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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. I think your dad needs to chill. They're signatures. People in the 'real world' simply don't care about how your sig looks like. I also hate the whole idea of 'real world' vs. 'fake world'. Who thought up that garbage? LOL
  2. Superman 4: Quest for Peace - Much, much, much worse than I remember. I remember enjoying this when I first watched it. Now, I just shudder in sadness of the joke this movie is.
  3. Yeah, 'but anything cna be art as long as someone thinks of it' is not a statement worth bothering with. It's so vague, and all compassing it's a waste of time. I think sticking my finger up my nose than in my butt and licking it is art so it's art. L0LLERZ!
  4. "but they are still art to me, at least some of them, Planescape torment being an example." You seem to be implying that in order for something to be art it has to be good or of really high quality. That is illogical. A painting, for example, is art whether it's a prize winning one or some doodle by a kindergarten kid. So, *if* one considers games arts not only should 'high quality' games be art (FO, PST, BG, or whatever) so should the bad ones (POR2, TOEE, DTU, etc.).
  5. Art is what I was taught in art class. Games weren't. So, they aren't art. Game over.
  6. Yeah, its clear he means that he is a bigot. And, oh, games aren't art.
  7. Volourn


    Take Kovalev. One of the most talented players. He'll get points with his eyes close. And, if he gets really going he's as good as anyone including Jagr. So, even on the downside, he's the best choice.
  8. NWN. Shocking, I know! (w00t)
  9. Which is why i can do it 6 times a day, and can only have sex with a woman once a month!!!!!
  10. Sarcasm or not, my existence is anything but sad. I am very happy talking to nerds like me and you on the 'net and dissing people over what games they may or may not have played. LOLOLOLOLOLOLLIPOP
  11. Game over.
  12. "Oh? What was it mr fountain of information?" Real time with pause, phased based, sphaghetti with cheeseballs. Anything but real time or turn base. All one needs to know is that it isn't fully either of those so to refer to the IE/NWN/KOTOR type combat as either turn base or real time is at best a falalcy, or at worst, a lie.
  13. Crap. We agree on something.
  14. Having a different opinion than the 'majority' is always a good thing. In fact, when the majority agrees with me, I cry a little inside and I NEVER cry. R00fles!
  15. "Haha, about a thousand people don't get to play. Boohoo." I'm sure your random number is very inaccurate.
  16. I don't get that. That screenshot looks awesome yet others look not so good. Why such a variety? Presuming that's a Gothic 3 screenshot...
  17. It wasn't turn base. It wasn't real time.
  18. "you wouldn't do that when doing an interview?" Of course, I would. I'm an arrogant SOB who has a feeling of more self importance than is considered healthy. I don't think I've played any of his games except a little bit of System Shock which just wans't that impressive to me so I can't really comment on his games.
  19. Misery - Good movie; but I noticed something. Kathy Bates' acting here was overrated. She's way over the top. She has good moments; but meh. Caan should have been the award winner in this movie along with the old sherrif fellow. They did a marvelous job. The sherrif's wive was rather good to with minimal screen time.
  20. Anyone.
  21. "You certainly heard of Harvey Smith" I hadn't 'til this very second. :D As for the topic, I find he's just another self important developer who makes interetsing points. Some of which I agree with; others I do not.
  22. Okay.
  23. HAHA! I had to beat the poo out of my EB (ok, not really); but I gots the code to the toolset now. Now, the long slobbering wait for the release. P.S. People whining shoiuld read the card. It promises access to it one month prior to release! Atari wins AGAIN!!!!!!
  24. John Cleese! And, I don't even go gaga over him in movies; but he did a terrific job in his rather large cameo in JE!
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