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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. I know Go-To wasn't well received, but come on. <_<
  2. And neither does whining about having to kill rats with a level 8 character, since it has no real bearing on the story, or gameplay, apart from apparently one part (a part I haven't come to, I might add). You're being ridiculous, and you know it. You're writing off a module because it involves killing rats.
  3. You'll play it soon enough. Just like you played Star Wars Galaxies after going off on how you hated MMORPG. Just like you bought an XBox after you said you'd never do it. Just like the countless other things you complain about, then do a 180 on not long afterwards.
  4. Really? Because the ones that were running around in those shacks weren't exactly difficult to kill. I thought we were discussing the tediousness and ease by which these "low level" enemies are, and shouldn't be including in high level campaigns. Or are you going to argue that ALL the cranium rats were very, very difficult to kill and needed your character to be a high level otherwise you had no chance? Seriously, try the module first before sounding off about how lame or cliched it is.
  5. I seem to recall having to kill rats in middle stages of PS:T. That game must have sucked, then.
  6. OMG a level 8 character having to kill rats?!?! I'm going to stop playing then.
  7. I hate all counical members! Down with counicals!
  8. Um? There is no rat killing mission. I think he just killed the rats that were running around for the fun of it. I'm a few hours into the game and I've yet to go on any rat killing mission.
  9. Existing K3 and/or suggestions thread. <_<
  10. Me? I was stuck in the actual Daggerford town, but got out.
  11. Darkness over Daggerford for teh win!
  12. Yeah. I figured that out after posting this. :">
  13. Can't wait to see the video of that. :D
  14. Already stuck inside Daggerford. I can't get out. :">
  15. Seen? No. Their stories resolved? Yes.
  16. Yeah, the dialogue skill checks are a nice touch.
  17. Heh I might start over with a new character. I imported one of mine, and the lowest I had that was close to Level 8 is a Level 14 Assassin type guy.
  18. Writing's about on par with the NWN OC. As in, nothing out of this world yet, but at the same time it has that "professional" touch that you'd expect from an actual game studio. As far as story goes, I'm not far enough in to either condemn or praise it yet.
  19. Managed to give it a try. I'm still twiddling around the beginning area, but it's pretty good so far. And considering it's free, I'd say it's a must-try for anyone that still has NWN installed, and who enjoys SP campaigns.
  20. This one when I get the chance.
  21. What part of my response to Vaxxen where I said "your opinion is well and good", meaning he/she is free to have their views on whether Revan should be male or female, HOWEVER, the original post is about CANON, and the CANON is officially male. There is no debate about that. There is no grey area. Like I said, how is that hard to understand? It's like debating that George Bush is president of the US. Sure, some may think he's a poor choice. Sure, some may question his ideas. But he IS the president, there is no debating that, there is no grey area. Understand?
  22. Because Lucasarts has made it canon? You can't be this obtuse.
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