Looking back it's easy to notice all the clues, but since KotOR was my first rpg that i actually finished, i didn't pay enough attention to these obvious clues. I thought that Bastilla was Revan all the time, silly me.
Huh? The main character was not a force adept??? Did i see a different film to you? For what ever reason.......
He was referring to one of the main characters, probably Han Solo.
Simply, Linux is the nerd utopia, an os that you can tweak with as much as you want. It's been proven to be superior to windows in several areas besides gaming.
<_< But don't you get bored just killing anything in your way? Not to mention how easy the combat was in KotOR. Being as soldier would only make it twice as boring and alot easier. :ph34r:
Hey, what can i tell? I was Revan! The former Dark Lord of the Sith! (But i always put all my skill-points to 'persuade' though.)
Ok, so it was done by someone else. Doesn't matter you know, it still got ported (even the expansion packs). I still think it's all about politics
It's not called "politics" by the suits. It's called "market strategy"
Malak propably, he whined almost as much as Carth, although he had a more sinister tone to it. Enjoying killing Jolee is something that's beyond me, i can't play DS another time for that sheer reason.