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Bantha Fodder

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Everything posted by Bantha Fodder

  1. How bout Force Commander... Yeeeeeesh..... Bad graphics, controls and gameplay. Can't beleive I bought it! :angry:
  2. Er.... What has this got to do with Romances??????
  3. Yes but obsidian may find ways to make the DS more seductive.
  4. Interesting connection.......
  5. Should I change the name of this thread then??? <_< If you feel like it lol I dunno, I s'pose the title wasn't very specific. I see. There were also the slaves in Davik's quaters, but I don't remember if they were green or not. Yeah they were green - except for one I think. There was also that twi'lek that tells Bastila her mother is on Tatooine - she was a beige colour. I should have said this in my previous post, but forgot, the twi'lek that talks about Bastila's mother is also wearing the same thing as all other female twi'leks in the game, except for Yuthura and Janice Nall. THey need to make more blue ones.
  6. Juhani should fall to the DS again.
  7. The storyline is the most important part of any game. If theres no storyline players become bored extremely quickly. The storyline in KOTOR was realy interseting, it kept me going for ages.
  8. Krea is supposed to communicate with you telepathically. That would certainly add some depth to the storyline.
  9. GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I agree all round but the Cut scenes looked wierd. Fake. :angry:
  11. I agree all round. But the Cut secences had strange special effects.... It looked fake.
  12. Correction, it's Star Wars that sucks. Then why did you sign up????? THIS IS A STAR WARS BASED BB!!!
  13. I would have to say Bounty Hunter. I played it on PS2 and it was crap compared to the other games there like Jedi Academy.
  14. I MUCH prefer being Jedily!!!!
  15. I agree that Dark Jedi should be ALOT harder. In the Jedi Knight series most of the time you'd be luck to survive an encounter with a shadowtrooper. All of the Dark Jedi through the game should look diffrent. They also should not say the same thing every time you confront them; "Lord Malak was most displeased when he learned you had escaped Taris alive, he has offered a great reward to whoevere destroys you!"
  16. Jeremy Soule did the Music for KOTOR not John Williams!!!
  17. Write to Lucas Arts and ask them to add this to KotOR II. Er... I might do that.....
  18. Should I change the name of this thread then??? <_< If you feel like it lol I dunno, I s'pose the title wasn't very specific. I see. There were also the slaves in Davik's quaters, but I don't remember if they were green or not.
  19. BANKRUPT????? :angry:
  20. Ofcourse it will allow changes like that, there were mods that could do it, Obsidian would just have to make it perminant.
  21. I know that, we were just discussing his scores. Jeremy Soule will not be doing the music for KOTOR II sadly.
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