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Everything posted by Echoes

  1. because then we would have had force incest
  2. It'd be awfully nice if he did, but I doubt he will, probably too busy with other games. As for your question, probably not. The idea I got was that it would wipe out all force sensitives who didn't cut themselves off as the Exile did. Kreia seemed to really hate the idea of the force doing whatever it could to achieve balance despite all the death it caused, so it'd be really hypocritical of her to go and kill everything in the galaxy. I *think* I understood everything in the game, took the cut material and a bit of thought to string everything together to make it work, though.
  3. The remote didn't blow up, it fell to the ground. problem is about 3/4 of it falls through the ebon hawk's floor so it's hard to see, but it is there. I'm guessing that's when Goto installs the "triggered commands" he mentions at malachor.
  4. At first, Atris largely struck me as being your typical sanctimonious jedi. Now, with the revelation of the cut content, we know she was the other candidate for Darth Traya, which, from the revealed content in the ending, makes perfect sense. She viewed the Exile as betraying the Jedi and her personally, so she betrayed the Exile in turn. Since Kreia described Darth Traya as "one who was betrayed in their heart, and one who will betray others in turn," it works for Atris better than Kreia. We know Kreia was betrayed by Nihilus and Sion, but she was already Traya then. I guess she views herself as being betrayed by Revan, since Revan was a "paragon of the order" (till Revan found out about the "true sith") and it's clear that Kreia never wholly agreed with the order. However, with the revelation Kreia wants to kill the force, she seems to fit the title of Darth Nihilus better than her paper tiger of a student.
  5. Usually no problems, (what with my victims being animated 3D models and all) but occaisionally superior voice acting/dialogue will get me to waver. I'm not really all that prone to the "greedy thug" dark side approach, though, I'd like to see a lot more [persuade/lie] options so I can manipulate people
  6. I seem to remember someone saying Terentateks fed on Jedi blood? Wouldn't that be an "us or them" scenario for the Jedi? Well, I suppose Jedi could organize blood drives
  7. Before the big bang? Before the big bang (or damp squib or whatever you believe it is that causes the movement that's evidenced by the red shift) there wasn't time. So there was no "before," it was just there when time (as we view it) started.
  8. Spamming force lightning will run you out of force, then you'll have to wait the 2 hours he said to recharge, unless you cheat, in which case spam away.
  9. If you're a light sider, you can't recover force quickly, barring the 'equip and unequip wisdom modifying items' bug. You're probably better off killing the Hssiss with your lightsaber and using your force power for heal than force storming them as a lightsider.
  10. No, it is not a fabrication. As far as we know, Freedon Nadd did in Sadow when he had learned all he could from Sadow. Sadow definitely survived after his 'death' though, since he did teach Nadd, and IIRC, his body was not to be found in the tomb on Korriban. However, I would not mind seeing Sadow again. edit: well, it says in the next chronicle: So he may be who LA or OE has in mind for the next villain, wouldn't be a bad idea, but it's pretty much been done in Jedi Academy so I'm not sure they'd go with it.
  11. Limit is level 50. The Hssiss spawn point is in the tomb in the skyrack caves, I believe it's after the second test, you'll find a dead jedi, keep looting him and the Hssiss will keep spawning. They could've fixed it in the patch, though.
  12. Well, here's favorite subject of star wars fans everywhere: Midi-Chlorians. According to Lucas, it would seem that any jedi offspring would have about as many midichlorians as the average of their parents, so a child born to two jedi should most probably be force sensitive. Edit: well, technically, I suppose everyone in star wars is force sensitive, midi-chlorian count is just a measure of how easy one can call upon the force, and, per kreia, be used by it.
  13. The broken droid on Dantooine mentions that the sith bombing concentrated on the enclave and some "obscure ruins to the south." As for Korriban, probably still there.
  14. He's with the Administrator.
  15. Mindblowing. Sim Earth meets Populous meets Civilization meets Homeworld (hopefully) the official site is up, http://spore.ea.com not much there, but the intro anim is pretty cool
  16. Yes, it would. Matter of fact, in one of the clone wars novels, Dooku refers to the jedi as "children their parents decided they could live without" in terms of jedi recruitment, and an attitude toward jedi 'talent scouts' as babynappers. I can't imagine what kind of havoc that would play with the psyche of someone who wasn't jedi trained. However, they are certainly cared for to some extent, there's mention in other clone wars novels of Yoda being very involved with infants and young kids. As far as this issue in the rest of the star wars EU, it's conflicted, usually by the specific author's feelings on the matter, but I've heard of Jedi being married. I haven't heard of the "no strings sex" approach, (most likely due to unwillingness to glorify that sort of lifestyle on the part of either the author or lucasfilm) but that seems to be the most sensible thing to do, as long as Jedi can keep sexual desire and emotional attachment separate. Now, in terms of the Jedi repressing their sexuality, as I mentioned it earlier, the Jedi are basically trained from birth to totally repress what makes them 'human' and that includes forming attachments, sexual desire, selfishness, reacting emotionally and a whole host of other things. I figure if it's enough to expect Jedi to not form attachments to anyone or anything, even their Master/Padawan, one can similarly ask them to forsake sex, especially if Jedi calming techniques work for turning themselves off.
  17. Well, I just tried to spawn one in KotOR 2 to double check (code should be giveitem g_lghtsbr_06) and it gives a blank item, so they pulled it, and the info I gave was for KotOR 1. However, I did find Visas' saber (giveitem w_ls_x01) which is 4-22 +1 attack and non-upgradeable. Edit: oh, duh, and useable by Visas only.
  18. Malak's robes are the best of the Jal Shey/Zeison Sha type robes, and are dark side specific. Malak's lightsaber, IIRC, deals 2-16 energy damage and is not upgradeable.
  19. Looking at human history (in this galaxy anyway ) I'd be hesitant to say that. Human history is filled with anything but love, unless you consider "love of power" or "love of one's own race/religion and no other" to fit under that. IIRC, the history of the star wars universe to the end of TSL is pretty bleak as well, especially considering what happened to the Rakatans. "Love conquers all" works great on a personal level, but on a large scale, generally it's the more negative emotions that prevail. I'm not even going to touch that "the savage breast" comment
  20. may as well give this a go Abortion - for it. Don't want to get dragged into a huge debate, but I'm for it up to the point where the fetus is aware it exists. Before that it really is just a clump of replicating cells. Obviously, that'll coincide with some level of brain activity consistent with what's viewed as consciousness. Obviously for it in cases of rape or ectopic pregnancy. Gay Rights - all for all them, marriage, adoption, the works. I would've hoped we'd worked out all our civil rights issues by now, constitutionally we in the US worked them out in 1868. UN - for it, be nice if it could do more but I doubt any country is going to surrender any more power to it anytime soon. Iraq - against it before we went and against it now. Especially considering the price tag. Blair - Not a big fan of his. Energy - As long as we're not screwing up the environment.
  21. well, looks like I've been dragged out of my long lurkdom. I actually thought quite a bit about this during my KotOR playthroughs, and recently discussed the topic with my gf now that she's beat both KotOR and TSL. I don't think the Jedi are opposed to love as a whole, I think they are only opposed to the tremendous attachment that comes with love, romantic, filial, parental whatever. I think if it were possible to love without forming such attachments, the Jedi would be all for it. Though, I think in a lot of cases "pulling a Bindo" may manifest itself as a force bond if it's mutual. As for the reason why they don't condone attachments, I would think that's obvious, having attachments makes people do really stupid things to protect those attachments, and we can't have our Jedi running around doing stupid things because with their level of power they could screw up everything. They could train Jedi to have have attachments, but not let them affect their judgement, but that's a lot riskier, and if you'll excuse my cynicism, a lot less likely to work under stress. Now, without pulling a dictionary, I'll say the Jedi frequently engage in acts of compassion, that's not the same as an act of love. Jedi, from what I know, are trained to be peacekeepers, and I think their acts of compassion are largely as much a fanatical devotion to their ideals as they are an emotional experience. Now, another topic, since it came up, was Jedi sex. I would imagine the Jedi can have all the sex they like -- unless they become emotionally involved with their partner. And if kids result from that, I'd guess they get spirited off and safely anonymized so the parents can't form attachments and so the parents don't have the option of selecting them as a padawan by chance or by intuition. However, since Jedi are trained from birth to suppress most of what makes them human (or Zabrak or Cathar etc) they may all have their sex drives completely repressed, so they only come out during times of stress. Edit: As for the Sith, I'd imagine they're also told to restrict themselves from attachment, from their perspective, it weakens one, especially if a Sith Master is attached to their apprentice, and can't do what they should when their pupil challenges them.
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