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Darth Hoebag

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Everything posted by Darth Hoebag

  1. No they can't, bringing them back would be making assumptions about peoples character, generally looked upon as a no-no. I killed ALL of them, I would be pretty pissed if OB just up and decided "Ok they are all alive and Revan is lightside" Thats defeating the purpose of a ROLE-PLAYING GAME. BioWare did that in BGII with Minsc making a return, personally it annoyed me, I hate him. But at least the brought Edwin back too so all's good (in the first one your forced to take one side and kill the other). That still doesnt explain whyt Calo should come back.... And I already said Cassus is presumed dead, your just repeating me, I never put that out as fact. Anyway....
  2. You sir, are disgustingly stupid. Anyway, Revan would win, easily, hands down. Edit - Pardon me, mis read it I thought you were saying a man would win either way. BTW, Revan was a girl, she's a man in the alter universe.
  3. There can be only one... Visas! Duh
  4. Kickin ass like always.
  5. I have to agree there. Darth Spammer is me.
  6. Hanhar is great. He's insanely powerful, cleared the sub level in a couple of minutes and never needed healing. He's also one of those suprise characters who has a lot of things to say if you get to know him. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You have a differant Hanharr than I did... I couldnt turn my attention away for a moment, or he'd die (I had to restart nearly 5 times) I suppouse that could be beacuse I did 15 auto levels or something on him.
  7. You need the option Hanharr is teh sux!!1!11!!111!1one! I hate him so much. Go-T0 > Hanharr, now thats cruel.
  8. You for got Darth Larry. Darth Johnson? Or Darth Bob Smith. Or just Bob Smith, they most terrifying name ever,
  9. Darth Hoebag of course! I'll leave the rest up to OB.
  10. The Sith Marauder looses the conditioning feat, I only had level one when I changed over (all my saves were over 20, I think reflex was 18 maybe) but I couldnt get the rest, bug or intentinal?
  11. most likely (edit) *not* (/edit) as you get the oppertunity to kill the majority of them at one point or another... Juhanni Jolee Carth Zaalbar Mission and Bastilla.. and the remaining ones DO make cameos I iddnt even let Carth onto the Star Forge... So it was just me n' Bastilla n' Candyman assulting it, she better not be be egtting any funny ideas with Candyman while I was slappign Malak around!
  12. When and how do you turn desciple into a gizka? And I jave said it before, but I still love [Force Persuade]Give me your money and then jump off that docking platform. (on nar Shadda)
  13. if you read Hanharrs mind with Kreias help you get +2 to str and +1 to con.
  14. Nope, don't think so, I had Visas, and T3(haha) at full darkside (diddnt even know I could train the others into jedi, nor did I use them untill after I beat it) and Neither of them got DS mastery.
  15. Pretty damn good job, could have been better, could have been a lot worse too. As for truely evil things, nothing more overtly evil or wnaton than could be done in the first one. One of my favorites... [Force Persuade]Give me all your money and jump off that docking platform. (on a Taris like world, miles above the surface) Also... You picked the wrong room to barge into buddy! Me - Yeah? Well you picked the wrong room to die in. Followed by canderous saying "That one had it coming!" just made me laugh.
  16. Wellm Nihilus' body sort of decomposed and became one with the darkside so I douby we're seein him again unless its as a blueman (red? becuase he was darkside) I suppouse its POSSIBLE Sion let you pass and think he was dead because he saw the power in you and decided you could kill Kreia.
  17. not me. Sadly I had no choice in the matter, I would have taken her in a heart beat and used the Force to dismember the fleabag alive. Alas the game decided for me I got Hanarr... And Visas would hurt me if I had another female in the party... Other than GOTO but he doesnt count
  18. Where can I get that? beat the game once with no cheats or anything so now I wanna have some fun. Hk-47comes third, right after Visas and Canderous.
  19. Dual "short" double bladed! Hell yeah! If youve played Myth The Fallen Lords, think of the Myrmidons from it and youll get my idea. Course thats wishful thinking. I love dualing standards, I really want to try a double bladed one. Or a single short! ha. First game was Orange(or Red, kept swaping them) and Violate in off hand, doesnt really matter that I only got 1X str modifer, as Sion died each time (with full Hyper stims) in 1 master power attack + 1 regualr hit, one of the times it was JUST the power attack) And since I had a Dex of 18 (with all modifiers, 12 base) I was a heavy armor user, and thus master speed was useless.
  20. Planets: Coruscant Mandalore Alderaan Korus Major Manann or Unknown world Ithor New Planet Yavin Returning Characters: Party: Bastila Jolee HK(with Remote) T3-M4 HandMaiden or Visas Marr Non-Party: Mandalore: More important things to do than travel around in the Hawk. He has clans to gather, and war to fight. Carth Zaalbar and Mission Admiral Dodonna Casus Fett Calo Nord Other Stuff: Influence system should be done away with or changed so that Influence can be gained regardless of alignment. The Ability to speak to the Senate in the next game would be sweet. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Just to point out - Some people kileld Carth Mission and Zaalbar, so you cant use them. Everyone killed Calo. I assume cassus Fett is dead, as you can buy his armor on Dantooine in KOTOR1.
  21. I had the idea that you start off as a trainee at the new Treyus Academy, and your Handmaidens/Visas' (possibly both? if it comes down to one or ther other, the choice is obvious, VISAS!) best tudent, and they explain the events of KOTOR2 to you, and then say that it is time for her to leave and head past the outer rim and find Revan and the Exile (possibly a "romantic" I promise we'll meet again-ish thing if your male? (or female ) and since you are the first powerful force user (thats trained) currently in the known galaxy, you need to finish your training on your own be defeating/saving/stopping X (havent gotten that far yet ) and that then, it will be your turn to leave and find Revan, Exile and Visas. None of these will be used... But theres mine.
  22. Actually, it's Ord Mantell. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Bah, your right... dammit, brain no work!
  23. WEll if I was into guys thats who I'd go for, hes just so damn awesome. Now if this poll was for ALL game characters... DUKE NUKEM! Hands down. Even I, an heterosexual male can admit that.
  24. I guess so... I never saw Carth I diddnt see anything (maybe Im remebering wrong but I diddnt even see the Ebon hawk) just the outside of Malachor V (after Traya falls into the chasm) pan the the right... credits. Dont see a single person (Kreia gives you very breif statements on what happens to the important ones but thats all) What gender/alignment/choices do you have to be/make to see Carth? Or to get Atton to die?
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