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Darth Sun_Tzu

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Everything posted by Darth Sun_Tzu

  1. I think the whole Ceadus thing was. It started well and i liked the idea but just got silly. Also in the same series they introduced other Sith on Korriban in one novel then never mentioned them again!?
  2. I usually go for Consular/Jedi Master, cos I love force powers. I start with: Str 10 Dex 14 Con 8 Int 12 Wis 16 Cha 16 I put the first 2 lvl ups to dex and then the rest to wis. If your PC is male (which mine usualy is) the battle precog feat gives you a really high defense. I often end up with over 50 defense, wearing robes.
  3. The influence systems was a good idea but not properly implemented. For example, if you were ls and had high influence with Visas, she would still get upset when you did a ls act. Once you had a high influence they should not question you on such thing, unless it was a major plot point.
  4. Is this on the PC? If so there is a fix for it at http://team-gizka.org/downloads.html If not you'll have to reload.
  5. I'm not sure what was going on there but i had 2 control centres. Anyway, i got rid of 1 and then rolled back the drivers as far as they would go. Then i reinstalled 5.4, now all i get is a black screen.
  6. Thanks for the help but now everything is PURPLE!
  7. Blaster??? His dex is low and str is high therfore he makes a better melee fighter.
  8. Ok, i'll try that but it'll have to wait until tomorrow. The wife is home so i have some work to do. I'll let you know how the installation goes.
  9. Not yet, will they still be available on ATI's site? I don't think i can roll back because when i changed from win 98 to xp the first drivers i put on was 5.11 (i think).
  10. I have upraded the drivers and still get the same message and have also reduced the settings and the game still crashes.
  11. Large amount of alcohol works for me! I wonder how Darth Nihilus sleeps at night. I bet he can't sleep without his fav teddy. :D
  12. Why does the game insist that i need the latest NVidia drivers for my Radeon 9200 graphics card?? I have the latest Radeon drivers installed but the game is not happy with that. The game will run but crashes alot, and every couple of days it will automatically scan my hardware and tell me that the game requirements are not met. This cause my setting to be reset and my latest saved game to become unloadable, which is very annoying to say the least. Why is this happening? Below is the swinfo report.
  13. Here is an idea that i had about how I'd like the whole 'lightsabre' thing to work in K3. You can build your lightsabre at level 5 but it is weak say 1-12 damage and can't be fitted with upgrades. As you travel around you learn how to improve your lightsabre (at say lvl 10) and then it becomes 1-16 damage and you can put in additional cystals. Some more time passes (say when you reach level 14-15) and you learn how to further improve your lightsabre. Now it becomes 1-20 damage and can take cystals and upgrades. The improvements could coincide with your development as a jedi. You first make your lightsabre when you become a padawan. You then upgrade it when you become a full Jedi Knight. The final upgrade comes when you become a Master. So how about that? To me that makes it a little more realistic.
  14. Then it becomes meaningless and thats not worth my time. But either way he still ends up in K2 anyway.
  15. If i killed him, then i'd want him to stay dead.
  16. Why would anyone want Carth to remain in the game? Someone should make a mod so that you can kill him as ls without getting any ds points. Lets face it, it is an act of mercy. :D
  17. Hey! Nothing wrong with a bit of cheese now and again.
  18. I can see it now............. KotOR3: Darth Nihilus Strikes Back! :D
  19. ^ Its not one i've heard of but i'd like it to be true.
  20. How many people have notice that even if you chose Revan to be ds for K2, that Carth still makes an appearence (although i'm sure it is by mistake)? Its on Dantooine, the admiral that Mical reports to is Carth, eventhough he is dead in the DS version. Here is another lame topic from the people who brought you Beer Milkshakes. :D Althought the last one is still going strong.
  21. But it is strange that no-one knows/speaks his name in the whole game.
  22. I'm currently replaying k2 and at no point so far, or that i can remember from previous plays, does anyone actually mention Darth Nihilus' name. So what is going on there? Sorry not much of a topic.
  23. Will KotOR 2 run on an Apple Mac? I'm considering buying one instead of a PC when i next upgrade but if i can't play k2, or k1 for that matter then i'll stick with PCs.
  24. Anyway i thought more about my idea, so here you go: I thought you could start out in a small, secret academy. I thinking, possibly, Ossus. This would provide a suitable setting for you initial training and building of a lightsaber (there should be plenty of parts/crystal around). Some of your trials could include looking for artifacts and exploring the plannet. Eventually you discover the Ysanna tribe and come into conflict with them. Unable to resolve the conflict, the jedi leave. So your main purpose at the start of the game is to find a new location for your academy and you also have to take a padawan of your own. But during your search you discover Malachor and the 'True Sith' (or what ever Hades has in mind) threat, so you go off to help/hinder Revan and/or Exile (depending on choices in previous games). How does that work for you guys?
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