does she still have the giant cone thingy on her head?
found out today that my sister's dog is being put down tomorrow
he's a Pitbull/Staffordshord Terrier cross and he's about 10 years old
he had a weird lump thingy on his leg and they tested it and apparently he's got a liver disease and is riddled with cancer
it kinda sucks, especially for my nephew, who's only 6 years old and has formed a really close bond with the dog
i know a lot of people see Pitbulls and co as quite violent breeds of dogs, but he's been perfectly well behaved with my nephew, never so much as even growling at him, even when he was young and would pull on the dogs tail and everything
it's gonna be weird going to see my sister and not having the dog there bugging me to come throw sticks for him in the back yard