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random evil guy

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Everything posted by random evil guy

  1. not a lot in that teaser, but i'm looking forward to ME2. loved the first one. except for the generic side quests. driving around in that stupid, overblown renault espace got tiresome...
  2. the only ones i know of are dragon age, hearts of iron 3 and empires:total war. any other decent rpg, rts or general strategy games on the horizon? i'm thinking of buying the new warhammer game.
  3. ok, but i like shooters as well as long as there is a decent story behind it, some variability, a little bit of conversation and progressively improving character. for instance deus ex. think i'll try out command&conquer red alert 3 first. a big c&c fan and wouldn't have to learn how to play the game first. as i would with gc2 and sins of solar empire, which i think are two excelent games.
  4. picked up a few games recently, but what to play: bioshock sins of a solar empire jade empire gears of war 2 galactic civ the witcher i've just finished playing fallout3 and mass effect and enjoyed both of them, so i wouldn't mind another action rpg. is bioshock, which i've heard is similar, any good? what type of game is the witcher? stupid hack and slash rpg like diablo or is it more to it?
  5. On the off chance that your question is a serious one, I shall reply seriously. Because the supreme court, which is charged with interpreting constititional issues, has decreed that the constitional right to bear arms does not require every household to have a basement full of military and nuclear weapons, but does require that the average, non-felonious citizen has the right to carry a weapon suitable to protect himself, his property and his family. so they're interpreting the constitution as they see fit. what is 'suitable'? who are they to say that i shouldn't have a rpg in my basement?
  6. why? if you've got a right to bear arms, why not carry around a rpg or a nuclear bomb? who's to say it must be limited to handheld guns? furthermore, why do americans consider the constitution as 'perfect'? if there is something you don't like, then change it. simple, really...
  7. i think he can own one. at least you can in norway, and sweden is fairly similar to norway. although, you can't buy one at your local supermarket... as for crime rate, hah. compare norway's and the us' crime rate and then come back...
  8. i look at the force as a close relative of the concept of 'karma'.
  9. the peace prize is a bit different. it is awarded by the norwegian nobel committee, while all the others are awarded by swedish academies.
  10. well, math isn't really science either. then again, they have one in literature....
  11. Thats wrong. http://nobelprize.org/ <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, it is a greyzone. The economy prize was not insitigated by Alfred Nobel but by the national bank of Sweden in 1968 under the name "Swedens national bank award in economic science to the memory of Alfred Nobel". The prize is not paid for by the Nobel Foundation but by the bank, what makes it confusing is that the award is handed out at the same ceremony as the real awards. After a while it got so mixed up that the differance is not emphasized anymore. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> not only is economics in itself frowned upon by many natural scientists, but furthermore, as you mention, alfred nobel did not establish the prize for economics in his will. it was implemented much later by the bank of sweden. so, it is not a nobel prize per say.
  12. quick note, he's not a nobel prize winner as there is no nobel prize for economics...
  13. why do everyone assume sylar is 'extracting' the skills of these other mutants he's killing? come on, the show is a bit stupid and cartoony, but that doesn't mean it's totally retarded. 'stealing powers'? jesus, could it get more inane and overplayed...
  14. why is that such a bad thing? is it because you oppose the kyote agreement in itself or is it a more general approach to the entire issue of global warming?
  15. atheism rules. theism sux. mkay?
  16. you really are a geek...
  17. heroes is both really boring and just soooo played. a down right retarded show for retarded people... can't believe smith, which is superb, got cancelled while this piece of **** stays on...
  18. i like short people. they amuse me.
  19. desert eagle is in the game? sweet. last time i played, i ignored all the guns and focused entirely on melee and unarmed combat. where can i buy it?
  20. what are the best ranged weapons and where can i find them? so far, i've got the 9mm, the shotgun and the uzi. neither of them are top notch, but i guess the 9mm is decent.
  21. Tremere are awesome. Even the lowest level powers kick major butt. As for turning off powers that are active, press F8 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> thanks for the help. for some reason humans seem to have a problem with my chick walking around covered in blood... btw, tremeres suck balls. useless the lot of them!
  22. i don't know. i think my tremere sucks balls, while the gangrel kicked ass. anyway, how do i 'turn off' my blood shield? i used it in a fight and when i tried walking outside again, i got a masquerade violation...
  23. is it just me, or is gangrel by far the best clan? i'm playing as a tremere now and that whole blood magic sucks. it's pretty much useless, at least up to level 3(my current level). the gangrel had a much cooler ability; not only could he turn into a bear like creature but he could send out these bats who drained enemies for blood and then returned it to you. while you were fighting.
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