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Everything posted by InsaneCommander

  1. Attack on Titan Wow. The last episode was probably the best thing I ever saw on tv. And that means a lot considering how good this show is.
  2. Nothing to see here. Move along.
  3. And Idiocracy.
  4. In that case, don't own a cat like Hercules:
  5. I watched Knives Out this week. Very good twists.
  6. Can anyone who has a cat explain to me why they attack people like this? I'm talking about the second case. The first one deserved it.
  7. I didn't continue this discussion to avoid the risk of giving any spoilers. But some of what you said has been addressed in episode 5.07.
  8. Florida manatee with 'Trump' scraped into back spurs a federal investigation Can the animals be left out of this madness? They don't even vote.
  9. There is too much nonsense in Prometheus. The honest trailer and the everything wrong with it videos make a good summary of the problems, but the film is beautiful. The Red Letter Media videos are gold. Now I'll have to rewatch them. Edit: the Engineers hated and wanted to wipe out mankind 2000 years ago, so some people think it was because Jesus was one of them and he was killed.
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