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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. You type truths; but you also type falses.
  2. "If the 100 are pedophiles that have harmed children, then no they have no rights to defend themselves!" Sure, they do. To me, the right of keeping one's self alive is a fundamental right. I don't care how evil the individual is.
  3. "Most Canadians that claim to want to join the US are often ridiculed by their peers." Not true. In fcat, most Kanadians seem to have a conspiracy notion that it's only a matter of time. R00fles! "Canadians are quite patriotic" Kanadians are quite bigoted. And, hypocritical. ON TOPIC: Kanada lied to the US about SArar leaidng them to deport him to Syria where he claims he was tortured. Kananda then relaized the error then tried to blame the US for their stupidity. The US now has him on the 'banned list' because of info they have and now Kanada is whining that the US is being mean. Kananda also have wasted $10 million of Kanadian taxpayers' money because the government was retarded. Game over, DUDE, game over.
  4. "You seem unhappy about that" Heh. I was just havin' some fun; but cool. :cool:
  5. "By that reasoning, Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor is proof that turn-based D&D is terrible." Oh SNAP!
  6. WARNING: I did NOT start this thread!!!!
  7. Beating up scummy piece of crap corpses is always fun!
  8. Barbarians are not underpowered. And, Barbarians can stand toe to toe with fighters any day of the week.
  9. "If a developer makes a FR game in which Elminster was a talking frog, and Nasher a female drow I don't think that would get passed WotC all that well." And? WOTC can do what they wnat. they own D&D. In fact, if they approved Nasher as a female drow; that would be there right just as it was Interplay's right to make FOBOS depsite it not being like FO1 or 2. Bethesda has the rights to FO3, and therefore have the right to make it as they see fit. FO Fanatics have the rightt o complain; but they don't have the right to say that Betehsda cna't do that as Betehsda does have the right. Bethesda has only one limitation that we know of - they can't make a MMORPG as Inteprlay kept those rights. They could do anything else with FO3 including adding dwarves, elves, and magic.
  10. "But I'm saying nobody can blame the cats." Sure we can. They attacked, and tried to eat the senior citzen(s). they prey fought back. the lion lost. I blame the lion for being a pathetic hunter who coudln't even kill old geezers who ar elikely to die of a heart attack or some other old geezer illness within the next 5 years. R00fles! What a pathetic hunter. At least scout out what you ar ehunting. Animals beware: There's a reasons why humans dominate the Earth despite there being animals physically more powerful than us. It's not by luck. These two beat the lion with a cane and a pen. Geez. This poor lion would have not stood a chance at all if an actual human wepaonj like a gun was involved. I have no mercy for animals when they foolishly attack humans and lose nor would I feel mercy for humans who attack animals and lose.
  11. And, the people involved bring their own biasness to it. They should look in the mirror.
  12. Volourn


    All Star games ar efun. I don't think it needs to be super serious to be fun to watch. I'm one who tends to like low scoring games; but sometimes it's fun to watch the goal scorers go hog wild. Good stuff. :joy:
  13. "my personal option is that if Bethesda simply chose to make a non-canonical spin-off game based on the fallout universe and call it something other than FO3 most people wouldn't even bother protesting." Your personal option is wrong, and history doesn't back up. The FO Fanatics protested both FOT and FOBOS simply because they were non-canonical spin off games based on the fallout universe and were called something other than FO3. So... whya re you making stuff up? Also, of note, I like FOBOS gets a bad rap. It's a pretty good Action game, imo.
  14. "I would hope not anyway." You do not know the internet.
  15. Oops.. Sorry.. I thought you mant BOS for PS2; not the actual Tatics PC game. Meh. BOS is better. Edit: ... continued from here.
  16. "R00fles! How long have you been doing this?" Forever. Forget Duke Nuke 'Em. My mod(s) will be the new version of never ending on release. L0LLERZ! "Still playing FoT: BoS off and on." I liked it for what it was - an action game with b00bies! "A handy thing to keep in mind as you are designing towns in your mod." Aye, I try to make different areas actually different both in my never ending mods and pnp dming...
  17. This whole plot of theirs is retarded. It's nothing but another way of bashing Bethesda. I'm the last one to defend Bethesda as my dislike for their games is old news; but this is so stupid. If you don't like Bethesda, if you think they'll 'FO'; then don't buy the game. Just move on. Geez.
  18. "HARM ON A SKELETON! WHY LINU?!?!? WHY!?!?!?" Hehehe. "Could be all sorts of reasons, most likely the code base Obsidian were given did not include all the latest updates (if they were added as part of the expansions, and the expansions weren't part of the hand-over, for example)." They got the latest code. In fact, IIRC, they even got access to post last expansion patch code unless soemthing chnaged b/c I remember both BIO and Obsidian mentioning that when 1.68 came out and a bunch of people (me including) asked if the new cool scripting features that were in 1.68 would be in 1.69. It would make since too since the one thing that NWN2 has really in common with NWN1 is the scripting language, and how it works.
  19. NWN1 modding. Will get back into MVP BASEBALL 2005, and hoepfully G3 but I dunno; I think G3 boredom got to me after the upteenth same-y town. R00fles!
  20. Hope you find some more good staff.
  21. This just shows that BIO can handle making cuts without anyone knowing it. Too bad, the cut stuff sounded very cool. Ah well. *shrug* It's nearly a 4 year old game. L0LLERZ!
  22. "still think that the best DnD console game is still Warriors of the Eternal Sun. BGDA can't touch it. " I like BGDA myself; but I do agree that WotES is the best console D&D game ever. In fact, though it's not the best 'role-playing game' it showed taht even in the older days; consoles can *easily* have a more 'Western' stype CRPGness to them. It was a fun game. :joy:
  23. I bought it because it used the IE, and I buy *most* D&D games. R00fles!
  24. The bat weilding icon is more scary than all of Portugal together.
  25. I'd buy it.
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