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Everything posted by AnakinSolo2002

  1. (w00t) ahh, it looks so gorgeous on my PC, hehe I love it to pecies! anyway, I'd love to help, give advice, I know a lot about k2 and k1 and computers and how to fix and troubleshoot and all that, so just post in here with any questions, and I'll try and help. :D before you post do two things for me: for NVIDIA users: I will strongly suggest to use the 67.66 drivers, you can get them straight from nvidia themselves, they ARE beta, but they have the most fixes without any NEW errors, and I know they work beautifully in k2. get em here: nvidia 67.66 1) download them 2) uninstall your current drivers via add/remove progs. 3) restart 4) install the DX9.0c via the apropriate k2CD (even if it's already installed do it again anyway, believe me) 5) Install the new drivers (67.66) [you may need to restart before this, depending on what the dx installer says] 6) restart now try kotor 2, see what happens now. for ATI users: I've "heard" that the 4.11 drivers will work, but I'm still skeptical, but they may be ok. Otherwise I suggest to use these: the 4.9 cats. and then the 8.07 hot fix, I KNOW FOR A FACT that these work the best on k1, and i'm sure they will on k2 as well. go here for the 4.9's and then the 8.07 fix: here scroll down and download these and only these files with these names: "ATi Radeon Catalyst 4.9 + CCC" or "ATi Radeon Catalyst 4.9 Classic" and "ATI Catalyst Beta 8.07" 1) download them 2) uninstall your current drivers via add/remove progs. 3) restart 4) install the DX9.0c via the apropriate k2CD (even if it's already installed do it again anyway, believe me) 5) Install the new drivers (4.11 or 4.9 and then the 8.07{the latter I recommend]) [you may need to restart before this, depending on what the dx installer says] 6) restart now try kotor 2, see what happens now. now once you've done this, I'll allow you to post, lol, but seriously, If you go ahead and get this out of the way I can try and find further complications to fix, cause I know that these "select" drivers work, so please do as I instruct, It may fix your problems right a way! I'll be looking forward to hearing from you. P.S.: I'm sitting here infromt of my computer, fully knowing I have k2 installed and working on my PC, and I could be playing it right now, I am that dedicated to getting all you KotOR and/or Star Wars lovers to play it. I would rather you guys get to play it, than me, I have played through it already (on my bud's xbox) so I know what I'm missing, and I would love to play it right now, but as I said, I would rather you guys play it, instead of trouble shooting your patience away. :D good luck guys, and ask away! Anakin,
  2. yeah.. and i'm sure it's on-sale for a REASON.... lol
  3. Hey man I never really meant any offence, well I'm glad you got it to work, I just know that laptops usually have lots of trouble with this series, so yeah. I know there is no laptop out there better altogether than my computer. You are still wrong about the laptop/desktop difference, there are a heck of a lot of differences, even the RAM it's self is different, LT ram and DT ram are not interchangeable, completelly different sizes. Ever wonder why everything doesn't heat up as much in a laptop as a pc? it's because everything is dumbed down a bit so that not as much heat is produced. the processors are even different, wonder why there is an 'M' now on the info for laptops processors? They had to optimize it so it was cooler without killing performance too much, but there is still a difference. you need to realize there IS a reason why a destop is a desktop and a laptop is a laptop, you could never make a laptop out of PC parts, It would burn up.
  4. I was seriously thinking about that myself, my friend had his box over at my house when it came out for that, and I plugged my Logitech z680's in it and there was surround and atleast stereo, so it seems as though it may work if you could get the sound files.
  5. as is the obvious, they don't care about the music, which pisses me off. did you guys know, that the Star Wars movie(s) were the first young-age based-movies to include a full orchesrta sound track? I don't understand how L.A. can let these people defile Star Wars like this EDIT: and infefference to the .ogg thing, the engine is made to decode wav's(mp3's) not ogg's, just the easy way out, they would have had to completelly re-write that which would have been out of their league, considering they didn't make it in the first place.
  6. I think "an obese amount of patience and tinkering" should be added to the system requirements....
  7. simply put.... Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic "1" AND "2" have issues running on Laptops, especially having ATI mobility chipsets, and I wish it weren't true but it is, and there is and will be NO WAY around that.
  8. I can't belive they did this to the sound, that is obsurd, but i'm sure they had a reason, just like their reason to back out on many of their other promisses. come on guys, I didn't buy my Logitech Z-680's for friken mono, I'd rather go play Daggerfall with it's 4 bit sound, I don't see why they think that we will respect and support them when they pull things like this and, well, expect us not to notice.... ...even friken MacGuyver in it's last few seasons had friken Stereo sound, and it ended in 1992!!! you guys suck. <_< EDIT: Plus, who the hell pays for a composer to write NEW music and an ochestra to record a bunch of it, and then dumbs it down to mono? I don't get it, maybe you guys have the pirated version or something and they hacked the sound down, who knows, well I'm not buying it untill they talk about this issue.
  9. all I can say is this: "Laptops are for space saving, carry-on baggage people who have sticks shoved up their butt's when they walk, they buy their laptop, not knowing **** about computers, and they whine and whine because certain games don't work."
  10. I hate this for you dude, but man you just aren't getting it. It's like having half the vidoe card, it just won't work correctly.
  11. I understand how you feel man, there were a few things you could do for the origional kotor, but i guess since you only get 1FPS on this one, there isn't as much help. What I would do is... call, or email, or do something to contact Lucas Arts and/or Obsidian and ask them why it's not working on your laptop. They will probably give you the same answer I did, the *sys specs* are written for desktop computers... do you truly believe that an ATI mobility 9000 is the SAME as an ATI 9000? do you know how dumbed down the technology is t get that thing to fit in the body of that it's bitsy laptop? the M 9000 is probably equivalent to an ATI 6500, it's not gonna work, but as they went up to about 9600 in the mobility familly they fixed that problem, the ATI M 9600 runs about as well as a normal 9700, it works beautifully.
  12. and just to add, in the *system requirements* it's talking about a desktop computer, It NEVER ONCE talks about the *MOBILITY* Familly of ATI cards, you have to face it man, laptop technology is a WHOLE nother ball game, the same rules don't apply. I wish there was some way I could help you, the mobility 9000 just won't cut it, especially on this new game.
  13. you are using a laptop, you aren't supposed to play kotor games on a laptop, if you want to, go buy a laptop with an ATI 9600 or better... it will not run on your laptop, it's all the videocard on laptops, believe me. sorry man.
  14. IMHO there is are 2 ways to improve your post. 1. Take more english lessons. 2. Think about what you want to say b4 you start typing. Sorry, no offense, I just could not help myself. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> the only REAL spelling error is i typed "but" instead of "by" woops. everything else is gramatically correct. P.S.: I love to laugh at people who try and correct other's spelling on a forum for a game, or anything not at all pertaining to "english," grammer, language, or school. Lets face it, are you here to be a grammar teacher or a gaming enthusiast? I, myself, pick the latter. EDIT: I did notice what I had done wrong immediatelly after submitting, however I chose to wait for you/someone to make fun of it. lol I also realized I had also made another error, this part; "build it for/release the PC," should have been, "build it/release it for the PC first." Though, on the otherhand, maybe the reason so many "posters" love to banter on about grammatical errors is because they lack the brain power to descifer through insignificant, meaningless, time wasting "poo-doo," so to speak(type, really). But maybe I'm in probable error in that respect aswell.
  15. In my opinion to get the biggest possible Improvement would include two steps: 1) give it back to BIOWARE 2) build it for/release the PC, there will be way less bugs, and it will run way better, even on xbox, cause face it, but the time k3 comes out the new xbox will be too, and it'll be as nice as PC's nowadays.
  16. The 1.3 patch fixes this problem. Getting loads of computer spikes from T3 had never been easier. " And no containers on the Hawk? Argh. Anyway, I don't really have any qualms about the new HUD. The only difference from KotOR's HUD to TSL's HUD is that your party's potrait, the menu where you activate your force powers, stims, etc. are switched, and its green instead of blue. And there's the 'switch weapon' button and an hour-glass thingy beside your character's potrait. All the other differences are subtle. I'm getting used to it already. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> no no no, lol I tried to state this as clearelly as possible, I was refferencing the difference between the HUD's in "KotOR 1 PC version" and the "KotOR 2 PC version." K1's PC HUD is different than K1's XBOX HUD. Which I liked. the problem is this: K2's PC HUD, so far, is the same as K2's XBOX HUD, which is basically the same as K1's XBOX HUD, which I don't like. Does that still not make sense?
  17. Yeah I absolutelly love the new inventory system in kII, though I wish there was a tab for new items, I liked using that so it was easier to see what you just picked up. Didn't see that option in there. The weapon switch is beatiful though.
  18. heh, well I was looking at some of the PC screenshots for the PC version that's comin out (kotorII obviously) and I noticed a few things that i'm 'mad' about, lol. In the KotOR PC version they changed up the HUD a lot in comparason to the xbox version, and I loved it and got so used to it. I noticed that the PC port of kII has the EXACT SAME hud as the xbox version, and i'm not happy, though they did happen to slap in the little menu bar on the top right, which I never even used. I really hate how the xbox hud works, I really hope they revamp the hud the way bioware did. With that said, I will be unhappy and pout all the way through the game, but I'm not stupid or stubborn enough to not get it just for those reasons, I love it too much. I was also just lettin ya guys know what I noticed. And dev's can comment if they like! I'd love to hear yer guys vew point, as much as I want you to consider mine. Thanks, and especially for making such an excellent game/sequel! later later.
  19. Are we talking Celsius here because if we are that is running hot for a p4 at idle. mine runs at 41 C <{POST_SNAPBACK}> haha, nope I was talkin about my 6800, my cpu usually idle at like 40 yeah.
  20. I wouldn't mind if they gave me a 99% discount on all items purchased The best place for discounts is Dell unless you own your own computer manufacturing business or know someone very very well... In October, they were offering 40% discounts and a free flat panel. In November, it was 30%. Now they are offering 25% of notebooks and 10% off desktops. Wait a week or two, the offers will change. You can get your dream system from Dell : 3.6 GHz Extreme Edition, 4GB of DDR2-533, X850 XT PE... *drools* PS: I got an alienware laptop as a gift, it came fully loaded w/ 1.5GB Ram, 3.4GHz EE, and a 6800 Go card. I tried running it on batteries and they died within 2 hours. Never go for alienware if you actually want to USE your computer where there is no wall outlet... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hey if you don't want the laptop give me your e-mail address and I'll give you my home address and i'll pay for shipping, hehe but serisously, if you don't want it, I'll be glad to have it, I'd love to have a laptop... lol.
  21. when I played through the recent one they weren't too bad, it was strange though, did anyone else notice how they were all kind of in the middle of the game? absolutelly none in the begining. then all of a sudden a slew of bugs infesting and wasting time, and all at once they seased, none whatsoever all the way through the end, weird, I think that bothered me more that the bugs did, ha, lol. bugs happen, get over them, or should I say... "walk right over them," they are bugs after all, lol, they may get annoying but they won't ruin the game. lol
  22. Glad, on with the BUG FIXING!!! Though either way I don't care, but I'd rather them optimize just so there isn't a new guy in the tech forum asking the same 3 questions every week or so.
  23. You're lucky that you have Gainward's cooling system. In my opinion, its the best one you can get besides things like the NV Silencer 5. I've seen the card and wish they had a PCI-e variant so I could grab one. :D The stock GT cooling sucks... Or just my cooling <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Gainward actually does! they do have a PCI Express version, GT only though, and I'm not sure if it's up for SLI, I'll check though. here's their sight for it: click erg... I could find absolutelly none of them online, crudness, maybe in a few months.
  24. in regaurds to the temps, idle is about 49 to 51, and don't really know about load, never really used anything to check. luckilly the GAINWARD, hehe, comes "stock" with a copper heatsink, and two nice fans hooked on, so it's keeps quite cool. yeah the P4C800 "Deluxe" is just a 478 er whatever [socket 478 Intel 875P] (hey, I like it, lol) web site here and with the HDDs, well, before "I was in the know," about PC's, like back in 2002 I got a dell, it was decent, and i've been adding and building on to it, when I got the new mobo, i got a new case, then went nuts with upgrades like every two months. So bassically, initially I had the 40 in there when I got it, then I got an extra 60 for some added space. Now, I totally would have gone right out and bought 2 Raptors and gone a "screaming" as my friend calls it, but it would have been a total waste of money, because I'd never use the other drives, so I just got another 60 and RAID'd em, way more cost efficient, plus in a few years, the'll have 200TB drives at 5billion RPMs, so i'm not worried, I'll get some better drives when I get the money, all of ine is gone as of now, lol. Believe me, I would kill someone to get two of the 74 10kRPM drives, or maybe 4 or 5, then get a new mobo, prolly go dual Xeon's, 8GB of PQI RAM setup a delicious RAID 5....... so don't have the money, lol, too bad ey, heh, my comp is way too nice as it is, any faster is almost unnoticable, I can always find way simpler ways to get a few more frames lol, and I'm not currently ripping movies, or encoding vids, or music, or doing any 3d/cad/rendering or any kind, so I think word/pp/xl and games'll run just fine, lol, though I need to test out that new version of Firefox, looks nice. haha, later.
  25. actually it's just DDR it's dualchannel 400(2x200), it's 2x512MB ram and the 6800 is AGP 8x, PX is too pointless in my opinion right now anyway, plus i bought my card before they even invented PX. And believe me when I say, Gainward is also a great G-card manu. that allows huge OC's, the stock on my GT was 350/1000, and I can run it at 445/1185, I consider that pretty damn good. lol, I can run it at 450/1200, however after about 20 minutes artifacts start up. I'll have to add it all up again to tell you how much it all cost, without the new monitor prolly around $2500, or less, I got a ton of really nice deals.
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