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random evil guy

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Everything posted by random evil guy

  1. Well, I could say that there is no evidence that a god/s doesn't exist, and that absence of evidence, as you say, is fact. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> again, this is a logical fallacy. shifting the burden of proof... there is no evidence super mice from the future created the earth 2000 years ago, but it is hardly likely... the claim is 'god exists', but there is no evidence to support the claim. ergo should the claim be rejected. that is the rational choice.
  2. That is your opinion, not fact. Try not to get those two confused. Don't worry, it happens to a lot of people. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> no, absence of evidence is a fact. there is absolutely evidence that proves, or even indicates, the existance of god(s). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What evidence disproves it? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> don't try to shift the burden of proof here. otherwise we'd have to go into the leprechon, pink elephants or unicorn argument and nobody wants that... an extrordinary claim requires extrodinary proof. there is no proof of gods, ergo the claim is rejected. end of.
  3. That is your opinion, not fact. Try not to get those two confused. Don't worry, it happens to a lot of people. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> no, absence of evidence is a fact. there is absolutely evidence that proves, or even indicates, the existance of god(s).
  4. there is no god. absence of evidence is, in this case, evidence of absence. btw, even if there was a god, who cares. 'it' doesn't, clearly, interact with humans so 'it' is in any case irrelevant. the bible, and every other religious text, is written by ignorant humans and ergo useless.
  5. i try to. when i'm not using it, yes. yes, but why would i turn on the hot water several times a day? i shower and shave in the morning and that's about it... yes. well, not so much a bag, but a back pack. yup. yup.
  6. http://www.fred.net/tds/noodles/noodle.html :D
  7. i'll break it down for you people real simple: europe, good. the rest, bad. mmmkaaaay?
  8. depends on what is 'discovered' i guess. could for example one lay claim to entire planets?
  9. so we'll se if it's any good then...
  10. god jul
  11. hm, getting nuked or have to put up with americans... have to admit, it's a tough one.
  12. The Tupolew Tu-160 is a fine aircraft...but let's face it, it's a copycat of the B1 Lancer, just like they did with the B-29, observe: maybe, but it is bigger, faster and cooler! besides, the b-1b was 'based' on tu-22 backfire...
  13. maybe, but it is still ugly as hell...
  14. isn't it lovely?
  15. madrugada - live at tralfamadore majesty is the best song ever!
  16. you're right, but considering the current situation a ruling was needed. i read some of the verdict and it is pretty good reading. the judge tore the creationists a new one.... such fun! :D
  17. You think I'm anywhere near right of center? You made a ridiculous remark about US servicemen. It's to be expected that US servicemen, no matter their political orientation, will resent it. Speaking of ad hominems, casting aspersions on the mental capacity of well over two million people might just qualify, don't you think? No, you've convinced me. You definitely know what you're talking about. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> why do i need to convince you? all i claim is that my opinions aren't completely unfounded like you'd like to believe.
  18. So let me get this straight. You did a forced year in Norway's premiere coffee-drinking club, and now you're convinced that gives you firsthand knowledge of how the US military works, and what kind of people it has in it? You have consistently overlooked the fact that every last one of our guys is a volunteer, as opposed to a system that required conscription due to the lack of intestinal fortitude amongst the native population. Similar mentalities? Yeah, right. You know how rare it is to find a guy who's in or been in that's willing to call everyone else in the service a moron over here? The vast majority of our guys have a little thing called pride in their jobs - though I'll have to remember I'm talking to a Scandinavian here, so maybe this isn't the path to take. Hades was bitching many moons ago about how he hated the military, and I asked him if he'd seen a few too many captain's masts. That's what we figure about a guy with an attitude like yours; he couldn't hack it and got his ass punted. You don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about, so pretty please, with a cherry on top, shut your mouth and let the grown-ups talk. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> how clever. *shut up*. you learned that from bill o'reily...? in addition, your reasoning is flawed and infested with ad hominems and strawman arguments...like you said, grow up. first of all, i even spent time with us forces during a joint nato excercise. so i do know what i'm talking about. secondly, the norwegian army is on the same level, in terms of training, tactics and equipment as most other nato armed forces. including the us. thirdly, all of the officers and enlisted men are volunteers here as well and they are the ones who defines the very culture and structure of the organization. the conscripts are just cheap labor ants.
  19. First of all, you ought to be in your corner still. I ain't let you out yet. Second of all, the Norwegian military isn't what one conjures up when the words "combat prowess" are spoken. I have nothing against any of our allies, but you're going to have to do better than that. Why not just take Norway's economy and use it to explain that of the United States? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> actually. the norwegian(and all of the scandinavian) armed forces are considered to be very good. still, i fail to see how this is even relevant? the norwegian air force is very similar in both structure, equipment and 'mentality' to the us air force. i even spent some time with us forces in a joint nato winter excercise. the difference was negligible...
  20. No, actually my objective is to make the other bastard die for his. And even if I should die for my country, I will have no regrets because I died defending what I love and believe in. So are you telling me that you would not fight and risk death for your country if it came under attack? I definitely will once I get to Ranger battalion. I have some pictures from airborne school, but they're on a disposable camera. But I'll try to get them developed and posted up on here ASAP. It's too bad I couldn't bring a camera with me on my jumps though :D congrats, you're a moron for joining... go get yourself killed for absolutely no reason. i wont even mention what a ****ed up organziation the army really is... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, you sound like you really know what you are talking about You just sound like a little punk who doesn't understand that the military is the one who protects the freedoms and rights that you hold so dearly. Maybe some day you will appreciate the sacrifices that the armed forces have made so you don't have to. While you sit at home on your computer talking on forums, they are out there fighting and destroying those who would do harm to you and the rest of the country. They fight so you don't have to. But that makes them a bunch of morons in a ****ed up organization, right? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> actually, i have served. norway has mandetory millitary service and i spent a year in the air force. the army is an inefficient kindergarten for retards, defects and other losers who can't make it in the real world.
  21. according to who, you? you get to be the ultimate arbiter are who gets to claim what heritage. i'd like to see you stand before a non-practicing jew and tell him/her he is not a jew. pretty incredulous claim there. pretty foolish as well, to make such ill-informed statements without anything other than... oh yeah, your opinion. highly regarded as it is, too. uh, now you don't make sense. by definition, lineage is where you descended from. in other words, if you descended from the same place, you have the same lineage. in other words, not all palestinians are semites... they come from different places. taks <{POST_SNAPBACK}> jews is a subgroup of semites, as palestinians are. do you understand now? they both descend from the original semites who lived in that area prior to the founding of judaism. they're the same 'ethnicity'. only difference is religion and culture... what do you mean the palestinians come from 'different places'? they, like the jews, descend from the semites who lived in the area in and around palestine thousends of years ago. just because they spread out afterwards, doesn't mean they don't descend from the semites living there first...
  22. congrats, you're a moron for joining... go get yourself killed for absolutely no reason. i wont even mention what a ****ed up organziation the army really is...
  23. some, but not all... they claim heritage from a variety of places, including rome. that's what my point was in the follow up, i.e. modern day palestinians do not really have a common heritage or lineage. they are a mixture of several cultures over time. nope, well, at least not only. lots of jews don't believe in judaism. read up relevant passage: "In modern usage, Jews include both those Jews actively practicing Judaism, and those Jews who, while not practicing Judaism as a religion, still identify themselves as Jews by virtue of their family's Jewish heritage and their own cultural identification." most of the jewish friends i've had in my life called themselves "jews" but did not connect with the religion. taks <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1.it is an error. jews like to think of themselves as a 'people', but they're not. they're just semites. just like the palestinians. religion doesn't make you special, sorry... 2.it doesn't matter if palestinians have a common lineage or not. both the palestinians and the 'jews' are semites and decend from the semites who lived there thousends of years ago.
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