole this notion from someone on here about 4 months ago. Can't remember who but felt I should own up.
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