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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Good. The CFL is a bigoted, hateful, anti competition, awful, boring, ****ty 5th tier league. The world would be better off without it but I'm sure it'll 'survive'. Too bad.
  2. "Hah, no. He'll do whatever the wealthy people that control the purse strings want him to do. Just like every politician. " Well, yeah, and currently, most of the big power breakers are on side of the 'defund the police' mantra and ar epro BLM. Hence, why people get fired and ****canned for daring to say ALL LIVES MATTER, BLUE LIVES MATTER, or WHITE LIVES MATTER. They literally threw a black woman and a transgender person in prison because they dared to put blue paint over a BLM mural but are allowing all sorts of other vandalism. LMAO "Hmm. But if he fails to defund the police he'd be doing what the police want him to do- which would make him a Police Nazi. What a quandry." I'm not as pro police as some think I am.
  3. Biden has stated he plans to 'redirect police funds elsewhere'. Sounds like a 'defund the police' mantra with colourful words. I have no doubt Biden will do what the BLM/Antifa Nazis want him to do. (of course, police should *lose* some funds since they shouldn't be doing 'wellness checks' to begin with it). As for these sneaky 'under cover' cops/goons. They are scumbags. They should identify themselves. PERIOD. Quite frnakjly, these are the 'cops' who BLM/Anbtifa should defend themselves against not the ones in blue unifroms but they know the one sin blue unfiroms will take it. I mean, some guy in blue unfirm bowed to them and they still aassaulted him . LMAO Of course, if the anti amerikan governors and mayors did their jobs the federal punks wouldn't have an excuse to go go all Nazi on people. But, that's Amerika for ya. P.S. NY arrested a black woman and a transgender person for daring to use blue paint on their precious moral. And, the bLM/Antifa people cheered the police on.. HYPOCRISY. And, why do Antifa/BLM allow pedophiles to leads them? LMAO Also, forcing the policer to put up BLM posters up when BLM is designed to terorrize, murde,r rape, and destroy the police is hilarious. That is unsafe work environment. The police offciers should sue their employers.
  4. For non Amerikan political news, isn't fun how PM Blackface continues to act like Trumpturd but always seems to get away with it. Awarding a company with a multimillion contract while pretending to not know his family was being paid by them. LMAO Also, for bonus fun: https://babylonbee.com/news/far-right-extremist-suggests-treating-people-of-all-races-equally/?utm_content=buffer16887&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  5. Which educated though? The ones you agree with or the ones you don't?
  6. Natives have a point. That said, Natives also had a habit of stealing stuff and breaking agreements. NA is littered with a bunch of tribes wiped out by other tribes for all sorts of nasty reasons. But what 'stuff' that AA made were 'stolen' from them? Well.. I guess outside of those were actual slaves which has been illegal for awhile now in the US so that whole 'my ancestors were slaves' stuff is silly. Plenty of whites had ancestors who were slaves or treated poorly in the US. Let's also ignore the fact that there were black slave owners in the times of slavery. Perhaps, we should track down their current offspring and force them to pay restitution. Or hunt down the offspring of the warlords who sold the their people. But, last I checked, AA own the stuff they build. You say continually... meaning it is still happening.. so, in terms of AA.. what is being currently stolen from them? No matter what, if we're not responsible for what our current family members do today (ie. if your brother committs murder YOU don't go to prison), I'm sure as hell not going to take responsibility for some maybe ancestor of mine who may have had been a slave owner (I don't even know if I have slaver ancestory me since only a tiny minority of white people owned slaves + I have native blood as well). *shrug* Plus, I'm mostly a French Frog. That is more than enough punishment for one person, imo.
  7. It's real simple. In the west, you can complain about the gov't without fear of actual reprisal. You do this kind of thing in Russia, China, or elsewhere where real dictatorships exist, you are liable to simply vanish. This is why NBA players won't criticize China over HK or but will go on about how 'evil' the US is. To turn it on me, imagine what would happen to me if I mocked Putincrap as a Russian in Russia like I mock PM Blackface here? LMAO You Obsidianites wouldn't have to worry about me anymore because I'd be disappeared.
  8. That is not evidence of wrong doing. That's a picture of a toilet. When I accuse BLM/Antifa/KKK/Nazis, I share actual evidence. Your FAKE NEWS just muddies the waters which, I know is your goal. Since, now we are talking about a silly toilet, not white BLmers attacking black police offciers or black BLMers mass assaulting people at the airport because they don't buy into BLM and Antifa's racism.
  9. Evidence, please.
  10. It is 2020. Lawlessness is now the way to go depending what side you are on. NYC mayor had dozens of cops protecting a BLM mural, while a bunch of murders and crimes were happening in NYC, and had the gall to blame the cops even though the cops weren't involved in said crimes. This after threatening/making cuts to the police budgets and telling them to stand down and let crimes like assault, robbery, and murder happen.
  11. "but they need better security in that airport. " They were following orders. Amentep truly believes mean words = allowed to commit a multiple person on one insult. And, from I saw, at best, both sides were yelling nasty stuff. Nothing in your second video nullifies the wrongness of the assault so why spam it?
  12. Work? Nah. No work for me because of COVID19. So, I can continue to point out hypocrisy, injustice, and BLM/Antifa/KKK/Nazi terrorists.
  13. BLM/Antifa strike again:
  14. It is 2020. Asians are white. So many articles attacking Asians as being 'too privleged'. I've even seen BLM/Antifa oriented articles attacking latinos as 'racist' because they largely aren't on the streets committing all sorts of crimes 'in the name of justice'. Not to mention the anti black sentiment when a black person doesn't parrot BLM/Antifa's talking point. Just ask a certain celeb who was considered brave when he came out to talk about being a victim of sexual harassment but is now being called all sorts of names because he hasn't drank the BLM/Antifa koolaid.
  15. "I've seen some fuss on headlines around a Nick Cannon guy. Who's that? " He's an actor/entertainer. One I've actually liked and was disspaointed when he got fired from AGT. Anyways, he repeated claims that whgite people are animals and less than human because they don't have 'magic' flowing through them. Nobody cared about that. But, he also attacked jewish people. He got jumped on for that, and lost his internet show and apologized for his anti jewish slander. Did not apologize for his anti white comments, though. He still has his tv job, though.
  16. Don't call them 'mistakes'. Mistakes are oopsies not design. Why do you make stuff up? BLM and Antifa says cops and white people must be murdered. Cops and white people are murdered. Not a coincidence. KKK says black people are animals and must be murdered. Black people are murdered. Not a coincidence. In conclusion, BLM/Antifa/KKK are hateful racist organizations that must be called out for their evil. P.S. It is also funny since I've had no problem trash talking the police including the Flloyd case. IMAGINE THAT. I call evil people on their evil crap. Meanwhile, Grom and co still defend BLM and Antifa for their evil crap icnlduing their cold blooded murder of a young black protestor who was trying to leave a protest that was getting violent and she got murdered by BLM. And, when I posted that here hardly anyone gave a crap about her life. Because they'd rather defend BLM and Antifa murderers not innocent people. Capiche?
  17. "originates with a claim the younger woman tasered the older woman for stealing something." I thought the idea of anti police brutality and the like was not to use violence against those uanrmed so with that logic even if the older woman stole something use a taser would be considered wrong... right? But, it's A-Okay bec uase she's white and isn't human anyways. You know full well if that was a young white woman tazing an old black woman over 'stealing' there'd be cries of racism. LMAO It is fact, FYI, that more white people are violently attacked by black people than the other way around. Racism isn't just a white only disease. It can inflict everyone. Just ask a certain Cannon who got punished for being anti semitic (yet kept his tv hositng job) and nothing happened when he called whites 'less than human' and other nasty stuff. P.S. I saw the video and linked it. Context is clear. Old woman standing there doing nothing threatening, other woman attacks her with a tazer. But, Amentep is fine with that because it is just an old white woman who may have 'stole' soemthing'. Remember, you are talking to so0meone who flat out stated the cop who killed Floyd was 100% wrong and I did so from the get go.
  18. Also, BLMers and Antifers have a fun saying: "You are either way us or against us." So, which is it? I made my choice. I'm anti any group that mass murders black people. Or brown people. Or jews. Or whites. Or anyone else. And, that is what Antifa and BLM does. Unlike BLM and Antifa, I can 100% proclaim I have killed nobody.
  19. The same way every white (scumbag) is automatically KKK and Hitler. P.S. Also, many of these people are involved in BLM protests and the like. That clearly makes them BLM.
  20. Grom continues to defend BLM which is as terrorist organization that claims to be about protecting blacks from violent police but are about slavery, power, control, and they love to murder black people. BLM (along with their buddies at Antifa) have murderered more black people than the police have this year. EVIL. They do have leaders. Where else do you send money to when you donate to them, huh? The boogeyman? How many black people must BLM/Antifa murder before Grom stops defending these Nazi groups? Grom's precious BLM strikes again:
  21. 'course you blame antifa and blm' You keep defending these two. They are responsible for the murder of more blacks than the police are since this whole mess started. They are indefensible terrorist organizations. They literally murdered BLM supporter who wa sleaving a protest she felt was getting 'too violent'. Stop defending their violent crime spree.
  22. Agreed about the tacky part.
  23. "An employee shall not use his public office for his own private gain" How is he 'privately gaining' here? Does he have stock in the company? If he does, you have a point. "rip ie game vol. his extremism and frequent bouts o' incoherence were quirky when weren't 'bout race. " Yeah, because 'extemism' is pointing out that racism is a disease that effect everyone. But, Grom doesn't find it extreme that BLMers are murdering fellow BLMers because they dare leave a peaceful protest that is about to get violent. Or that Antifa is largely run by rapists. Grom is also fine with a white BLm supporter calls a black a Trump supporter all sorts of racist names. That's a-ok.
  24. Shouldn't you all be discussing the topic not whining about a fellow poster? Bottom line, racist actions like this need to be called out.
  25. It's clear racism. To blame it on the two white hosts is racist. Plain and simple. You can't prove otherwise.
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