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Everything posted by kalimeeri

  1. Kreia is a wonderful character, and well done. It takes a while (playing cold) to realize that it isn't just your light side answers that make her mad, but both. She wants you to think gray, like Revan, but she doesn't just say 'do this, do that', she observes, then explains the lesson to be learned. She manipulates practically every event behind the scenes ... and I believe that she 'created' the end between you as well, as a final lesson, and her final gift. Bottom line is that she has no desire to see the universe end. She loved Revan, admired him, was proud of having taught him. She saw him as the key to saving the galaxy, the exile as the way to save him--or in the worst case scenario, pick up where he left off. But in order for you to be effective, she is willing to die, maybe even has to (force bond+experiencing 'betrayal'). Maybe she even wants to. At one point, she wasn't sure herself who would play the part of 'the betrayer, but if Atris did not, it was up to her. (Sadly, the choice of Atris fell by the wayside--it would have been great). So she embraces Darth Traya again. Crafty, manipulative, definitely with a 'Sith' flavor, she makes a good villain ... yet not so much, I think. A bittersweet, memorable character, one you keeping thinking about long after the game is over.
  2. Second time through as LS Sentinel, and whoa! Lots of new and different convo choices, although I'm not quite sure why. This was an autocreate character, just like the other, and abilities are not that much different. So I speak to Handmaiden, and she whips out this cool gray Jedi robe that belonged to her mother, instead of the white thingy I've always seen her with. I'm very proud of it, I like it. Then I spar with her the second time, she takes off her clothes, and bam... when I try to dress her again, it's GONE. I went away and came back, and she's still half-naked and I have NOTHING to put on her. I want my robes back.
  3. Hehe your mind is playing tricks on you, I thought it was HK-47 at first too but it's just a black (in the smoke) HK with red eyes, it doesn't show you who it is, so your assuming it was HK-47. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Two words: ATI Radeon. It's not my mind. Really.
  4. The way I understand it, he has blocked many of the events out because they were so traumatic--including the Force. He had to, to survive. It serves as a way to get in some backstory, for those who didn't play K1. The point is that the PC is NOT any different from Nihilous or the other dude. They are using the same technique--force connections with others. It is an 'ancient Sith' technique, one which the Jedi AND the new Sith are powerless against.. The PC does it unconsciously; it is a natural talent. The Sith Lords learned it, and have become so good at it they can suck the life out of entire planets, and they need that much just to keep going. But whereas they only TAKE, Kreia wishes to make Exile aware of his gift, and how it may be used to combat the coming threat. The Jedi Council recognized it for what it was--and it scared the crap out of them. They assumed because it was a Sith technique that Exile was bad, and they felt he would 'change' them, just by being around. So instead of studying, they sent him away. IMO, Revan also learned this ability, because he studied Force Bonding extensively. He also remembered where it came from, recognized that it could end the galaxy, and went off to try to avert this. Again my opinion, but Revan was not the evil monster that the Jedi Council made him out to be. He was studying Sith teachings, it was true, and for that he was labeled Sith by the Jedi. But strict adherence to either doctrine would spell the end, and if he could not make them understand or convert them, he had to eliminate them. Jedi Civil War.
  5. I have to agree. But I would gladly suffer through Dantooine with my ATI Radeon ten times over for the sake of story.
  6. No, that's HK-50, and he isn't blasted to bits. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Drat, now I have to go back and look; but I had the distinct impression that this HK unit was red and rusty. And in that case, how did it happen that HK47 ended up dissembled in that very same room? It's a bit confusing. The miners mentioned only two droids being onboard, and they do say the protocol droid was talking and was put into the maintenance bay. So you're right, the one they're talking about had to be HK50. Yet HK47 was on board the Ebon Hawk too, for the duration. And if HK50 ended up there as well, he could NOT have blasted HK47, because it would be like 'killing' himself. HK50 was not damaged; so who got blasted, and by whom? Because of the time frame/sequence of events, that feels more recent than the Sith attack. There was pounding on the medbay door just prior, and the ship was already dead in space..
  7. Immediately after finishing Kotor II, with many unanswered questions due to faulty memory, I had to go back and replay Kotor I. I find there are necessary differences in execution, probably because of the storyline. Kotor I has a dynamic that sweeps you along. What a great game! I'm not a total Star Wars geek, but this game brought ME back from wandering the Outer Rim. I still hate Taris, but once you get off, the hits just keep on coming. Will Mission NEVER shut up? Can I dump Juhani already? As far as HK's comment about whininess ... I honestly don't think the old crew had anything over this new one, though. Kotor II is a different type of quest ... an exploration of the mind. Far more subtle, and in some ways more thought-provoking, if you listen. That is not to say that it is better, or worse. The story dictated that the pace be slower; and it is up to K3 to tie it all together (hoping mightily here). The 'intended' story unearthed in the game folders just blows me away; I only wish that Obsidian had been able to implement it fully. But the game as is still compelled, right up to the end. Frankly, that's what I play games for--not mindless hack-n-slashing. For whatever reason that Bioware was not involved, Obsidian was a worthy successor; probably the only folks in the industry today whom I would have trusted to carry such a fantastic storyline. Yet even though I still respect what they were able to accomplish with an aging engine, and within the time constraints, it's with a bittersweet feeling that the finished product is not representative of their potential. Sadly, I feel it will haunt them unless some sort of redemption is forthcoming in a patch, an add-on, or in the form of K3. I want to believe.
  8. IMO, T3 doesn't want HK pressing the issue of where the ship has been, and I'm not completely convinced it's his original programming. The dialogue with various characters very subtly suggested that it was KREIA who voice-locked the computer. But T3 was completely silent. Kreia was alone with T3 on Ebon Hawk (with the exception of HK, who was locked in a room) prior to encountering the Exile; she had ample time to do a little reprogramming, to 'use' the droid to buy her time to get in some retraining. In the intro, you get a brief scene of HK breaking out of the room, only to be blasted to bits... and I believe it had to be T3 who did so. The miners on Peragus were probably responsible for salvaging and selling the HK parts that they found. T3 cannot allow HK to pursue his later line of questioning, so he memory-wipes HK, which is why HK no longer can respond to your query.
  9. Same here. I've played LS twice before and the mercs were there on the surface, quest completed. But this last time, LS Sentinel, they weren't. I know where they were supposed to be, but instead of two baddies willing to yak, there were three who just opened up shooting. It may be the order in which I accepted the quests, or the fact that this time I tried to chase them, instead of challenging Lorso immediately. Another more daunting bug is Korriban, in the cave where you face the visions. People here have been talking about meeting and talking to Revan? I have never had this happen. I always seem to get stuck in a loop after fighting my friends in aid of Kreia, having to do it three times successively to make her go away. Otherwise, she just stands there. I'd heard this was a bug in the XBOX version, but I'm playing PC. Anybody know how to trigger the Revan exchange?
  10. BTW, Bao can wear the Zabrak armor and still use his force powers ... at least in my game.
  11. I think that K3 should ultimately 'imply' a return, but this war would be an ongoing conflict, and wrapping things up with a nice tidy bow (going back to pressing lips in the cargo hold) is not necessarily the best option. Leave that part to the imagination. As for the storyline, this is REVAN's story, and I personally loved the character. To have him or her absent, or to find a cold mummified body somewhere, would not be as satisfying as getting to play the character again. Not at all. However, I also feel the Exile has a crucial part in the story, and the success or failure of Revan's plan. Frankly, the thought of playing a new padawan yet AGAIN leaves me cold. I would much rather see the starring roles reprised, perhaps splitting the viewpoint. Not to mention that a padawan would have to go through a discovery process all over again. Sure, there are some things we don't know about Revan's journey, and the history of the Sith/Republic, but it would be a monumental undertaking to try and weave in all of the things we already know, and still have game enough left for progression. I think it would work best to have the story revealed from Revan's viewpoint, contrasted with the Exile's. I would foresee some difficulties between the two characters, though, when they eventually meet. The Exile turned away from Revan's cause, which would imply disloyalty, and lack of trust on Revan's part. Not only that, but Revan does not know if the Exile turned away out of fear or just because he/she couldn't cut the mustard. 'Revan grew to despise weakness.' On the Exile's side (if light), the perception is that Revan turned to the dark side. Reverse as needed. Even if he or she believes that Revan had another agenda, that is unproven. And that is the heart of the story. Exile's outstanding abilities were NEEDED for something ... what? Revan recognized the method by which the true Sith would attack, studied the bonding process and potential extensively. But learned abilities are not as strong as natural talent, and he/she may have run into trouble. I don't think Revan sent T3 back for the Exile specifically, that was all Kreia's doing. She alone recognized and gambled that Exile could be rehabilitated enough to turn the tide. Or at least to get Revan out. Perhaps Revan failed in his attempt, and as the two flee, Malachor/Korriban will become the focus of a final battle yet again. That's what I want to see. And please don't forget Carth! And is Bao-Dur REALLY dead? I sure hope not, because he could solve a LOT of technical problems on the Republic's end...
  12. I've got one for you. On my first play-through as a Guardian, I everything proceeded normally (Atton in force cage, convo, etc.) On my second as a Sentinel I not only had an empty force cage, but Atton was lying on the floor just to the left of Last Handmaiden! I was able to talk to him ... and then the game cut to Kreia and the empty force cage convo. Weird. Well, when I went back through AGAIN, different Sentinel, everything was back to normal.
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