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Everything posted by Meshugger

  1. I do not recall any article publicly claiming this back in August. Link?
  2. Milo is at it again: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/02/13/the-wacky-world-of-wu-the-tortured-history-of-gamergates-self-styled-feminist-martyr/ This will be my last post about e-celebs until the next one.
  3. They should've changed the music to something more bombastic, like:
  4. Yes, i know. My point was that of all people that would produce an episode about GG, it just happened to be someone with that name. Oh, http://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/ (check the banner) and, http://redchan.it
  5. HAhahahahaa What, as in Dickwolves in the PA-strip? There truly is a God. I'm dying here.....hahahaha
  6. God damn, 2015 is really shaping up to be a good year.
  7. Want to have a laugh while waiting for the SVU episode to run? Have at it: https://archive.today/guoOJ
  8. It seems to banked on the "relatively safe investment"-account by the board of executives of the studio's 5 year plan. *yawn*
  9. What? There's a reboot?
  10. Eurogamer updates reviewing policy, removes scores entirely. Thanks Obama! GamerGate! http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-02-10-eurogamer-has-dropped-review-scores
  11. Pinsof is still being bullied: https://twitter.com/megaspacepanda/status/563443081148510208 Another dev conformed what Pinsof claimed, only to backpedal pretty quickly:
  12. After Pinsof told Techraptor about Phil Fish stealing code from McGrath, this happened: Seems like there is more surrounding this clique of people.
  13. Why do i get a slight vibe, a tingling sense so to speak, that the purpose of adding this article to this thread was nothing more than trying paint the troll blanket all over GG again? All while Mr. usual suspect subtly wants to add pressure on why people in the thread are not feeling the feels mandated by his narrative? Because exposing fraudsters, fighting corruption and conflicts of interests simply matters less? Perhaps not as easy? Quite interesting none the less.
  14. When i think i trolls, i navigate to http://8ch.net/ and then check the /cow/ and /baphomet/-boards. From my perspective of things, /cow/ actively seeks out e-celebs and give them attention enough to make the victim make a fool of themselves and "milk" them until they get bored. Look into Peter Coffin and his doll girlfriend for more info. /baphomet/ on the other hand actively seeks to destroy people they do not like. For instance, someone finds a mormon that officially hates gays. The victim gets doxxed, they find his or hers relatives and send them "i am concerned about his gay behaviour"-mails, order subcriptions to various gay maganizes to his company adress, they create fake twitter accounts and spam them about this guys behaviour, create entries about him in encyclopedia dramatica and link them on facebook for his friends. The "fun" part comes from the guys meltdown. Then they move on. Both boards do not like each due these, uh, philosophical differences. They think that GG is a bunch of "moralfags" and have attacked several pro-GG people as well (like Lo-Ping) and almost every other board on 8chan hates or avoids them. Just my 2 cents.
  15. Its basically just a bunch of early 20 something y/o males whining about "SJW's" under the guise of "fighting for ethics in games journalism". It's a movement insomuch that the 14 year olds on tumblr complaining about how oppressed they are being a frog/leaf/whatever are a movement. Why go with the lamest possible outcome when we all have imaginations that can lift the noblest spirit to commit heroic deeds that will shake very the foundations of our western society and rid of the tyranny of the minds of man for aons to come. What if this is just the beginning, that little spark that will bring a paradigm change on how people will see their purpose in life? Sure beats nihilism, which is the eternal enemy of the mind.
  16. Americans, what the swearword of the month is this? http://www.adl.org/assets/pdf/education-outreach/is-gaming-a-boys-club.pdf Example:
  17. Why should anyone believe a single a word printed on Kotaku? That boat sailed long ago.
  18. I've watched it live. Not the entire thing though. Was there some kind of debate? Because I've seen no signs of such. It was me and i mispoke. He was simply co-opting the panel discussion. Nothing really of note in the end. Part III of the Pinsof story: http://techraptor.net/content/gamergate-destrutoid-interview-allistair-pinsof-part-3
  19. May IGF burn to the ground.
  20. Isn't Dan Golding the same guy who downloaded CP from 8chan and posted them on Twitter just to prove a point? But yeah, they have no ground to stand on, they have nothing but their own precious narrative. Btw, guess who was awarded with the "Humanist of the year (2014)" at Harvard: https://archive.today/N9S73
  21. http://www.twitch.tv/totalbiscuit Total Biscuit vs. Jason Schreier in a debate.
  22. One thing in the article, the part about the SuperBunneyHop joining GameJournoPros, was this ever covered before?
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