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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. It's available to everyone who buys a new copy of the game. I assume it's the same line of reasoning: to get people to hook up to the BSN and to get money from people who buy the game used. Like Dragon Age, ME 2 only uses a disk check. It might be an anti-piracy measure, but I don't see it as being any more useful than DA:O's DLC in that regards.
  2. Weapon talents are gone, so player skill = PC skill. Charm and Intimidate are gone. Your conversation options seem to be based on paragon/renegade points and general class still. For example, putting points into the Soldier's 'Combat Mastery' skill increases your speechcraft. It also seems they're doing what they did with Shale in Dragon Age: Origins.
  3. They're using the Unreal Engine as well as other liscensed software. I don't think they could legally support modding.
  4. http://www.rpgfan.com/features/Mass_Effect...view/index.html I find this interesting. Squadmates have their own, specific classes with powers and abilities Shep and other squadmates don't have. In ME 1, my soldier always took Liara and Tali because that meant I had all my bases covered. I wonder if this will help me break the habit of grabbing on to a specific team and using it for 90% of the game.
  5. Mass Effect 2 Preview: First Hour of Gameplay
  6. Which is good, because Sentinel was one of the weaker (imo) classes in ME 1, and they seem to have given it some love. Anyways, there's an article out that says . A number of fans on the Bioforums are upset because there's 'no reason' to do this to Shepard and this means Shepard isn't *really* the Shepard from ME 1. I disagree, but I'd like to hear any thought from others here. I think that like drinking darkspawn blood in DA:O, what Cerberus does to Shep doesn't seem to have much of a point, but will become an important plot element in ME2 or ME3.
  7. It doesn't neet to stop. It needs to remain in orbit around Terra Nova. The terrorist is trying to use the 'thrusters' to push it out of orbit so it crashes into the planet.
  8. What origin are you going with?
  9. There's a little 'autosave' message that pops up when it happens. Autosave is short for automatic save. The end game save is automatic. It is an autosave. It's different from the five regular autosaves, but it is still an autosave. If you mean to say "Maria, your post was confusing. The regular autosaves can be rewritten and the end-game save is special, but you made it sound like the same thing," then I agree. According to ME 2: 4. Special rounds are now a class skill for the Solder. You toggle on cryo, incendiary, or disruptor (or was it concussive?) rounds and that's what your gun shoots. They become more powerful the more points you stick into the skill. It's like elemental weapon's buff mages have in DA:O.
  10. Morgtoh once got soap in his eyes and it really hurt. That's why he won't bathe anymore. If you have a Windows computer. Download CCleaner, and run it once a month.
  11. This is correct. The very last autosave of each playthrough is what ME imports. For example, if I have a soldier named Maria Shepard and play her to level 50 as a paragon, that's one import save. I then use new game plus and use that same PC as a renegade and she's level 60 at the end, that's a second import save. When I start up ME 2, it will give me a list of imports: Maria Shepard - Soldier - level 50 (list of various paragon choices) Maria Shepard - Soldier - level 60 (list of various renegade choices) When I import the character, I can change her class and appearance. Trinity has a potty mouth. An early review of Mass Effect 2: Shooting and ***ing (NSFW)
  12. As I understand it, the default is made so new players have less backstory to catch up on. If you've never played ME 1, and a rachni queen pops up to say 'Thanks for saving me! ... but I'm going to take over the galaxy anyways, chump," you might be confused and the game has to take the time to explain things when and how you saves the giant bug. The same for Wrex, why is he on , you won't really know if you never interacted with the character previously. Chris talked about the 'choose your past' conversation bit and said that some articles were getting it wrong. You can clarify why Shepard made the choices he or she did, but you can't change your history.
  13. I've seen that rumor everywhere and have no idea why anyone is paying it attention. Yes, BioWare is working on an expansion, but they
  14. I don't know if I should be happy or sad about the amount of content they seem to be locking new players out of. Then again, part of me wonders if they'll just decide to make what ought to be important choices mean little to nothing in ME 2 as to not lock new players out of anything. The game has gone gold so we'll find out soon enough.
  15. I'm only a hour or so into the game and could use some help here. My Sister told me to kill two preditors and I spent 25 gold trying to do so and only killed one. I've planted gold, azure, emerald, and amber trees, but every time I've made the donor glyph, I've lost color to the void. The game doesn't tell me what I'm doing wrong, but I'm doing something wrong. Is there a guide? A basic 'how to make it through the first part of the game?'
  16. Kills the Council Kills Wrex Kills the Rachni Queen Has nothing to do with Conrad Virmires your same sex squadmate
  17. The quarian Colossus armor looked great.
  18. You'll understand if people are confused when they see you saying that Juhani and Shale are the same characters when they seem to be wildly different. I think your general point is apt, but your list is flawed. For example, Carth, Kaiden, Jacob, and Alistair are all the 'normal' male party members who are one of the first characters you meet and function as the male romantic interest. Even if well written, they tend to be bland as they're meant to generically appealing as a buddy/boyfriend. They're all goody-guys, as cruel/evil guys tend to not be as appealing to women. They're all have rockey pasts to make them more sympathetic. They all try to be
  19. The general idea that BioWare tends to recycle story and character elements from one game to the next is accurate.
  20. I don't see how Tali is a 'lovable rogue', unless you mean she can open things. And I'm not sure how Samara is emotionally scarred emo. I'd place her under 'mentor.'
  21. Cool story, bro.
  22. Trying to get through ME 1 some more. Hate to say it, but this game is boring the ever-living snot out of me. Yet, I'm looking forward to the sequel.
  23. No. Wait until they bundle it with six other DLC and sell it as a pack if you want your money's worth. Personally, I'd like them to sell Warden's Keep 2.0, where after you secure the Keep, you can actually go inside of it again. Maybe buy fish for your aquarium.
  24. Doing a paragon femShep run still. Considering leveling at least one character to 60 for the bonus in ME2. Apparently, you can only import 11 saved games into ME 2. People with 30+ saved games on the XBox are complaining.
  25. On the main menu go to 'Downloadable Content.' There's a tab called 'installed content,' click it, and then uncheck the mod you want to disable.
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