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Everything posted by Shryke

  1. smashing pumpkins - 1979
  2. no release date for season 3 on dvd? i saw it in a store yesterday.... didn't have the money to grab it at the time though
  3. yes, how do we know? we must examine his brain meats!
  4. Joe Hisaishi - Summer from a strange japanese movie i watched like 5 years ago call Kikujiro
  5. Dimmu Borgir - Sorgens Kammer
  6. Shryke


    nah this was a different one.... and yeah, it really wasn't so fun suffice to say i didn't make it to work that morning
  7. Shryke


    And no one likes you or wants in their party? haha quite the opposite really got dragged along to a party the other day and got plied with drinks from everyone bourbon, wine, beer, rum, and whiskey. not a good mix...
  8. Shryke


    i'm a bard most appropriate one there i suppose i play guitar, i write poetry/stories, and i've done a fair bit of acting in the past
  9. i love you

    you have damn fine taste in music ^_^

  10. Shryke


    i really have nothing for my family but apathy my parents were divorced when i was like 2 and i have no memories whatsoever of my father. the only person from his side of the family i ever knew was my half sister from a previous marriage of his. she was like 25 years or so older than me, and she died when i was 12 my mother was completely ostracised from the rest of her family for not following their fundamentalist christian beliefs, and everytime i did see or hear from any of them, they would start trying to turn me against her. if i dared to challenge or question their opinions of her, then i was told i was clearly possessed by demons and that the devil was making me believe my mother over them i have 2 sisters and 1 brother. one of my sisters moved to australia like 9 months ago, and i haven't heard from her since. my brother lives in the same city as i do, but we never really talk. i get the odd txt message from him maybe once a month. he's getting married next month, so i suppose i'll catch up with him then. my other sister lives in another part of the country with her husband and my 2 nephews (one of whom i still haven't seen) i haven't seen my family together since christmas eve last year, and even then i almost didn't go. they got together at my brothers place for dinner and everything. i popped by for a couple of hours after work, but didn't stay long as far as i'm concerned, to me they are like old friends that i see every so often, but am really not bothered if i don't see them my friends are more family to me then my actual family. my current flatmate i have known for 7 years now, and he's more of a brother to me then my actual brother
  11. VAST - Cello Song
  12. if all goes according to plan, then tonight i'm going out to the movies with the most gorgeous girl i've ever met
  13. new games over here are usually like NZ$100
  14. zoids legacy on GBA pretty much pokemon but with mecha.... (i got given it, this is not the sorta thing i'd spend money on)
  15. dimmu borgir - mourning palace
  16. VAST - cello song
  17. just wrote some random poem i usually txt these things to a friend of mine. we both enjoy writing and so he likes to see what i've done apparently he's been collecting all the things i send him. he says i should hang on to these things. he's filled up a notebook with all the random stuff i've sent him and thinks i should release it in a book
  18. kamelot - the haunting what am i thinking....?
  19. i'm in the middle of trying to write a poem girl from work insists i write one for her, so whatever, i'm giving it a shot
  20. nine inch nails - mr self destruct
  21. the female Shepard is Bastila? that could be weird...
  22. Dimmu Borgir - Sorgens Kammer
  23. cool i might have to check it out at one stage A Perfect Circle - Passive
  24. oooh a This Corrosion mix. any good? Tool - Jimmy
  25. at the moment, nothing still waiting for my new gfx card to show up, so no computer for me haven't had too much time for gaming lately anyways planning on checking out Bioshock and Stalker when i get my bitz though
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