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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. 'sanitized' = 'if you don't vote for me you ain't black" L0LZ
  2. By definition, gov't is deisgned to take away freedom away. Want proof? Look at the number of books for laws. there is a reason why law firms have people whose job is literally to read those books non stop to find some obscure law. Probably laws about how to tie your shoelaces legally. LMAO
  3. People who fear debating are cowards and should be ashamed. If Trump is horrible you should be able to trounce him. the debate isn't about convincing Trump. It is about convincing voters. The best way to deal with Trump's lies is to confront them with facts not bury your heads in the sand. And, no, claling him Nazi, racist, and other nasty stuff is not a convincing argument.
  4. Cops never killed black people when Obama and Biden were in power. :rollseyes:
  5. Biden is a racist who has literally told blacks they arne't black if they don't vote for him. I don't believe Trump has ever said that. Biden supported the murder of Amerikans without trial. Biden supported (like Trump) to separate families at border. The list goes on. Trump is a poopy head. Biden is worse and has the history in politics to back up his evil.
  6. A lot of the people in the protests (on either side) are often from out of town and usually they are the most aggressive, violent, and destructive. Not surprising since it isn't their cities being destroyed so they don't give a crap. Not to mention how they disrespect and ignore the parents of the victim who stated clearly they did not want any of this psychopathtic nonsense.
  7. So... Cops shoot an uanrmed black man in the back multiple times, and no charges yet. Some 17 year old kills a bunch of whities in SELF DEFENSE when they clearly had weapons, outnumbered him, and tried to murder him, is charged with FIRST DEGREE MURDER in less than 24 hours. LMAO
  8. Poor CNN and Don Lemon: https://streamable.com/3ofzna Bet those parents won't be invited back any time soon.
  9. China's definition of 'stable trade' is them getting everything they want and giving nothing in return. Nothing wrong with that - to each their own - but let's not pretend they are singing peaceful songs. They don't even treat their own people morally or fairly.. you expect them to treat outsiders morally or fairly? LMAO
  10. But... wait.. the left loves Fidel Castro... LMAO
  11. Evidence that there was racism involved? Or just piece of garbage cops abusing their powers like piece of garbage cops do? Police don't care what your skin colour you are. They enjoy killing people. That's what Nazis do.
  12. So, have the cops shared a video of a gun being in the car ready to be used? Because, if not, there is absolutely no justification of this latest attempted murder. EVIL. Also, why do people ignore clearly racist comments by black people when the same sort of comments would lead to crucification of others based solely on colour of skin? EVIL.
  13. BLM shows its racism again, now showing up in the NBA. If a white player had said something like that he would be crucified, fined, and suspended for a few games MININUM. If not banned permenately. Of course, whitey just takes it because if he doesn't HE would be accused of racism. LMAO EVIL. P.S. Also, if we wonder why people don't stop their cars for these protests... someone did that, they got dragged out of it, and beaten to death. P.S.S. Cops also shot an unnamed man againin the back while walking away. EVIL And, these groups are all Gromnir's buddies. SICKENING.
  14. "You aren't a real American Patriot if you don't hold your governments feet to the fire. It doesn't matter if you're right or left the stronger the objections towards the government, the more Patriotic you are. " Good thing I'm not Amerikan. Real or imaginary. LMAO
  15. He won't drop the 'two term rule'. He doesn't have the power to do so. The US is not an old skool dictatorship as much as Trump, the Repubs, Dems, Antifa, BLM, and 99% of people want it to be.
  16. None of this new. Trump is an ****. This should be common knowledge, by now. That said, people who record private conversations with family that don't have to do with actual heinous crimes are also ****. LMAO
  17. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/shouldnt-happened-father-attributes-sons-140004695.html Wonder how many people died because 'health experts' who make these kinds of decisions on what is 'neccessary' surgery made the wrong. Things out for my brother and his postponed surgery but others have not been so fortunate. EVIL. EVIL TO THE CORE.
  18. Does 'dissent crushing' include Antifa and BLm who represent the Demcorats stabbing black men wearing red hats during 'peaceful protests' against racism? P.S. Donald Trump is not Republican. At least not leadership... but for whatever reason they actually allow people to vote for their leader not like the Dems. L0L P.S. No party in history has EVER been for 'small government'. That is a myth. Governments love power.
  19. NEWSFLASH: Guns aren't toys. LMAO
  20. WOW. If you seen how McGowan posts and where her bread is buttered, that is kind of a surprising post by her. And, she's right. The Dems are the Party Of Slavery for a reason.
  21. Let the guilty FRY! PS. It is official. Raccoons are now racists and Nazis as the innocent and pure Antifa and BLM are torturing and murdering them for their racist crimes!
  22. Look at the reaction when someone says something negative about Catholicism/Christianity (see pedophile priests) and Judaism or Islam (see pedophile founder). if you don't think there is a tendency to vilify Catholicism/Christianity in the west (US/Kanada included) you are willfully ignorant. And, this is coming from someone who mocks the Catholic/Christian god (which technically is the same god as the other religions) as a child killin' mass murderin' pscyhopath.
  23. "BLM" On face value, it's a good cause. I mean, no sane person should argue against all lives - including black people's lives - mattering. However, anyone who sees how they act (and this is especially true about Antifa the socalled 'anti facists'), can see that their nonsense ignores that premise. Black lives don't matter to them. Only certain ones. I mean just ask that black guy wearing a red hat if his life matters to BLM. Or that black security guard. Or the young black BLM protestor who got killed while she was LEAVING a protest that was getting violent. More black people have likely have been murdered by BLM/Antifa sicne these protests started than white police officers have killed in a year (if not longer). But, 'black lives matter'. LMAO Let's also not forget that these people are gonna to vote for a known racist and for a black woman who keeps innocent black people in jail for giggles. LMAOBLM Meanwhile, 'established racist' Donald Trump has been releasing innocent black people from prison. Innocent black people who Democrats (and Republicans) put in prison. IMAGINE THAT LOGIKZ! Donald Trump is scum. But, Dems the Party of Slavery (why aren't they canceled) are way worse and they have the history in politics to prove it. Trump is to blame for 'racism in Amerika'. LMAO Check your Democrat history.
  24. I wonder how many people Antifa/BLM/'protestors' have murdered, raped, assaulted, and robbed since the mess started and how long before the main stream stop calling the mess 'peaceful'? I also wonder how many of the victims have been blacks or other minorities yet are ignored. EVIL.
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