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Jedi Master Dakari

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Everything posted by Jedi Master Dakari

  1. I never implied doing an exact replica of the Chronicals. I disagree with you on the opinion that they sucked, but that's okay. I liked them though. I only meant that on Obsidian's website or LucasArt's KotOR2 website that the actual Obsidian writers (the very ones who came up with and wrote the game) make something of that nature. Not the exact same, but almost similar to a novel where you can read small parts at a time. PS: I do think that they could fix the gramatical errors and ALL-CAPS thing they got goin' on in the Chronicals though.
  2. Dear Obsidian Entertainment, I know you have been hounded by others to prepare a patch or expansion to The Sith Lords to replaced all that had been cut from the game and left us gamers deprived. I respect you for your work and applaud you on the game you have released, but I am not ashamed to say I am one of these people. However, for the time being, please read my plight. I know it was your intention to release an awesome, stand-up game with the intentions of being equal (if not even better) than the first. I feel you came very close and I loved The Sith Lords. As a matter of fact I am playing it yet again for about the ninth time. Yet I cannot help but to notice that much of the work the writters put into the game was scrapped and - it seems - forgotten. Even though it almost made it into the finished game before it was rushed. The increased findings of the cut dialog on the PC version of the game is testament to this. I think I have found a resolution. On the game's official website you have a section known as "Chronicals". I enjoyed reading those as much as I do a well-written novel. I found out more about Revan than I would have otherwise. The fact that he was a Jedi Master (which raises a new question...who did he train to Knighthood), the fact that Jolee Bindo had many more adventures after K1, and the fact that Atris was, inevitably, responsible for the death of the Jedi at Katarr. I fell that the missing holes in The Sith Lords may very well be filled in by such a manner. If you were to have the writters of The Sith Lords write their own version of "Chronicals" to complete these stories, I believe many fans would be satisfied and actually gain more from them than they ever would have from the game. It is just a thought, and I meerly one person with one opinion. Yet I felt I had to atleast make a stab at getting my opinion across. I appreciate your attention, and I wish you all great success many more games to come. Sincerely, Jedi Master Dakari
  3. I have a sneeking suspision that - due to LucasArt's temporary lust for Christmas money - much of the game was forced to be cut (i.e. Master Vash, Darth Nihilus, HK-50 Droid Factory, Master Atris, and I guess the list could go on.) I would love for a patch or expansion be released with all the missing material...even dialog...reintroduced back into the game as Obsidian Entertainment meant it to be. I have a feeling that the game isn't even a quarter as pleasing to them now as it would have been had they been given the time they were promised to complete it. I feel that so much of their work went unaccounted for and likewise is not even noticed. I hope that they wish to fix this problem and show LucasArts that they were on the right track and for the right reason ... to put out a game truly worthy of the Star Wars name.
  4. I love this idea! In my opinion I would love for you to start the game off as a Jedi Padawan training on Coruscant (I'm sick of Dantooine being the main Jedi sanctuary in these games!) at the Jedi Temple. Possibly for the same reason stated above (for the soul purpose of finding Revan and maybe the Exile also), I thought that was a good point to make out. Then, at level 15 you acquire the rank and title of Jedi Knight and can then select you very own (one) Padawan (either from your party or someone you meet once you visit the Temple again...who knows.) Then, when you reach level 30 (when your Padawan likewise reaches level 15 and becomes a Jedi Knight) you become a Jedi Master. This wouldn't necessarily put you on the Council. Jedi Master is simply the title given to Knights who have successfully trained a Padawan to Knighthood or those whom the Council decides is worthy enough of said title. I think the certain classes such as Jedi Guardian, Jedi Sentinel, and Jedi Counsular be done away with and we finally go by the traditional rank and process of the Old Jedi Order (since that is what order we are under during these games.) Take all the certain classes' feats and throw them in together and you get to have your choice of any. Have so many choices to select from during each level-up as a Padawan, then this number slightly increases once you become a Knight, then it increases slightly more once you finally become a Jedi Master. I would like for the player character, once he becomes a Jedi Master, to finally be recognized as such. I hated being a Jedi Master in K2 and the other Masters never recognize me as such ... if they even recognized me as a Jedi (or even a person) at all. I'm beginning to get the feeling that the Jedi of this era were just as manipulative, deceptive, and as evil as the Sith in most cases. Like Atton said, atleast the Sith were honest with you. I feel it's time for this to be corrected and the Jedi in the games finally rise to the standard we have always held them to. Not arrogant and rude people that Atris and Vrook have made them out to be. Oh, earlier someone mentioned that you player character in K3 help with rebuilding the Jedi Order. I say that let the Jedi Order already be rebuilt with Mical (Disciple) and Bastila on the Jedi High Council. We know that Mical will because when you play as a female in K2 Kreia says that he will sit on the new Council. I think Bastila deserves to be on it as well since she is experienced (having helped retrain Revan, fought Darth malak, and has tasted the Dark Side yet returned to the light.) She had more experience then some Master have when she was yet a Padawan. I feel that she finally deserves some recognition. I would also like to see some Rakatan Jedi and possibly an important Rakatan Jedi Master (preferably on the Jedi Council) in K3. I mean ... they were once force-sensitive, were trying to reintroduce the Force (midichlorians) back into their DNA (with my help), and wished to make their peace with the galaxy for what their ancestors did. I would like to see that my work in K1 - and their work over thousands of years - doesn't go unrewarded. Lets just say that they succeed and do come back to the galaxy at large and some redeem themselves by becomeing Jedi. What better way to achieve that accomplishment? Well, these are just a few of my request. Whether they are contemplated on or not is a different story ... but atleast I voiced my opinion. Oh, and if someone is completely serious about their ideas, don't burn them for their suggestions unless you wholy expect it to someday come back to you three-fold. It's called Karma ... learn it. Jedi Master Dakari PS: Let's have a real white lightsaber in this one, please? The silver was a step forward (thank goodness) but it was a little too blue for my taste. but thanks for it anyway.
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