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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. iZ GOTZ IT! "Wasnt SoZ billed as being "like IWD"? Meaning, no VO or party banter at all? Just a traveling party of mutes." No. but, that's probably because Obsidian wanted their cake,a nd eat it too. They wanted to real in the IWD fanboys and also keep the fanboys who love party interaction.
  2. My strategy? I don't.
  3. "Never saw her again. And unrelatedly, all the girls who laughed and scoffed at me trying to offer the ring are nowadays sad, bloated has-beens who had all their romantic dreams and notions shattered. Maybe from chasing after the usual suspects and not paying attention to the ugly, but romantic, ducklings who would have probably treated them much better." That's what all us uglies tell ourselves years later after being rejected by a hottie or hotties. Let's us sleep better at night if we cana rrogantly calim to take the 'high road' making us 'better' than them all. As for 'dumbest thing I've ever done' as per the thread.... I've done lots of those (que all the 'of courses', heh)... but, I'm not sharing. Sorry.
  4. http://www.nma-fallout.com/article.php?id=47347
  5. FO series npcs were pretty cool. Sure, not at the level of PST or BG2; but solidly entertaining.
  6. "(unlike say a Kreia in KOTOR2 or pretty much any vampire in Bloodlines (Jack, the Prince, Nines))." Not with better design.
  7. Technicality. They still existed. They weren't wiped out ala Troika. They were forced to close their doors 'for a few a days'; but they never actually 'went under'.
  8. "Yeah, like Imoen in the BG2 starter dungeon, or Irenicus in the Asylum, hmmm? Also I remember an extreme overpowered character killing the PC if he killed off both ways to that Asylum. BG and BG2 had their share of invernable PC's either, but apparently that didn't seem to bother you at that time. Why does it do so now?" Huh? Who says it didn't bother me? Don't be a tool. You can kill Imoen in BG1, btw. You can also kill her as soon as you get her back. And, let's not forget the fast majority of joinables in BG2 ar every much killable. And, it didn't make those characters any less interetsing.
  9. "Volo, I was under the impression you hadn't played the game. I have. Right through. Twice. I will respectfully suggest that until you do I'm going to ignore your judgement on how good the writing is." I've watched videos of the game's writings. An, i've read posts wher epeople of shared examples of it. I've also seen people complain generally about it. In fact, even many of the people who *like* the game aren't big fans of the dialogue stating its barely better than Oblivion's writing and they hated Oblivion's writing. I will trust my research, common sense, and history with p0revious Bethesda products.
  10. "The only way to do that is to make all characters generic, basically you recreate the character as another character. You need another character to step into it's shoes and fill the gap." This simp0ly isn't true. Most of the most memorable npcs ever were/are killable. This is evidenced in BG series, and FO series as two huge examples. *shrug* Unkillable characters hurts a games' role-playing. Note I'm not suggesting the player be a homicidal maniac either. Being allowed to do something doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. Anyone can commit a murder in RL; but most of us decide against it for whatever reason. The choice NOT TO though makes the choice have actual merit. If we COULDN'T commit murder (if, say, God simp forbid it forcefully) then any talk of being morals would be useless, imo. You cna't really be good if you cna't choose to be evil. You can't really be against violence if you have no option to commit violence. Most RP0Gs like to tackle things like morality... well, it kinda hurts that track when it forces you to be 'good'.
  11. "the fact is once Interplay went under" Except, the fact is, Interplay never actually went under.
  12. "Though I could speak the same for you and your avoiding the question." I wans't about to answer YOUR question until you answered MINE. You did so now I will. People watch them because they *think* they're good. Doesn't mean they neccessarily are. People *gasp* can be wrong. Even if it's multiple people. Afterall, even in the Amerikan election, almost half voted Bush the 'wrong' choice. Or was Obama the 'wrong' choice despite ove rhalf voting for him? Hmmm. "What makes a game "good?" We all decide personally. Others' opinions are irrelevant.
  13. Actually, ther'es been tons of word on the trading system and interatcing companions. *shrug* Also, is that a rveiew? It sound more like a 'thoughts in progess' much like my 'Volourn's Early Impressions' type threads. He's only met two companions so far so very unlikely he's deep into the game at all...
  14. "If they (soap operas) don't provide anything positive, why do people watch them?" Good avoidance of question. Do you think soap operas are good? And, if you don't, what do you think of those who do? P.S. Sorry about it be kind an off topic (not directly linked to games)P; but the idea that something is popular means it is good is silly talk. I used soap operas because I know most geeks - espicially the ones here - don't like them... and think they're dumb.. despite soap operas being popular. Just as with certain games. Just ebcause a game is popular doesn't make it good. Heck, NWN is a popular (BIo's most successful too) yet people bash it and its fans. And, this includes some of the same people who are defending FO3 as being good simply because it is popular. This cna go for any game. I could defend NWN's success by pointing out how popular it is; but it be silly to defend its quality that way. I'd actually have to show why I feel it is good (and, I have). Popularity doesn't mean good. Though, they do often go together. Since, most people (unlike the silly Codex) don't buy things they don't think they'll like.
  15. "For something to be popular, someone somewhere would have to find it worthwhile (and hence "good") on some level, wouldn't it?" I don't know this 'someone'. Neve rheard of him (or her) so its op0inion means squat. Only my opinion matters to me when deciding what is good or bad. Others' opinions only help me to determine what is popular or not. P.S. How many people here (outside of me that is heh) think soap operas/daytime dramas are actually good? They ar epretty popualr considering they've been around for decades...
  16. "I'm finding it way too easy on very hard mode. I've died maybe 10 times." Doesn't sound easy to me.
  17. Why? ~ DR
  18. "If you think the series has lasted this long while being utter crap than I'm sorry but it appears you are full of utter crap. " Actually, its success proves one thing - it's popular and people really like. That doens't mean its good or bad. Popularity doesn't mean good. For the record, I've enjoyed the Tomb Raiders I've actually played.
  19. You finished the game. It means you like it. DR: No. FOT would not win the poll. It's simply not that good.
  20. No. I pray for nobody except for God to forgive God's sins.
  21. FO2 is on top by 3! YAY!
  22. "'Tomb Raider' Gimme a break. All the previous installments have been utter crap. What makes this different.." Hey, you sound like me, and FO3. watch out, people hate that attitude, lol! Anyways, SOZ and AOD are two released (for me) coming soon.
  23. "Realisticly, if you have a character thats essential to the plot, you hav two choices really: either you make him unkillable or you allow the player to kill him and break the game for himself." Nope. Those aren't your only two choices. You can make it so *no* character is so essential to the story that killing them breaks the game. Perish the thought - using logic! You can still craft a wonderful story with fantastic characters that are killable.
  24. "Well I don't know a single person who claimed Bush was going to become 'dictator for life'. And the 'anti-Bush' crowd is fairly large, for your information. I believe it comprises at least 2/3rds of Americans these days. Claiming most of them hold a silly belief like that is rather odd. " L0L You claim that you never heard that claim yet that claim has been claimed on this very forum. Also, on any board that has politics talk the claim is made. Heck, even in 'rl', I've had people make the silly claim and they're not even Amerikans. Just fellow Kanadians who caught the extreme 'Bush is evil incarnate' disease tm.
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