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Everything posted by Meshugger

  1. That's really the thing. Many of us played the South Park game, which was tasteless and horrible, but also hilarious and sardonic. Hatred looks rather pointless. Are the redeeming qualities that you can kill people and they will scream for mercy? Where is the audience for that? Why do people listen to Cannibal Corpse and Dying Fetus?
  2. See post #65. Meh. Which is nothing i have against in principle, anyone has an opinion about anything. It's just that i do not like when journalists collaborate in a conspiracy to declare that gamers are dead.
  3. Seems like the weekend has started slowly with the regular pie throwing contest.
  4. Is how you put it, while I prefer "a rather large number of gamers objecting on principle to any kind of academic discussion about games". I mean, if you feel your opinions and priorities don't match that of games journalists', therefore their articles offer nothing of value to you - by all means, refrain from giving them money and exposure. But decrying games journalism as "corrupted by the leftist agenda" which therefore has to be torn down leaves an unpleasant taste in my mouth. Why can't we just let the free market decide whether there is enough demand for gaming websites with a SJW outlook to make them profitable? Except that is not what happened. It was just not any academic discussion with panels discussing the merits of online gaming, communication and building communities, or workshops about knowledge-building in gaming and interactive environments. You know, what academia usually does: having a platform to increase the overall knowledge of given subject. Instead gaming magazines told the readers as it was a normal form conduct that they are culture, and that it should die (granted it had been brewing with all kinds of similar articles before that, but it was the tipping point). Not only that, leaks showed that they were all collaborating with a common agenda, you know, a conspiracy. Of course all discussion about this on their forums and friends forums were quickly silenced as well. If they had been open about this with honest and frank language, like adults do, this gamergate would've never happened. But instead they were planning and reacting like mentally stunted teenagers, and thus everything developed in an organic procedure. So now your problem is censorship, not "politicizing games". Make up your mind already. See post #65.
  5. Old media seems to have the same despicable modus operandi.
  6. Is how you put it, while I prefer "a rather large number of gamers objecting on principle to any kind of academic discussion about games". I mean, if you feel your opinions and priorities don't match that of games journalists', therefore their articles offer nothing of value to you - by all means, refrain from giving them money and exposure. But decrying games journalism as "corrupted by the leftist agenda" which therefore has to be torn down leaves an unpleasant taste in my mouth. Why can't we just let the free market decide whether there is enough demand for gaming websites with a SJW outlook to make them profitable? Except that is not what happened. It was just not any academic discussion with panels discussing the merits of online gaming, communication and building communities, or workshops about knowledge-building in gaming and interactive environments. You know, what academia usually does: having a platform to increase the overall knowledge of given subject. Instead gaming magazines told the readers as it was a normal form conduct that they are culture, and that it should die (granted it had been brewing with all kinds of similar articles before that, but it was the tipping point). Not only that, leaks showed that they were all collaborating with a common agenda, you know, a conspiracy. Of course all discussion about this on their forums and friends forums were quickly silenced as well. If they had been open about this with honest and frank language, like adults do, this gamergate would've never happened. But instead they were planning and reacting like mentally stunted teenagers, and thus everything developed in an organic procedure.
  7. Excellent, now we're getting somewhere. Source on those pics....? They're form ZQ, yeah not gonna bother with that.
  8. Look, dude, if pointing out that there's no inherent contradiction between a person saying she's been a gamer since forever, then responding to a question specifically asking whether she's actually playing the games she's criticizing with a no (which, by the way, is a rather dumb attitude, but that's beside the point) is wrong, then I'm not sure I want to be right. Also, you were asking whether #GG has MRA contributors, I've provided you with the first example that jumped to my mind. I can dig around in the early 4chan logs for similar sentiments, cuz I've seen plenty, but... really, it's not an argument I want to waste any more of my precious energy on. I'm not saying #GG is solely comprised of MRAs, but going like "nah, no MRA has ever been associated with us" is also blatantly wrong. The point lies in sincerity, remember? How can anyone take her seriously when she makes such claims. Well, i can find Neo-nazis supporting the pink ribbon. That's the point i am making, no one here has claimed that gamergate is completely free of dumb*****, and the movement is not about them. Much of this drama comes from these journalists (SJWs or not) trying to politicize games and people who they think are gamers, when games are enjoyed by everyone....well from the looks of it, except by those that criticize them for being of some -ism.
  9. She's been playing games since she was a kid. She also doesn't play the games she usually mentions in her videos. I fail to see the contradiction. As for the gamergate's association with the MRA crowd, I'm pretty sure that whichever clown tweeted this has to be quite close to them. That's preeeeetty thin. Who are those two? and I see no gamergate tag.
  10. No such thing. Instead there are random people enjoying RTS-games, driving simulators, RPGs, enjoy combative online shooters and so on. But suddenly some journalists claimed that they were one single culture, a sexist one, morphed into one race of white people who failed at life and this culture should die. Then the entertainment started.
  11. This needs to be said again, as was stated at rpgcodex: http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/index.php?threads/worst-thread-ever-general-gaming-sjw-dumping-ground-currently-airing-gamergate.90469/page-367#post-3542787 I am still waiting for more entertainment from Wu. Has she been on Oprah yet?
  12. Sure, please point these people out and state their sexism. Nothing from Gawker and Vox media please, since they have been proven not to be neutral.
  13. A girl has the audacity to have a different opinion! Quickly, she needs to be re-educated, she has been brainwashed by the misogynists!
  14. Nice try. Now, point them out and state their crimes.
  15. Point them out please.
  16. Journalistic ethics and harassment may usually be two completely separate things. In this context, however, they're not. Like it or not, you're throwing your lot in with the harassers, and soiling both yourself and the cause of ethics in journalism in the process. If you're not a neckbearded manchild yourself, then you're, as Lenin dubbed Western milquetoast lefties supporting, or at least not opposing, the Bolshevik revolution, a "useful idiot." Leigh, pls. You're triggering our moderator.
  17. Ah, GG will lose out in the end, but it's nice to see things torn up. Wu's hard now, by the way - http://www.xojane.com/it-happened-to-me/brianna-wu-gamergate I like how not a single connection to gamergate was presented. Also, her friend Samantha Allen is a special case: https://archive.today/iITfR Keep fighting the good fight!
  18. I had a few minutes to waste. That said, this thread has opened my eyes to just how many neckbearded man-children inhabit this very forum. I'm frankly shocked. I thought more of us were fully-socialized adults, more or less. I also think that if you're more upset about indie games not getting the exposure you think they deserve than lives and careers being if not ruined at least severely harmed by this stuff, you are one of those neckbearded man-children. Go to bed Leigh Alexander, you're drunk.
  19. That has the potential to be as great as Bonestorm.
  20. Again, 92 seconds of you time.
  21. Now that is some writing, i tell you.
  22. Like what? I mean, apart from "some person I've barely heard of said or did something dishonest or mean." Let me steal 91 seconds of your time: It is *grab-popcorn*-interesting because these journalists are so unapologeticly stupid when they can only spew vitrol like how gamers are like the KKK, worse than ISIS, misogynists and any other pathetic insult that you can find. It's like they swallowed Jack Thompson's message and repackaged it as social justice.
  23. She was supposed to?
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