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Everything posted by Cassidy

  1. So I've been hearing that Kreia is actually the Handmaidens mother, forgot the name now. Anyhow, is this true? How does anyone come to such a conclusion? I've never had Kreia tell me that. I thought Handmaiden's mother died on Malachor....
  2. That's what I am saying. I hate that. It pisses me off to no end. I have Handmaiden on DS mastery as a Dark Jedi Guardian, then we go to Nar Shadaa and Visas is like "I will help you find the Jedi here." and Handmaiden goes "I will not let you harm the jedi!" <_< That's stupid......
  3. sniff sniff.... what's that smell? Oh, the distinct smell of smartass in the air.....
  4. Eh, I have PC version so all I can say is rent it and try it for yourself. Then, if you like it, buy it.
  5. Kreia, as it is the woman's place to do such things. "
  6. Hey that gives me an idea. He could have put a mini rocket launcher on the back of his jaw plate. While fighting his jaw would flap down and rockets could shoot out. Think of it like Mira's rocket launcher armband, only it's concealed in his prosthetic jaw.
  7. Well sure I guess, except for the 5000 year difference in ages....... W00T!! Level 2 with this post. :cool:
  8. Yes, I have finished both LS and DS, male and female. I have finished with every possible combination of alignment and gender.
  9. Yes, that is most evil option. Often times it is more of a punishment to force people to live with pain and suffering than it is to outright kill them.
  10. Well I have finished the game at least 12-15 times. I just heard of this easter egg so I started a new game, first with a male but it didn't work so I tried with female. I asked "Who are you?" and Atton replied (slight paraphrasing here) "Atton, Atton Rand. You'll have to excuse me if I don't shake hands, the force cage only causes mild electrical burns."
  11. No big deal, but it would have been answered just as well in the other thread.
  12. Things I would like to be able to do in KotOR 2: 1) Kill whomever I want. (maybe someone is being an asshat and deserves it, like those bitchy little handmaidens) 2) Throw scenery at enemies 3) Force persuade anyone to give me their posessions. 4) Have real romances 5) Not only change my helper's appearances, but also their personality when I take them to the dark side. Make them enjoy killing innocent people. 6) Jump......
  13. I always talk to that guy and I have never had that happen.
  14. I tried that Flamethrower, it didn't work. :angry:
  15. Yes, you must be on Nar Shadaa to train her, in the same place that Kreia shows you something about the force. (around that big central pit near the Hawk.) And..... what duplicate glitch?
  16. is the droid name M4-78? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, that's the name she gives.
  17. I've found a few lines in Vash's VO files refering to, some droid name that I assume is a reference to the planet, but I can't make a lot of sense out of it with just her VO files.
  18. Can someone please explain what the story behind the droid planet is? I've heard of it, I've heard it was cut really early in developement so there was never really anything done on it. Can someone please explain what purpose it was supposed to serve?
  19. It's Bastila. If you numbnuts would play KotOR 1 you would know that.
  20. A level 15 consular and level 35 Sith Lord or Jedi Master is unbeatable, even on hard. The only ones to save from any force powers were the other Sith Lords, Nihilus, Sion, and Treya.
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