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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Woman are perverts. The popualriry of certain books and movies prove this.." That comment got me a warning from Facebook. I posted it on a post referring to men as perverted scum. LMAO
  2. "doctors are not your friends. never understood why anyone would think some arrogant, know-it all in scrubs would ever be so. sounds ungrateful and a bit trollish, no? " Doctors aren't paid by the government to terrororize and hunt people down. And, when a doctor does do something awful, you don't usually have a gang of doctors backing them up. I've seen you make posts telling people that when they interact with cops that they should simply do what the cops say - even if what the cops are doing/telling you is illegal - then report them afterwards. Certainly don't see lawyers or anyone tell patients to do whatever a doctor tells them to do then worry about it afterwards. If a doctor says/.does something off,, you can simply walk away. You can't do that with cops or they will jump you. PERIOD. The fact you tried to compare doctors to cops is HILARIOUS. It is like claiming BLM is anti racism when everything they stand for is racism. LMAO
  3. https://www.facebook.com/darren.hise1/videos/3540788322646892/?t=2 BLM strikes again! And, cops rarely save someone's life who calls 911 because often times they get there and the crime is already over. Not their fault but still. If you encounter a cop, you have to treat them like an armed gang member. Either do EVERYTHING they say no matter how evil or wrong it is, or prepare to assaulted or killed. Because, cops will readily murder you over jaywalking. Or counterfeit bills. Or not wearing a mask. Or 'disprecting' a fellow gang memer. Or looking at them funny.
  4. Horrible acting, completely unfunny, reeks of desperation.
  5. Cops love using their guns because they don't work for the people. They work for the government. They are not your friends. They will murder you for jaywalking in a heartbeat.
  6. "the obvious solution is to put additional firearms into the hands of scared and angry people. " Perhaps the people wouldn't be 'so scared and so angry' if the governments would do the job and arrest BLM and Antifa who committ all these robberies, rapes, arsons, assaults, and murders? But, nooo,,, it is all 'peaceful protesting' from the pure innocent BLM and Antifa gangs. You know, these are the people who CELEBRATE putting their knees on little babies 'for the cause'. Very few if anyone (only the most clearly of scum) celebrating what happened to Floyd. In fact, many people want to glorify him as some sort of saint. I prefer to call out the scumbag cop and the scumbag criminal. Because, well, they're both criminals. Between this and COVID19, the US has failed from top to bottom.
  7. Should call themselves 'The Amerikans'. I bet, they'd be called racists and insensitive if they did. L0L
  8. Somehow I missed this one. Unlike the other one, this looks like it could be fun.
  9. https://nypost.com/2019/06/18/man-nabbed-for-bronx-rape-allegedly-said-she-deserved-it-for-slavery/ BLM strikes again! Also, remember folks, black people can't be racist. :rollseyes: Imagine thinking someone deserves to be raped for something that happened centuries ago. That is the BLM/Antifa/SJW Nazi viewpoint. FYI, Chicago mayor has 'agreed' to allow Feds to stay in Chicago after talking with Trump. L0L You know, instead, of taking responsibility for cleaning up her own city but she is too lazy and rather Trump take the heat. Also, laugh at that white trash mayor who got attacked by 'protestors' then got in the middle of the police spraying crap then had the gall to claim the 'protestors' were not violent despite video evidence. Also, these 'non violent' protestors continue to mass murder, mass rape, mass assault, mass abuse, mass destroy, mass blind people. SO PEACEFUL. I don't think Amerikans know what 'peaceful protest' is. Come to Kanada, we can teach you what peaceful protest is. We also have violent protests. But, at least we know the difference. L0L
  10. Why are you posting FAKE NEWS? That is not what I posted. Don't act like Trump and spread lies.
  11. So... when is the city of Washington gonna change its name? Aterall, as a founding father George Washington kept slavery legal. Same with the Washington Post which was founded by slavers. And, when are we gonna start calling out black people who have ancestors that owned slaves in the US centuries ago? Anyone with any ties to slavery - even centuries a part - should be thrown in the trash. But, if you murder a black teenage girl studying in the room, you should not be held responsible for your actions because it was someone else's fault and if you dof ace punishment for a crime you actually coimmitted it should be absolutely minimal.
  12. The US - no matter the political side - should be ashamed. We could have handled COVID19 better in Kanada, but knowing our southern enighbours screw up a billion times worse sadly makes our gov'ts look more competent than they actually are. LMAO
  13. Peaceful Protests. LMAO And, why are mayors and governors so anti police they feel the need to lie? Only to be forced to apologize later for it? The police, and the public in those cities/states should sue them. I always thought I was anti police but LMAO I wish I was. At least I dont' murder and assault police like Amerikan 'peaceful protestors' do.
  14. 1st person? Skyrim clone? You are becoming nu BIO - focusing on subpar games and not actual legit good rpgs.
  15. Yup. that kind of nonsense is annoying as hell. And, both sides do it. It is pathetic. Then again, both sides are filled with Nazis who murder, slavery, power, and control. FREEDOM OF SPEECH FOR EVERYONE. PERIOD.
  16. She's scum but don't forget Kap is pro slavery and pro racism. He works with Nike -a company known for its slavery in other coutnries and if they literally lost cases over racism. LMAO
  17. Little more lighthearted than usual, but this is typical SJW/Nazi/Antifa/BLM behavior. LMAO
  18. So, more censorship as Yahoo isn't allowing message pointings… because they care about the 'safety' of posters. LMAO Nazis strike again! Again, about Iraq, we know Iraq had WMD because Iraq ADMITTED to it. And, they were required to destroy them and provide proof of said destruction. They never did the latter point. As for Iraq's 'connection' with AQ. That was pure balony.
  19. Except Iraq had WMD. That isn't a conspiracy. They admitted is. The issue is said WMD somehow 'vanished'. Where did they go in-between Iraq admitting to having them and when they 'vanished' is the question. Iraq eventually claimed to have destroyed them yet could provide no proof they did so even though that was a requirement. on top of that, people ignore the fact that there wer emutlipel reasons (excuses) for the Iraq war. WMDs was *just* one of them. Saddam being gone is a good thing. Now, the US **** the bed in post war Iraq, though. That was pathetic. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/07/photo-appears-show-black-lives-matter-supporters-holding-kneeling-neck-white-baby/ FAKE NEWS? I hope so. But, it does fit with grom's usual goody two shoes BLMers. This is what BLMers do as matter of course so even if it isn't fake it wouldn't be surprising if it is real. Afterall, BLM has mass murdered 100s of black folk so nothing with harming a white baby since whites aren't human anyways. And, LMAO at the white BLM mother who allows this to happen and giggle. It has to be FAKE NEWS. Just gotta be.
  20. Hundreds of officers have been injured, more than a few killed. Not to mention the innocent people whose lvies have been destroyed because of these 'protets'. The mayors and govenrors have done a poor job espciially they've been targeting the pro police side. That said, having 'federal police' grabbing people in unmarked fans is unacceptable too. Don't do that ****. That's what Nazis do.
  21. "Protesters on the common use street are not a threat, " Yeha, they were. they were thretaneing. The 'protestors' were committing various crimes. Anyways, these charges a aren't about he law, but are politically motivated. P.S. When Bush was in office, people were calling him a Nazi and a dictator and were claiming he would wellingly leave the WH. LMAO It is also HILARIOUS the same people who accuse Trump of not being able to accept election results are the same ones who still haven't accepted the election results from 2016. HAHAHA.
  22. Viewing the gov't as 'parents' is rather pathetic. Unless you view parents are armed with weapons and said parent will murder you without blinking an eye if you do something they don't like. In Kanada, our police already murdered someone who didn't wear a face mask. And, of course, psychopaths approve that behavior.
  23. "ps special instructions is a ridiculous way to reference. were no direction to action per se. were informational and offered recommendations, but nothing approaching instructions or directives 'cause such woulda' required an act o' Congress or the like in any event. " Oh, come on. When the president 'informs and recommends' something you damn straight the agencies are gonna likely follow it. But, I get it, you want to hide behind semantics just like a typical Trumptard and SJW Nazi. You have lots in common with PM Blackface.
  24. Kinda reminds me of when PM BLACKACE here in Kanada called all construction workers sexists, rapists, and sexual assaulters. LMAO
  25. "if you criticize Drump you must be a libcuck" And, if you are remotely neutral (or at least not histrionic) or positive towards him, you are insta KKK Hitler Nazi Racist.
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