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About 11238_1556103629

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  1. Hahahaha omfg, first time in three months or so that I log in here again and you guys are still waiting for that movie/music patch?? Christ...
  2. Star maps, because they don't whine on and on like Vrook and the others do...
  3. Actually that incoherent ending was their intention, not something forced upon them by the deadline set by LA. They cut the ending because they thought it was better the way it is now, not because they were forced to do so... They though it was best to build up relations with your sidekicks and then just have them disappear for no apparant reason at one point in the game with little to no explanation as to what happened to them... <_< Obsidian shot themselves in the foot with this decision, and many others, like accepting such a contract with limited control to begin with...
  4. I'd suggest staying well clear of this game, it's horrendous... Definitely not worth what they're asking for it now, I'd consider buying it for 10$ maybe, but not 50$...
  5. Obsidian could release some statement like: 'OH NOES, SUM D00D HAXD US N LIEKD TEH PETCH ON 1000Z OF WAREZSIGHTS!!1!11 ROFLCOPTER!!1' Nobody will ever know...
  6. Well, I'm going to buy a PS3 anyways, kotor3 or not. I'd rent it first before deciding to buy it or not.
  7. Apparantly, Obsidian and Lucas Arts are located in another dimension which perceives time very differently from us... It's the only explanation that I can think of, really.
  8. I have had about the same problem, black screens and load screen CTD's. Haven't had the chance to play this game with movies so I just had to watch them afterwards from the main menu after enabling movies again... <_<
  9. If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the ****ing kitchen! If they can't even "get their head around" their own code, then they should quit and take up gardening, or something else that's a bit simpler... However, I should have been more precise in who to call imbeciles, as most likely the clearly non-existant QA game testers are the ones to be blamed for utter shyte as this...
  10. Hmmm... Strange that your lightsaber doesn't break the force field, it works every time with mine...
  11. Force Storm roxx ^_^
  12. It's just with the way they wrap textures around the models... It "improves" when you use the better quality texturesets though, not by much. Or should I say, get's worse the lower you go in quality...
  13. ftp://ftp.lucasarts.com/patches/pc/KotOR2...201420%20UK.exe
  14. For your first lightsaber you can't just make your own parts and then go to bao dur, the parts you need are specific and can only be found by salvaging and in some shops... I realised this when i only needed an energy cell, made just about every cell there is and he still said that i needed a cell to make a lightsaber... Good luck hunting down those parts, dude...
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