Hehehe, glad you liked it. :D
To be a devil's advocate, though, if I made a mix of almost any character, I could probably make it seem like they were heavily important... but I do agree with you that (whether people like Carth or not) he's an important part of the story... at least for people playing off the LS Revan storyline, and people who made Revan LS for the game seem pleased overall with the Carth bonuses scattered throughout it.
This game seems to be hinting that the developers favored the LS female story above the other options (with Atton suggesting that Revan was female before you tell him yes/no, how the DS explanation of Revan leaving doesn't work quite as well, and the more fleshed out emotions of the romance), and hopefully whoever makes the 3rd game will build on that and add some closure to it as well.
Eji -- love yer Carth and Atton! They look damn cool.