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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Sounds almost how NWN worked with modules were you can 'team up' with other Ps should complete them. Nothing new here. Interesting how they go out of their way to clarify that the game isn't NWN3. So, what's it being called NWN OMG? HAHA! Obsidian is probably developing NWN3, and BG3, and JE2, SS2, MDK3, and SRPG2, and any other sequel to BIO's games then they'll work to making sequels to Bethesda's games. <>
  2. "If only there were more people like you on the Internet Volly. It might actually be a decent place." THE HORROR, THE HORROR, IT BURNS, IT BURNS! As for the whole 'KOTOR has no fetch quests' nonsense that is squashed by just mentioning the main quest which involves searching out for 4 star maps which BIO stole from NWN (LOLZ, stoelf rom their own game). You can't get a much bigger fecth quest than that. LMFAO KOTOR has no fetch quests. HAHAHAA That's as bad as people claiming ME2 is a FPS or DA is a MMO. L0L0L0L0LLIP0P
  3. "and people need reminding that there is still a war" Oh come on. It's not like people forgot about it. I know the internet geekz what to claim everyone else is dumb, but people aren't gonna forget about stuff like that.
  4. Yeah. no doubt. He'll probably buy DA2 anwyays and trash it just because. I like those type of internetz people.
  5. "you can get the gland while you're doing other stuff anyway, so there's really no extra effort involved. " By that defintion, nearly all the DA fecth quests including the board ones aren't fetch quests. That's illogical. They're fecth quests by defintion no matter hwo good or bad theya re. Just like a RPG is a RPG no matter hwo good or bad it may be.
  6. "I kind of see a parable here with the Roman empire, it wasn't built in one day and it definitively wasn't destroyed in one. It took a succession of petty emperors, if the damage done by Bush isn't fixed I see the US losing its status as the world foremost superpower." being a super power is irreleavn to the discussion. the claim that Palin would 'ruin' the US. Not being a superpower doesn't mean you are ruined... unless you claim countries like Kanada and Britian and France are 'ruined' becasue they are not supowers. And, was Russia has improved since losing their 'superpower' status, imo. *shrug*
  7. Win't happen. Even if she's elected (which i seriously doubt), it simply won't happen. That kind of silliness is the same talk that had claims that Bush was gonna be dictator for life, or that Obama is going to completely destroy the country. It's ridiculous.
  8. "RPG's used to have good quest design, which is why I liked them. Now it's just the same repetitive Fed Ex quests. " Ooooo.. the... hilarity!
  9. "Islamic terrorists represent Islam to the exact same extent the Inquisition represented Christianity or the Soviets represented Atheism." Yeah, but as above, would we be fine with allowinga christian chruch to be built on or near a site where a christian extremist did something? I wonder if, for exmaple, a Christian/Catholic extremist were to destroy this new center, would we then two years later be fine with a Christian church be built on that site even if the people wanting to build were doing it with good motivations in mind? I sure hope not. Like I said ebfore, no doubt, the mosque has a legal right to be built. Heck, on thes urface, morally I have no problem with it but it does seem kinda off to build any religious building on or enar a palce that was attacked because of thatr eligion (extremists or not, it reeks of awarding bad behaviour). All you are doing is opening old wounds. It should be pointed out that its not bigotry that opposes the msoque since the vast majority of those who oppose the mosque have no problem with mosques being built elsewhere. So, it's not an 'anti Muslim' stance neccessarily 9except, of course, the extremist bigots).
  10. SP MMO just cna't exist. The two terms contradict each other. Gah.
  11. GD is 100% correct. on what he posted. And, blaming the victim of 9/11 is pathetic. Anyone who doesn't flat out condemn the punks who commited 9/11 are plain old fashion garbage. WOD: Accoridng to those quotes, if they're accurate, the guy sound slike he wants a war. Not exactly the peaceloving hippies his supports claim.
  12. Let's put it this way. He may or may not be a rapist (the accusation is highly suspect); but either way he is an absolute douche of the highest order. Sure, freedom of the press is cool; but freedom to help others die because of your big mouth is not. It's kinda like blabbing the whereabouts of someone in protective custody and it leading to that person's murder. Tsk, tsk.
  13. You cna't have a single player MMO. That entire line doesn't even make sense. Think about it for a second. It's literally impossible. It's as bad as those who talk about 'reverse racismj' meaning 'anti white'. It's illogical, and makes no sense. Anti white is plain ol fahsion racism not reverse racism. A SP MMO simply cannot exist.
  14. So.. what you do think he said that was misquoted? How does one twist oen thing into any of the above? 'Cause that would be an awesome twist job if I could actuially believe you. P.S. I believe they have the legal right to build the mosque on private property, but I do have to say the motivation is very suspect. I can just imagine the reaction if a Christian pyscho had destroyed something tied to Islam and then even a well meaning Christian group came by wanting to build a church. While it is true that it is not fair to blame all muslims for 9/11, it is a fact that hardcore Muslim extremists perpetrated the attacked based on their religious believes against a 'Christian' government and choosing to build a (pseduo) Mosque on or near the property is definitely an act of disrespecting the victims (even thoguh not all victims of 9/11 were actually Christians obviously). Is it REALLY that important to have a mosque there? Espicially when there are mosques not that far away (but, hey, one needs to be able to step out of the office and right to where you are going).
  15. "It seems that (as I can tell) Bioware has visited Obsidian, maybe, and thought, that 'hey, we need to use the same framed narrative for Dragon Age 2'.... I don't know i this is the case, but it sure seems like it..." No. Obsidian didn't create that style of narrative. BIO doesn't need to copy Obsidian anyways espicially if they want to sell more. Why would they copy a game that basically bombed? That's embarassing.
  16. "Right or wrong, it was Bush who made the decision to go to war, not Saddam." Wrong. The war was Saddam's fault. Plain, and simple. It's what happens when you don't care about your country and try to play mind games with likes, crap, double talk, and other crap.
  17. "Obsidian's writing is a lot better imo." L0L But, no. And, waht innovation? There is none. I also find it hilarious people claim that BIO uses the same forumla repeatedly yet will claim in the enxt bretah that their neweer games aren't as good as their older games. Plus,a re people REALLY gonna claim that BG, JE, SS, MDK2, ME, and DA2 are all the same game? LMAO The illogic is illogical.
  18. "which stands today as the worst." L0LZ Lack of perspective is cute. "It's fair to say that Bush was responsible for the Iraq war." No, that isn't fair. The fair thing to say is that Saddam Hussein is responsible for the Iraq War. It would be faiir to say that Bush, and the politicians in general mishandled the post war Iraq, though.
  19. "The difference is Obsidian is at least trying to do something interesting" No. Not when you are basically substuting 'interesting' for original. NWN2 KOTOR2 2 expansions ME2.5
  20. "Volo's humbleness and self-critique always amaze me." Sarcasm is mispalced. I crticize myself all the time. Whgen I bash posters or fans or customers, I'm lumping myseklf with those scummy groups. We're all scum. I just admit it. "Well, yeah, we're also diverse. There are many factions, lines were drawn, sides chosen." Have you been to the BIO boards? Talk about 'diverse'. Even the Codex 'Hivemind' is 'diverse'. Lets'f ace it, this is the interent, whenever an argument is made, there will always be two sides (or more) arguing it. Nature of the beast. Anyways, back on topic: DA2 is a sequel to DA1. It will have similarities and differences. *shrug*
  21. "We're much more cynical," That's not the word I'd use. I'd say arrogance would be more fitting. Or overrating one's self worth. Mostly, i refer to it as the Kanadian Komplex. If you don't get the reference, then it makes it even more humourous. P.S. the similarities of the two companies is major for sure. There is a eason, btw, that Obsidian is known as BIO Jr.
  22. "So does an education. It's probably better to judge people on their actions." Absolutely, but religion does influence one's action.
  23. "What happened to religion being a personal thing? I don't think anyone cares about the president's(or prime minister's) religion around here." I think one should care what religion their leader since, by defintion, your religion no matter what it is, has a huge hand in shaping you as a person one way or the other good and bad. Not that i care because I'm not a religious person anyways. And, I'm anti God.
  24. So.. even Muslims think he's a liar when Obmama claims to be Christian. If Muslims think he's a Muslim they should be uspet for ebtraying him since he practices the Christian faith. Either way, the poll is bogus anyways.
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