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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Black Lives Matter generally prefer peaceful" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA 'DEATH TO WHITEY! EPAICIALLY THE PIGS! DEATH TO WHITEY ESPICIALLY THE PIG!' BLM shooters mass murders multiple white cops and also shoots a black mother. But, yeah, BLm is about 'peaceful' protest. HAHAHAHAH!
  2. "Of course, us in California can take solace in the fact that we have better wine, food, and weather than everyone else." You also do earthquakes pretty well. P.S. Good on Pelosi on this... of coruse, she needs expect to be called a KKK apologist or some other such nonsense.
  3. "things why Trump (lost the popular vote" The whole 'he lost the popular vote' just reeks of garbage for serval reasons. 1. He lost the popular vote because of Kalifornia. One state shouldn't be allowed to solely decide the election. 2. Illegals are allowed to vote and get away with it in especially highly Democratic states while in republicans they make it harder to vote because according to Demos only minorities at eunable to get proper ID for voting. Every state in the US has their own election rules. If you went for most votes = win you would have to make a more uniform voting policy like in other countries (like my own) that I know of). The 'popular vote' is bogus. Just ask the anti Brexiters who wanted to mass murder all the 'old people'. LOL
  4. Gromnir stilkl stand up for the small guy.. the NFL. I don't believe anything ritten in support of the NFLK or their decisions when it comes to stuff like this. Every single person listed there are biased pieces of crap. And, yeah, when it comes to the NFL, I am also a biased piece of crap.
  5. Wow. What an idiot. What was he trying to do? Is he an 'alt righter' trying to gain brownie points for being stabbed? Or some other type of loon? The. logic. it. hurtz. What was the goal here? LMAO
  6. I guess we're sop suppose to feel sympathy for the main character there because her daughter was murdered but any sympathy I felt evaporated by the end of the trailer. Still have empathy but no sympathy. She seems like a horrible unlikeable human being.
  7. They didnb't bait me. I know she was never going to go through with killing Sansa. i've said that many times. the show doesn't have the balls to do that. My point was that Arya has always hated her sister and has always wanted to kill her. The nice little bow at the end of their last scene basically wraps up their story in a little bow. That scene was 'touching' but also shows how bogus the whole thing was. LF's death should have been at the level of Joffrey and Ramsay but it wasn't b/c it didn't work b/c the story, the writing, and the plot this season failed to make it matter. And, that starts with that trashbag Arya. It should be pointed out that it wa clear that it was Bran (with some help from Sansa) who dealt with LF. Arya threatened to murder Sansa. That wa slegit. Arya is still trash and the show has no balls to carry through her story arch the way they should.
  8. So.. this episode proves that the entire WW mess is Dany's fault. She is the TRUE villain. If she didn't get up her ass that Westeros was hers by 'right' she never would have brought her dragons there, never would have brought them past the wall to rescue Jon and his gang and Viseron wouldn't have died.. and he wouldn't have been able to break the wall. WAY TO GO DANY BETRAYER OF THE LIVING!!! And, what kind of soft core porn scene is that? And,s hort too. LMAO LF's death was long time coming and so dissapointing that the brat Arya gets to do it. Of course, it took the biggest cheater in the show - Bran - to reveal his misdeeds. L0L Arya is simply trash. What a horrible character. She simply was not needed there at all. It would have been better if Brienne had done the execution on Sansa's orders so FTFT. Cersei continues to smack around her opponents yet still shows a little humanity not killing either of her brothers including Tyrion. Too bad she is still psycho. Ha. If this show had guts they would have Dany order Jon's execution the moment she finds out that he has a better 'claim' to the throne than she does. Then all her all star worshippers turn on her and gangrape/murder her for the TRU KING OF THE NORTH *AND* SOUTH. Muahahahahahaha. P.S. Easily one of the smoother shows of this season largely because, comapritively speaking, not as many glaring loopholes as others.
  9. L0L @ the SF poop story. They hate people coming in so their big idea to protest is to stink up their own town's public park. You are only hurting yourself. LMAO Also, isn't in this Nazi area.. don't people get fined for that? L0L
  10. My believe in the bible is irrelevant here. People read the bible and believe in god. They claim he is a good being who loves everyone including children yet in the very book that praises him he is mass murdering children so how can people worship a god that so coldly murders his children and it is simply accepted a spart of 'mysterious plan? It is one of the (many) reasons why I'm not religious.
  11. Yeah those scumbag children. They deserve death for 'breaking the commandments'. LMAO
  12. I'm not religious. What has that have to do with what it says in the bible which is the Catholic belief system on paper?
  13. "volo what do you mean by " mass murder of children " ? In this in the Bible?" I stated what I meant. 'God' mass murders children (and others). he does so proudly and brags about it. Seriously, people, read the book. I mean has nobody heard about the Flood where he mass murders the entire population except one man's family and a few select others. Not to mention all the animals he slaughetrs as well. All for giggles. EVIL.
  14. So we should pretend that the Islamic founder was a rapist of little girls? And, that the Catholic god didn't mass murder little children? All because it might hurt people's feelz? I'd rather deal with the truth. Should I get butthurt if someone calls me ugly even though it is true? NO. the facts are the facts no matter how ugly.
  15. The fatal flaw of Islam as a religion is that its founder and main source of worship is that of a man who lieks to rape and marry little girls. A man that lacks morals to that degree should not be held up as a beacon to be followed. That is Islam's Original Sin much like Catholic Original Sin is following a 'god' that enjoys mass murdering children and other innocent people for giggles.
  16. Arpaio is a ****. He should be in prison but the presidential having carte blanche has always been overpowered and both everyone who has ever been in power has abused and are to blame for overreaching with it. Arpaio is such a piece of crap that he once presumably faked an assassination attempt on himself. He should have been sentenced to prison for more than the limited time that he was. L0L
  17. Steroids should be legal. As long as they aren't, pain pills should also be banned. HOF should be for the best players and anyone who tries to pretend that Bonds or C;emsnm 9amongst others) aren't HOF worthy players are evil, stupid, insane, scumbag SJW Nazis. PERIOD.
  18. This is why Antifa - even if you take their violent actions out of it - can't be takens eriously or considered intelligent or 'good': https://www.facebook.com/newlypress/videos/1866642886933417/ HAHAHAHAHAH! P.S. Some are claiming this is 'FAKE' but it is perfectly believeable knowing how Antifa'/BLM act. R00fles!
  19. "join ISIS isn't a 'good' muslim (and realistically, ISIS isn't good muslims anyway since they rely on a ludicrously narrow interpretation) and on the face of it is a better candidate for apostacy than going full jihad, similarly most of those in prison aren't good muslims either, and the converts who do it certainly aren't." Who are you to judge who makes a real or good muslim? I mean that is one of the big issues with ISIS and other extremist muslim (or other religious sects). They decide who is a 'real' or 'good' muslim and if one doesn't mean their standards they are hunted down and punished for being a 'fake' muslim. So, basically, you are thinking the same way ISIS does. That is dangerous. Don't. Don't think like ISIS.
  20. Nah. Good chances Asians could reach as much as 40% if they weren't discriminated against. It may be stereotyping but let's face it for whatever reason Asians are smart hardworking 'nerds' who tend to take their schooling way more seriously than other groups.
  21. "Due to unforeseen circumstances" Did he just burn himself and his potentially self inflicted vision issues? OW.
  22. "You sure about that, with regards to cops, Volo ? " As sure as I can be with anything read/view on the internet. L0L
  23. That is what happens when racists label 'all white people are racist, Nazis, and KKKs'.. EVIL. Seriously, the guy was white and bald so the other guy must assume he is Neo Nazi like Nazis are the only ones whoa re bald. LMAO
  24. "Have the police started targeting white" When there is a confrontation between the police and a civilian/suspect, it is more likely to get violent when the citizen/suspect is white. As for general anti white policies ther eis plenty fo examples. Hell, Asians too are often targeted by racist policies b/c they are 'too successful' according to people so they need to brought low because you can't have that.
  25. Wow. What a racist comment.
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